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// Rust Bitcoin Library
// Written in 2014 by
// Andrew Poelstra <>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
// along with this software.
// If not, see <>.
//! # Addresses
//! Support for ordinary base58 Bitcoin addresses
use secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use secp256k1::key::PublicKey;
use blockdata::script;
use blockdata::opcodes;
use network::constants::Network;
use util::hash::Hash160;
use util::base58::{self, FromBase58, ToBase58};
/// The method used to produce an address
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Type {
/// Standard pay-to-pkhash address
/// New-fangled P2SH address
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// A Bitcoin address
pub struct Address {
/// The type of the address
pub ty: Type,
/// The network on which this address is usable
pub network: Network,
/// The pubkeyhash that this address encodes
pub hash: Hash160
impl Address {
/// Creates an address from a public key
pub fn from_key(network: Network, pk: &PublicKey, compressed: bool) -> Address {
let secp = Secp256k1::without_caps();
Address {
ty: Type::PubkeyHash,
network: network,
hash: Hash160::from_data(&pk.serialize_vec(&secp, compressed)[..])
/// Generates a script pubkey spending to this address
pub fn script_pubkey(&self) -> script::Script {
let mut script = script::Builder::new();
match self.ty {
Type::PubkeyHash => {
Type::ScriptHash => {
impl ToBase58 for Address {
fn base58_layout(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut ret = vec![
match (, self.ty) {
(Network::Bitcoin, Type::PubkeyHash) => 0,
(Network::Bitcoin, Type::ScriptHash) => 5,
(Network::Testnet, Type::PubkeyHash) => 111,
(Network::Testnet, Type::ScriptHash) => 196
impl FromBase58 for Address {
fn from_base58_layout(data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Address, base58::Error> {
if data.len() != 21 {
return Err(base58::Error::InvalidLength(data.len()));
let (network, ty) = match data[0] {
0 => (Network::Bitcoin, Type::PubkeyHash),
5 => (Network::Bitcoin, Type::ScriptHash),
111 => (Network::Testnet, Type::PubkeyHash),
196 => (Network::Testnet, Type::ScriptHash),
x => { return Err(base58::Error::InvalidVersion(vec![x])); }
Ok(Address {
ty: ty,
network: network,
hash: Hash160::from(&data[1..])
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for Address {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.to_base58check())
mod tests {
use secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use secp256k1::key::PublicKey;
use serialize::hex::FromHex;
use blockdata::script::Script;
use network::constants::Network::{Bitcoin, Testnet};
use util::hash::Hash160;
use util::base58::{FromBase58, ToBase58};
use super::*;
macro_rules! hex (($hex:expr) => ($hex.from_hex().unwrap()));
macro_rules! hex_key (($secp:expr, $hex:expr) => (PublicKey::from_slice($secp, &hex!($hex)).unwrap()));
macro_rules! hex_script (($hex:expr) => (Script::from(hex!($hex))));
fn test_p2pkh_address_58() {
let addr = Address {
ty: Type::PubkeyHash,
network: Bitcoin,
hash: Hash160::from(&"162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b070".from_hex().unwrap()[..])
assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("76a914162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b07088ac"));
assert_eq!(&addr.to_base58check(), "132F25rTsvBdp9JzLLBHP5mvGY66i1xdiM");
assert_eq!(FromBase58::from_base58check("132F25rTsvBdp9JzLLBHP5mvGY66i1xdiM"), Ok(addr));
fn test_p2pkh_from_key() {
let secp = Secp256k1::without_caps();
let key = hex_key!(&secp, "048d5141948c1702e8c95f438815794b87f706a8d4cd2bffad1dc1570971032c9b6042a0431ded2478b5c9cf2d81c124a5e57347a3c63ef0e7716cf54d613ba183");
let addr = Address::from_key(Bitcoin, &key, false);
assert_eq!(&addr.to_base58check(), "1QJVDzdqb1VpbDK7uDeyVXy9mR27CJiyhY");
let key = hex_key!(&secp, &"03df154ebfcf29d29cc10d5c2565018bce2d9edbab267c31d2caf44a63056cf99f");
let addr = Address::from_key(Testnet, &key, true);
assert_eq!(&addr.to_base58check(), "mqkhEMH6NCeYjFybv7pvFC22MFeaNT9AQC");
fn test_p2sh_address_58() {
let addr = Address {
ty: Type::ScriptHash,
network: Bitcoin,
hash: Hash160::from(&"162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b070".from_hex().unwrap()[..])
assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("a914162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b07087"));
assert_eq!(&addr.to_base58check(), "33iFwdLuRpW1uK1RTRqsoi8rR4NpDzk66k");
assert_eq!(FromBase58::from_base58check("33iFwdLuRpW1uK1RTRqsoi8rR4NpDzk66k"), Ok(addr));