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//! Tests PSBT integration vectors from BIP 174
//! defined at <>
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use bitcoin::bip32::{Fingerprint, IntoDerivationPath, KeySource, Xpriv, Xpub};
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes::OP_0;
use bitcoin::blockdata::{script, transaction};
use bitcoin::consensus::encode::{deserialize, serialize_hex};
use bitcoin::hex::FromHex;
use bitcoin::psbt::{Psbt, PsbtSighashType};
use bitcoin::script::PushBytes;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, Secp256k1};
use bitcoin::{
absolute, Amount, Denomination, NetworkKind, OutPoint, PrivateKey, PublicKey, ScriptBuf,
Sequence, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut, Witness,
fn hex_psbt(s: &str) -> Psbt {
let v: Vec<u8> = Vec::from_hex(s).expect("valid hex digits");
Psbt::deserialize(&v).expect("valid magic and valid separators")
fn hex_script(s: &str) -> ScriptBuf { ScriptBuf::from_hex(s).expect("valid hex digits") }
fn bip174_psbt_workflow() {
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
// Step 0: Create the extended private key from the test vector data.
let ext_priv = build_extended_private_key();
let ext_pub = Xpub::from_priv(&secp, &ext_priv);
let parent_fingerprint = ext_pub.fingerprint();
// Step 1: The creator.
let tx = create_transaction();
let psbt = create_psbt(tx);
// Step 2: The first updater.
let psbt = update_psbt(psbt, parent_fingerprint);
// Step 3: The second updater.
let psbt = update_psbt_with_sighash_all(psbt);
// Step 4: The first signer.
// Strings from BIP 174 test vector.
let test_vector = vec![
("cP53pDbR5WtAD8dYAW9hhTjuvvTVaEiQBdrz9XPrgLBeRFiyCbQr", "m/0h/0h/0h"), // from_priv, into_derivation_path?
("cR6SXDoyfQrcp4piaiHE97Rsgta9mNhGTen9XeonVgwsh4iSgw6d", "m/0h/0h/2h"),
// We pass the keys to the signer after doing verification to make explicit
// that signer is only using these two keys.
let keys = parse_and_verify_keys(&ext_priv, &test_vector);
let psbt_1 = signer_one_sign(psbt.clone(), keys);
// Step 5: The second signer.
// Strings from BIP 174 test vector.
let test_vector = vec![
("cT7J9YpCwY3AVRFSjN6ukeEeWY6mhpbJPxRaDaP5QTdygQRxP9Au", "m/0h/0h/1h"),
("cNBc3SWUip9PPm1GjRoLEJT6T41iNzCYtD7qro84FMnM5zEqeJsE", "m/0h/0h/3h"),
let keys = parse_and_verify_keys(&ext_priv, &test_vector);
let psbt_2 = signer_two_sign(psbt, keys);
// Step 6: Combiner the two signed PSBTs.
let combined = combine(psbt_1, psbt_2);
// Step 7: Finalize the PSBT.
let finalized = finalize(combined);
// Step 8: Extract the transaction.
let _tx = extract_transaction(finalized);
// Step 9: Test lexicographical PSBT combiner.
// Combine would be done earlier, at Step 6, in typical workflow.
// We define it here to reflect the order of test vectors in BIP 174.
/// Attempts to build an extended private key from seed and also directly from a string.
fn build_extended_private_key() -> Xpriv {
// Strings from BIP 174 test vector.
let extended_private_key = "tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPd9TeAdPADNnSyH9SSUUbTVeFszDE23Ki6TBB5nCefAdHkK8Fm3qMQR6sHwA56zqRmKmxnHk37JkiFzvncDqoKmPWubu7hDF";
let seed = "cUkG8i1RFfWGWy5ziR11zJ5V4U4W3viSFCfyJmZnvQaUsd1xuF3T";
let xpriv = Xpriv::from_str(extended_private_key).unwrap();
let sk = PrivateKey::from_wif(seed).unwrap();
let seeded = Xpriv::new_master(NetworkKind::Test, &sk.inner.secret_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(xpriv, seeded);
/// Creates the initial transaction, called by the PSBT Creator.
fn create_transaction() -> Transaction {
// Strings from BIP 174 test vector.
let output_0 = TvOutput {
amount: "1.49990000",
script_pubkey: "0014d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d",
let output_1 = TvOutput {
amount: "1.00000000",
script_pubkey: "001400aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f",
let input_0 = TvInput {
txid: "75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858",
index: 0,
let input_1 = TvInput {
txid: "1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83",
index: 1,
struct TvOutput {
amount: &'static str,
script_pubkey: &'static str,
struct TvInput {
txid: &'static str,
index: u32,
Transaction {
version: transaction::Version::TWO,
lock_time: absolute::LockTime::ZERO,
input: vec![
TxIn {
previous_output: OutPoint {
txid: input_0.txid.parse().expect("failed to parse txid"),
vout: input_0.index,
script_sig: ScriptBuf::new(),
sequence: Sequence::MAX, // Disable nSequence.
witness: Witness::default(),
TxIn {
previous_output: OutPoint {
txid: input_1.txid.parse().expect("failed to parse txid"),
vout: input_1.index,
script_sig: ScriptBuf::new(),
sequence: Sequence::MAX,
witness: Witness::default(),
output: vec![
TxOut {
value: Amount::from_str_in(output_0.amount, Denomination::Bitcoin)
2023-04-24 14:47:55 +00:00
.expect("failed to parse amount"),
script_pubkey: ScriptBuf::from_hex(output_0.script_pubkey)
.expect("failed to parse script"),
TxOut {
value: Amount::from_str_in(output_1.amount, Denomination::Bitcoin)
2023-04-24 14:47:55 +00:00
.expect("failed to parse amount"),
script_pubkey: ScriptBuf::from_hex(output_1.script_pubkey)
.expect("failed to parse script"),
/// Creates the initial PSBT, called by the Creator. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn create_psbt(tx: Transaction) -> Psbt {
// String from BIP 174 test vector.
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/create_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let psbt = Psbt::from_unsigned_tx(tx).unwrap();
assert_eq!(psbt, expected_psbt);
/// Updates `psbt` according to the BIP, returns the newly updated PSBT. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn update_psbt(mut psbt: Psbt, fingerprint: Fingerprint) -> Psbt {
// Strings from BIP 174 test vector.
let previous_tx_0 = include_str!("data/previous_tx_0_hex");
let previous_tx_1 = include_str!("data/previous_tx_1_hex");
let redeem_script_0 = "5221029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f2102dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d752ae";
let redeem_script_1 = "00208c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903";
let witness_script = "522103089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc21023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e7352ae";
// Public key and its derivation path (these are the child pubkeys for our `Xpriv`,
// can be verified by deriving the key using this derivation path).
let pk_path = vec![
("029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f", "m/0h/0h/0h"),
("02dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d7", "m/0h/0h/1h"),
("03089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc", "m/0h/0h/2h"),
("023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e73", "m/0h/0h/3h"),
("03a9a4c37f5996d3aa25dbac6b570af0650394492942460b354753ed9eeca58771", "m/0h/0h/4h"),
("027f6399757d2eff55a136ad02c684b1838b6556e5f1b6b34282a94b6b50051096", "m/0h/0h/5h"),
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/update_1_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let mut input_0 = psbt.inputs[0].clone();
let v = Vec::from_hex(previous_tx_1).unwrap();
let tx: Transaction = deserialize(&v).unwrap();
input_0.non_witness_utxo = Some(tx);
input_0.redeem_script = Some(hex_script(redeem_script_0));
input_0.bip32_derivation = bip32_derivation(fingerprint, &pk_path, vec![0, 1]);
let mut input_1 = psbt.inputs[1].clone();
let v = Vec::from_hex(previous_tx_0).unwrap();
let tx: Transaction = deserialize(&v).unwrap();
input_1.witness_utxo = Some(tx.output[1].clone());
input_1.redeem_script = Some(hex_script(redeem_script_1));
input_1.witness_script = Some(hex_script(witness_script));
input_1.bip32_derivation = bip32_derivation(fingerprint, &pk_path, vec![2, 3]);
psbt.inputs = vec![input_0, input_1];
let mut output_0 = psbt.outputs[0].clone();
output_0.bip32_derivation = bip32_derivation(fingerprint, &pk_path, vec![4]);
let mut output_1 = psbt.outputs[1].clone();
output_1.bip32_derivation = bip32_derivation(fingerprint, &pk_path, vec![5]);
psbt.outputs = vec![output_0, output_1];
assert_eq!(psbt, expected_psbt);
/// `pk_path` holds tuples of `(public_key, derivation_path)`. `indecies` is used to access the
/// `pk_path` vector. `fingerprint` is from the parent extended public key.
fn bip32_derivation(
fingerprint: Fingerprint,
pk_path: &[(&str, &str)],
indecies: Vec<usize>,
) -> BTreeMap<secp256k1::PublicKey, KeySource> {
let mut tree = BTreeMap::new();
for i in indecies {
let pk = pk_path[i].0;
let path = pk_path[i].1;
let pk = PublicKey::from_str(pk).unwrap();
let path = path.into_derivation_path().unwrap();
tree.insert(pk.inner, (fingerprint, path));
/// Does the second update according to the BIP, returns the newly updated PSBT. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn update_psbt_with_sighash_all(mut psbt: Psbt) -> Psbt {
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/update_2_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let ty = PsbtSighashType::from_str("SIGHASH_ALL").unwrap();
let mut input_0 = psbt.inputs[0].clone();
input_0.sighash_type = Some(ty);
let mut input_1 = psbt.inputs[1].clone();
input_1.sighash_type = Some(ty);
psbt.inputs = vec![input_0, input_1];
assert_eq!(psbt, expected_psbt);
/// Verifies the keys in the test vector are valid for the extended private key and derivation path.
fn parse_and_verify_keys(
ext_priv: &Xpriv,
sk_path: &[(&str, &str)],
) -> BTreeMap<PublicKey, PrivateKey> {
let secp = &Secp256k1::new();
let mut key_map = BTreeMap::new();
for (secret_key, derivation_path) in sk_path.iter() {
let wif_priv = PrivateKey::from_wif(secret_key).expect("failed to parse key");
let path =
derivation_path.into_derivation_path().expect("failed to convert derivation path");
let derived_priv =
ext_priv.derive_priv(secp, &path).expect("failed to derive ext priv key").to_priv();
assert_eq!(wif_priv, derived_priv);
let derived_pub = derived_priv.public_key(secp);
key_map.insert(derived_pub, derived_priv);
/// Does the first signing according to the BIP, returns the signed PSBT. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn signer_one_sign(psbt: Psbt, key_map: BTreeMap<bitcoin::PublicKey, PrivateKey>) -> Psbt {
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/sign_1_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let psbt = sign(psbt, key_map);
assert_eq!(psbt, expected_psbt);
/// Does the second signing according to the BIP, returns the signed PSBT. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn signer_two_sign(psbt: Psbt, key_map: BTreeMap<bitcoin::PublicKey, PrivateKey>) -> Psbt {
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/sign_2_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let psbt = sign(psbt, key_map);
assert_eq!(psbt, expected_psbt);
/// Does the combine according to the BIP, returns the combined PSBT. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn combine(mut this: Psbt, that: Psbt) -> Psbt {
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/combine_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
this.combine(that).expect("failed to combine PSBTs");
assert_eq!(this, expected_psbt);
/// Does the finalize step according to the BIP, returns the combined PSBT. Verifies against BIP 174
/// test vector.
fn finalize(psbt: Psbt) -> Psbt {
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/finalize_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let psbt = finalize_psbt(psbt);
assert_eq!(psbt, expected_psbt);
/// Does the transaction extractor step according to the BIP, returns the combined PSBT. Verifies
/// against BIP 174 test vector.
fn extract_transaction(psbt: Psbt) -> Transaction {
let expected_tx_hex = include_str!("data/extract_tx_hex");
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let tx = psbt.extract_tx_unchecked_fee_rate();
let got = serialize_hex(&tx);
assert_eq!(got, expected_tx_hex);
/// Combines two PSBTs lexicographically according to the BIP. Verifies against BIP 174 test vector.
fn combine_lexicographically() {
let psbt_1_hex = include_str!("data/lex_psbt_1_hex");
let psbt_2_hex = include_str!("data/lex_psbt_2_hex");
let expected_psbt_hex = include_str!("data/lex_combine_psbt_hex");
let expected_psbt: Psbt = hex_psbt(expected_psbt_hex);
let v = Vec::from_hex(psbt_1_hex).unwrap();
let mut psbt_1 = Psbt::deserialize(&v).expect("failed to deserialize psbt 1");
let v = Vec::from_hex(psbt_2_hex).unwrap();
let psbt_2 = Psbt::deserialize(&v).expect("failed to deserialize psbt 2");
psbt_1.combine(psbt_2).expect("failed to combine PSBTs");
assert_eq!(psbt_1, expected_psbt);
/// Signs `psbt` with `keys` if required.
fn sign(mut psbt: Psbt, keys: BTreeMap<bitcoin::PublicKey, PrivateKey>) -> Psbt {
let secp = Secp256k1::new();
psbt.sign(&keys, &secp).unwrap();
/// Finalizes a PSBT accord to the Input Finalizer role described in BIP 174.
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/// This is just a test. For a production-ready PSBT Finalizer, use [rust-miniscript](
fn finalize_psbt(mut psbt: Psbt) -> Psbt {
// Input 0: legacy UTXO
let sigs: Vec<_> = psbt.inputs[0].partial_sigs.values().collect();
let script_sig = script::Builder::new()
.push_opcode(OP_0) // OP_CHECKMULTISIG bug pops +1 value when evaluating so push OP_0.
psbt.inputs[0].final_script_sig = Some(script_sig);
psbt.inputs[0].partial_sigs = BTreeMap::new();
psbt.inputs[0].sighash_type = None;
psbt.inputs[0].redeem_script = None;
psbt.inputs[0].bip32_derivation = BTreeMap::new();
// Input 1: SegWit UTXO
let script_sig = script::Builder::new()
psbt.inputs[1].final_script_sig = Some(script_sig);
let script_witness = {
let sigs: Vec<_> = psbt.inputs[1].partial_sigs.values().collect();
let mut script_witness = Witness::new();
script_witness.push([]); // Push 0x00 to the stack.
psbt.inputs[1].final_script_witness = Some(script_witness);
psbt.inputs[1].partial_sigs = BTreeMap::new();
psbt.inputs[1].sighash_type = None;
psbt.inputs[1].redeem_script = None;
psbt.inputs[1].witness_script = None;
psbt.inputs[1].bip32_derivation = BTreeMap::new();