When `rust-bitcoin` was started in 2014 the SPDX license list and short
identifiers where not a thing. Now that we have short identifiers and
they are gaining popularity in other projects we can consider using
- Add links to the SPDX website in the readme
- Shorten the author section to a single line
- Remove all the licence information in each file and replace it with an
SPDX ID (see https://spdx.dev/ids/#how)
Of note:
- If the author of a file is explicitly listed, maintain this
- If the 'author' is listed as the generic 'Rust Bitcoin developers'
just remove the attribution, this is implicit. This does loose the date
info but that can be seen at any time from the git index using
`git log --follow --format=%ad --date default <FILE> | tail -1`