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//! Implements an example PSBT workflow.
//! The workflow we simulate is that of a setup using a watch-only online wallet (contains only
//! public keys) and a cold-storage signing wallet (contains the private keys).
//! You can verify the workflow using `bitcoind` and `bitcoin-cli`.
//! ## Example Setup
//! 1. Start Bitcoin Core in Regtest mode, for example:
//! `bitcoind -regtest -server -daemon -fallbackfee=0.0002 -rpcuser=admin -rpcpassword=pass -rpcallowip= -rpcbind= -blockfilterindex=1 -peerblockfilters=1`
//! 2. Define a shell alias to `bitcoin-cli`, for example:
//! `alias bt=bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=admin -rpcpassword=pass -rpcport=18443`
//! 3. Create (or load) a default wallet, for example:
//! `bt createwallet <wallet-name>`
//! 4. Mine some blocks, for example:
//! `bt generatetoaddress 110 $(bt getnewaddress)`
//! 5. Get the details for a UTXO to fund the PSBT with:
//! `bt listunspent`
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use bitcoin::bip32::{
ChildNumber, DerivationPath, ExtendedPrivKey, ExtendedPubKey, Fingerprint, IntoDerivationPath,
use bitcoin::consensus::encode;
use bitcoin::hashes::hex::FromHex;
use bitcoin::locktime::absolute;
use bitcoin::psbt::{self, Input, Psbt, PsbtSighashType};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{Secp256k1, Signing, Verification};
use bitcoin::{
Address, Amount, Network, OutPoint, PublicKey, Script, Sequence, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut,
Txid, Witness,
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// Get this from the output of `bt dumpwallet <file>`.
const EXTENDED_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY: &str = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeSHZFZWT8zxie2dXWcwemnTkf4grVzMvP2UABUxqbPTCHzZ4ztwhBghpfFw27sJqEgW6y1ZTZcfvCUdtXE1L6qMF7TBdbqQ";
// Set these with valid data from output of step 5 above. Please note, input utxo must be a p2wpkh.
const INPUT_UTXO_TXID: &str = "295f06639cde6039bf0c3dbf4827f0e3f2b2c2b476408e2f9af731a8d7a9c7fb";
const INPUT_UTXO_VOUT: u32 = 0;
const INPUT_UTXO_SCRIPT_PUBKEY: &str = "00149891eeb8891b3e80a2a1ade180f143add23bf5de";
const INPUT_UTXO_VALUE: &str = "50 BTC";
// Get this from the desciptor,
// "wpkh([97f17dca/0'/0'/0']02749483607dafb30c66bd93ece4474be65745ce538c2d70e8e246f17e7a4e0c0c)#m9n56cx0".
const INPUT_UTXO_DERIVATION_PATH: &str = "m/0h/0h/0h";
// Grab an address to receive on: `bt generatenewaddress` (obviously contrived but works as an example).
const RECEIVE_ADDRESS: &str = "bcrt1qcmnpjjjw78yhyjrxtql6lk7pzpujs3h244p7ae"; // The address to receive the coins we send.
// These should be correct if the UTXO above should is for 50 BTC.
const OUTPUT_AMOUNT_BTC: &str = "1 BTC";
const CHANGE_AMOUNT_BTC: &str = "48.99999 BTC"; // 1000 sat transaction fee.
const NETWORK: Network = Network::Regtest;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
let (offline, fingerprint, account_0_xpub, input_xpub) =
ColdStorage::new(&secp, EXTENDED_MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY)?;
let online = WatchOnly::new(account_0_xpub, input_xpub, fingerprint);
let created = online.create_psbt(&secp)?;
let updated = online.update_psbt(created)?;
let signed = offline.sign_psbt(&secp, updated)?;
let finalized = online.finalize_psbt(signed)?;
// You can use `bt sendrawtransaction` to broadcast the extracted transaction.
let tx = finalized.extract_tx();
tx.verify(|_| Some(previous_output())).expect("failed to verify transaction");
let hex = encode::serialize_hex(&tx);
println!("You should now be able to broadcast the following transaction: \n\n{}", hex);
// We cache the pubkeys for convenience because it requires a scep context to convert the private key.
/// An example of an offline signer i.e., a cold-storage device.
struct ColdStorage {
/// The master extended private key.
master_xpriv: ExtendedPrivKey,
/// The master extended public key.
master_xpub: ExtendedPubKey,
/// The data exported from an offline wallet to enable creation of a watch-only online wallet.
/// (wallet, fingerprint, account_0_xpub, input_utxo_xpub)
type ExportData = (ColdStorage, Fingerprint, ExtendedPubKey, ExtendedPubKey);
impl ColdStorage {
/// Constructs a new `ColdStorage` signer.
/// # Returns
/// The newly created signer along with the data needed to configure a watch-only wallet.
fn new<C: Signing>(secp: &Secp256k1<C>, xpriv: &str) -> Result<ExportData> {
let master_xpriv = ExtendedPrivKey::from_str(xpriv)?;
let master_xpub = ExtendedPubKey::from_priv(secp, &master_xpriv);
// Hardened children require secret data to derive.
let path = "m/84h/0h/0h".into_derivation_path()?;
let account_0_xpriv = master_xpriv.derive_priv(secp, &path)?;
let account_0_xpub = ExtendedPubKey::from_priv(secp, &account_0_xpriv);
let path = INPUT_UTXO_DERIVATION_PATH.into_derivation_path()?;
let input_xpriv = master_xpriv.derive_priv(secp, &path)?;
let input_xpub = ExtendedPubKey::from_priv(secp, &input_xpriv);
let wallet = ColdStorage { master_xpriv, master_xpub };
let fingerprint = wallet.master_fingerprint();
Ok((wallet, fingerprint, account_0_xpub, input_xpub))
/// Returns the fingerprint for the master extended public key.
fn master_fingerprint(&self) -> Fingerprint { self.master_xpub.fingerprint() }
/// Signs `psbt` with this signer.
fn sign_psbt<C: Signing>(&self, secp: &Secp256k1<C>, mut psbt: Psbt) -> Result<Psbt> {
match psbt.sign(&self.master_xpriv, secp) {
Ok(keys) => assert_eq!(keys.len(), 1),
Err((_, e)) => {
let e = e.get(&0).expect("at least one error");
return Err(e.clone().into());
/// An example of an watch-only online wallet.
struct WatchOnly {
/// The xpub for account 0 derived from derivation path "m/84h/0h/0h".
account_0_xpub: ExtendedPubKey,
/// The xpub derived from `INPUT_UTXO_DERIVATION_PATH`.
input_xpub: ExtendedPubKey,
/// The master extended pubkey fingerprint.
master_fingerprint: Fingerprint,
impl WatchOnly {
/// Constructs a new watch-only wallet.
/// A watch-only wallet would typically be online and connected to the Bitcoin network. We
/// 'import' into the wallet the `account_0_xpub` and `master_fingerprint`.
/// The reason for importing the `input_xpub` is so one can use bitcoind to grab a valid input
/// to verify the workflow presented in this file.
fn new(
account_0_xpub: ExtendedPubKey,
input_xpub: ExtendedPubKey,
master_fingerprint: Fingerprint,
) -> Self {
WatchOnly { account_0_xpub, input_xpub, master_fingerprint }
/// Creates the PSBT, in BIP174 parlance this is the 'Creater'.
fn create_psbt<C: Verification>(&self, secp: &Secp256k1<C>) -> Result<Psbt> {
let to_address = Address::from_str(RECEIVE_ADDRESS)?;
let to_amount = Amount::from_str(OUTPUT_AMOUNT_BTC)?;
let (_, change_address, _) = self.change_address(secp)?;
let change_amount = Amount::from_str(CHANGE_AMOUNT_BTC)?;
let tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: absolute::PackedLockTime::ZERO,
input: vec![TxIn {
previous_output: OutPoint {
txid: Txid::from_hex(INPUT_UTXO_TXID)?,
script_sig: Script::new(),
sequence: Sequence::MAX, // Disable LockTime and RBF.
witness: Witness::default(),
output: vec![
TxOut { value: to_amount.to_sat(), script_pubkey: to_address.script_pubkey() },
TxOut {
value: change_amount.to_sat(),
script_pubkey: change_address.script_pubkey(),
let psbt = Psbt::from_unsigned_tx(tx)?;
/// Updates the PSBT, in BIP174 parlance this is the 'Updater'.
fn update_psbt(&self, mut psbt: Psbt) -> Result<Psbt> {
let mut input = Input { witness_utxo: Some(previous_output()), ..Default::default() };
let pk = self.input_xpub.to_pub();
let wpkh = pk.wpubkey_hash().expect("a compressed pubkey");
let redeem_script = Script::new_v0_p2wpkh(&wpkh);
input.redeem_script = Some(redeem_script);
let fingerprint = self.master_fingerprint;
let path = input_derivation_path()?;
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert(pk.inner, (fingerprint, path));
input.bip32_derivation = map;
let ty = PsbtSighashType::from_str("SIGHASH_ALL")?;
input.sighash_type = Some(ty);
psbt.inputs = vec![input];
/// Finalizes the PSBT, in BIP174 parlance this is the 'Finalizer'.
2022-10-25 19:48:14 +00:00
/// This is just an example. For a production-ready PSBT Finalizer, use [rust-miniscript](
fn finalize_psbt(&self, mut psbt: Psbt) -> Result<Psbt> {
use bitcoin::psbt::serialize::Serialize;
if psbt.inputs.is_empty() {
return Err(psbt::SignError::MissingInputUtxo.into());
let sigs: Vec<_> = psbt.inputs[0].partial_sigs.values().collect();
let mut script_witness: Witness = Witness::new();
psbt.inputs[0].final_script_witness = Some(script_witness);
// Clear all the data fields as per the spec.
psbt.inputs[0].partial_sigs = BTreeMap::new();
psbt.inputs[0].sighash_type = None;
psbt.inputs[0].redeem_script = None;
psbt.inputs[0].witness_script = None;
psbt.inputs[0].bip32_derivation = BTreeMap::new();
/// Returns data for the first change address (standard BIP84 derivation path
/// "m/84h/0h/0h/1/0"). A real wallet would have access to the chain so could determine if an
/// address has been used or not. We ignore this detail and just re-use the first change address
/// without loss of generality.
fn change_address<C: Verification>(
secp: &Secp256k1<C>,
) -> Result<(PublicKey, Address, DerivationPath)> {
let path = vec![ChildNumber::from_normal_idx(1)?, ChildNumber::from_normal_idx(0)?];
let derived = self.account_0_xpub.derive_pub(secp, &path)?;
let pk = derived.to_pub();
let addr = Address::p2wpkh(&pk, NETWORK)?;
let path = path.into_derivation_path()?;
Ok((pk, addr, path))
fn input_derivation_path() -> Result<DerivationPath> {
let path = INPUT_UTXO_DERIVATION_PATH.into_derivation_path()?;
fn previous_output() -> TxOut {
let script_pubkey = Script::from_hex(INPUT_UTXO_SCRIPT_PUBKEY)
.expect("failed to parse input utxo scriptPubkey");
let amount = Amount::from_str(INPUT_UTXO_VALUE).expect("failed to parse input utxo value");
TxOut { value: amount.to_sat(), script_pubkey }
struct Error(Box<dyn std::error::Error>);
impl<T: std::error::Error + 'static> From<T> for Error {
fn from(e: T) -> Self { Error(Box::new(e)) }
impl fmt::Debug for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f) }