Enhance pmt_tests execution time

pmt_tests with different tx counts were  executed in a single test, not taking advantage of the parallelism provided by unit tests.
A macro was added to define a unit test per transaction count.
This commit is contained in:
hrouis 2022-08-31 11:49:46 +02:00
parent 5e67419b14
commit f924e1451e
1 changed files with 77 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -532,81 +532,94 @@ mod tests {
use crate::util::merkleblock::{MerkleBlock, PartialMerkleTree};
use crate::Block;
fn pmt_tests() {
/// accepts `pmt_test_$num`
fn pmt_test_from_name(name: &str) {
macro_rules! pmt_tests {
($($name:ident),* $(,)?) => {
fn $name() {
pmt_tests!(pmt_test_1, pmt_test_4, pmt_test_7, pmt_test_17, pmt_test_56, pmt_test_100,
pmt_test_127, pmt_test_256, pmt_test_312, pmt_test_513, pmt_test_1000, pmt_test_4095);
fn pmt_test(tx_count: usize) {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let tx_counts = vec![1, 4, 7, 17, 56, 100, 127, 256, 312, 513, 1000, 4095];
// Create some fake tx ids
let tx_ids = (1..=tx_count)
.map(|i| Txid::from_hex(&format!("{:064x}", i)).unwrap())
for num_tx in tx_counts {
// Create some fake tx ids
let txids = (1..num_tx + 1) // change to `1..=num_tx` when min Rust >= 1.26.0
.map(|i| Txid::from_hex(&format!("{:064x}", i)).unwrap())
// Calculate the merkle root and height
let hashes = tx_ids.iter().map(|t| t.as_hash());
let merkle_root_1: TxMerkleNode = bitcoin_merkle_root(hashes).expect("hashes is not empty").into();
let mut height = 1;
let mut ntx = tx_count;
while ntx > 1 {
ntx = (ntx + 1) / 2;
height += 1;
// Calculate the merkle root and height
let hashes = txids.iter().map(|t| t.as_hash());
let merkle_root_1: TxMerkleNode = bitcoin_merkle_root(hashes).expect("hashes is not empty").into();
let mut height = 1;
let mut ntx = num_tx;
while ntx > 1 {
ntx = (ntx + 1) / 2;
height += 1;
// Check with random subsets with inclusion chances 1, 1/2, 1/4, ..., 1/128
for att in 1..15 {
let mut matches = vec![false; tx_count];
let mut match_txid1 = vec![];
for j in 0..tx_count {
// Generate `att / 2` random bits
let rand_bits = match att / 2 {
0 => 0,
bits => rng.gen::<u64>() >> (64 - bits),
let include = rand_bits == 0;
matches[j] = include;
if include {
// Check with random subsets with inclusion chances 1, 1/2, 1/4, ..., 1/128
for att in 1..15 {
let mut matches = vec![false; num_tx];
let mut match_txid1 = vec![];
for j in 0..num_tx {
// Generate `att / 2` random bits
let rand_bits = match att / 2 {
0 => 0,
bits => rng.gen::<u64>() >> (64 - bits),
let include = rand_bits == 0;
matches[j] = include;
// Build the partial merkle tree
let pmt1 = PartialMerkleTree::from_txids(&tx_ids, &matches);
let serialized = serialize(&pmt1);
if include {
// Verify PartialMerkleTree's size guarantees
let n = min(tx_count, 1 + match_txid1.len() * height);
assert!(serialized.len() <= 10 + (258 * n + 7) / 8);
// Build the partial merkle tree
let pmt1 = PartialMerkleTree::from_txids(&txids, &matches);
let serialized = serialize(&pmt1);
// Deserialize into a tester copy
let pmt2: PartialMerkleTree =
deserialize(&serialized).expect("Could not deserialize own data");
// Verify PartialMerkleTree's size guarantees
let n = min(num_tx, 1 + match_txid1.len() * height);
assert!(serialized.len() <= 10 + (258 * n + 7) / 8);
// Extract merkle root and matched txids from copy
let mut match_txid2: Vec<Txid> = vec![];
let mut indexes = vec![];
let merkle_root_2 = pmt2
.extract_matches(&mut match_txid2, &mut indexes)
.expect("Could not extract matches");
// Deserialize into a tester copy
let pmt2: PartialMerkleTree =
deserialize(&serialized).expect("Could not deserialize own data");
// Check that it has the same merkle root as the original, and a valid one
assert_eq!(merkle_root_1, merkle_root_2);
assert_ne!(merkle_root_2, TxMerkleNode::all_zeros());
// Extract merkle root and matched txids from copy
let mut match_txid2: Vec<Txid> = vec![];
let mut indexes = vec![];
let merkle_root_2 = pmt2
.extract_matches(&mut match_txid2, &mut indexes)
.expect("Could not extract matches");
// check that it contains the matched transactions (in the same order!)
assert_eq!(match_txid1, match_txid2);
// Check that it has the same merkle root as the original, and a valid one
assert_eq!(merkle_root_1, merkle_root_2);
assert_ne!(merkle_root_2, TxMerkleNode::all_zeros());
// check that it contains the matched transactions (in the same order!)
assert_eq!(match_txid1, match_txid2);
// check that random bit flips break the authentication
for _ in 0..4 {
let mut pmt3: PartialMerkleTree = deserialize(&serialized).unwrap();
pmt3.damage(&mut rng);
let mut match_txid3 = vec![];
let merkle_root_3 = pmt3
.extract_matches(&mut match_txid3, &mut indexes)
assert_ne!(merkle_root_3, merkle_root_1);
// check that random bit flips break the authentication
for _ in 0..4 {
let mut pmt3: PartialMerkleTree = deserialize(&serialized).unwrap();
pmt3.damage(&mut rng);
let mut match_txid3 = vec![];
let merkle_root_3 = pmt3
.extract_matches(&mut match_txid3, &mut indexes)
assert_ne!(merkle_root_3, merkle_root_1);