Addresses #96.
Turns out it was being used for hex encoding/decoding, so replaced that with the `hex` crate.
i chose to import the `decode` method as:
use hex::decode as hex_decode
so that it is clear to the reader what is being decoded when it is called. "decode" is such a generic sounding function name that it would get confusing otherwise.
27 files changed, 3944 insertions(+), 3812 deletions(-) :} I've
started doing whitespace changes as well, I want everything to
be 4-space tabs from now on.
BTW after all this is done I'm gonna indent the entire codebase...
so `git blame` is gonna be totally broken anyway, hence my
capricious cadence of commits.
This is a massive simplification, fixes a couple endianness bugs (though
not all of them I don't think), should give a speedup, gets rid of the
`serialize_iter` crap.
I think this is what I want to do for everything json-visible...perhaps
I will not be able to keep the macro for it though, since there are
some clever variations on it (e.g. blocks should have their header's
hash as a field, txes should appear as txids unless vebose output is
requested, etc.)
We get a speed up (~5%) and memory savings (~10%) on initial sync from
using a HashMap, though it's hard to tell precisely how much savings
because it's quite nonlinear.
I haven't tested de/serialization. Some work needs to be done there to
split up the UTXO set since it takes forever to saveload.
We were conflicting with the Rust stdlib trait Hash, which is used
by various datastructures which need a general hash. Also implement
Hash for Sha256dHash so that we can use bitcoin hashes as keys for
such data structures.