// Rust Bitcoin Library // Written in 2014 by // Andrew Poelstra // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to // the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without // any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication // along with this software. // If not, see . // //! Internal macros. //! //! Macros meant to be used inside the Rust Bitcoin library. //! macro_rules! impl_consensus_encoding { ($thing:ident, $($field:ident),+) => ( impl $crate::consensus::Encodable for $thing { #[inline] fn consensus_encode( &self, mut s: S, ) -> Result { let mut len = 0; $(len += self.$field.consensus_encode(&mut s)?;)+ Ok(len) } } impl $crate::consensus::Decodable for $thing { #[inline] fn consensus_decode( d: D, ) -> Result<$thing, $crate::consensus::encode::Error> { let mut d = d.take($crate::consensus::encode::MAX_VEC_SIZE as u64); Ok($thing { $($field: $crate::consensus::Decodable::consensus_decode(&mut d)?),+ }) } } ); } /// Implements standard array methods for a given wrapper type macro_rules! impl_array_newtype { ($thing:ident, $ty:ty, $len:expr) => { impl $thing { /// Converts the object to a raw pointer #[inline] pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const $ty { let &$thing(ref dat) = self; dat.as_ptr() } /// Converts the object to a mutable raw pointer #[inline] pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut $ty { let &mut $thing(ref mut dat) = self; dat.as_mut_ptr() } /// Returns the length of the object as an array #[inline] pub fn len(&self) -> usize { $len } /// Returns whether the object, as an array, is empty. Always false. #[inline] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { false } /// Returns the underlying bytes. #[inline] pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[$ty; $len] { &self.0 } /// Returns the underlying bytes. #[inline] pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [$ty; $len] { self.0.clone() } /// Returns the underlying bytes. #[inline] pub fn into_bytes(self) -> [$ty; $len] { self.0 } } impl<'a> ::core::convert::From<&'a [$ty]> for $thing { fn from(data: &'a [$ty]) -> $thing { assert_eq!(data.len(), $len); let mut ret = [0; $len]; ret.copy_from_slice(&data[..]); $thing(ret) } } impl core::ops::Index for $thing where [$ty]: core::ops::Index, { type Output = <[$ty] as core::ops::Index>::Output; #[inline] fn index(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output { &self.0[index] } } } } macro_rules! display_from_debug { ($thing:ident) => { impl ::core::fmt::Display for $thing { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), ::core::fmt::Error> { ::core::fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f) } } } } #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! hex_script (($s:expr) => (<$crate::Script as ::core::str::FromStr>::from_str($s).unwrap())); #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! hex_hash (($h:ident, $s:expr) => ($h::from_slice(&<$crate::prelude::Vec as $crate::hashes::hex::FromHex>::from_hex($s).unwrap()).unwrap())); #[cfg(test)] macro_rules! hex_decode (($h:ident, $s:expr) => (deserialize::<$h>(&<$crate::prelude::Vec as $crate::hashes::hex::FromHex>::from_hex($s).unwrap()).unwrap())); macro_rules! serde_string_impl { ($name:ident, $expecting:expr) => { #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl<'de> $crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for $name { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result<$name, D::Error> where D: $crate::serde::de::Deserializer<'de>, { use ::core::fmt::{self, Formatter}; use ::core::str::FromStr; struct Visitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor { type Value = $name; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str($expecting) } fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { $name::from_str(v).map_err(E::custom) } } deserializer.deserialize_str(Visitor) } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl<'de> $crate::serde::Serialize for $name { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: $crate::serde::Serializer, { serializer.collect_str(&self) } } }; } /// A combination macro where the human-readable serialization is done like /// serde_string_impl and the non-human-readable impl is done as a struct. macro_rules! serde_struct_human_string_impl { ($name:ident, $expecting:expr, $($fe:ident),*) => ( #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl<'de> $crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for $name { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result<$name, D::Error> where D: $crate::serde::de::Deserializer<'de>, { if deserializer.is_human_readable() { use ::core::fmt::{self, Formatter}; use ::core::str::FromStr; struct Visitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor { type Value = $name; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str($expecting) } fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { $name::from_str(v).map_err(E::custom) } } deserializer.deserialize_str(Visitor) } else { use ::core::fmt::{self, Formatter}; use $crate::serde::de::IgnoredAny; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] enum Enum { Unknown__Field, $($fe),* } struct EnumVisitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for EnumVisitor { type Value = Enum; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a field name") } fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { match v { $( stringify!($fe) => Ok(Enum::$fe) ),*, _ => Ok(Enum::Unknown__Field) } } } impl<'de> $crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for Enum { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: $crate::serde::de::Deserializer<'de>, { deserializer.deserialize_str(EnumVisitor) } } struct Visitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor { type Value = $name; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a struct") } fn visit_seq(self, mut seq: V) -> Result where V: $crate::serde::de::SeqAccess<'de>, { use $crate::serde::de::Error; let length = 0; $( let $fe = seq.next_element()?.ok_or_else(|| { Error::invalid_length(length, &self) })?; #[allow(unused_variables)] let length = length + 1; )* let ret = $name { $($fe: $fe),* }; Ok(ret) } fn visit_map(self, mut map: A) -> Result where A: $crate::serde::de::MapAccess<'de>, { use $crate::serde::de::Error; $(let mut $fe = None;)* loop { match map.next_key::()? { Some(Enum::Unknown__Field) => { map.next_value::()?; } $( Some(Enum::$fe) => { $fe = Some(map.next_value()?); } )* None => { break; } } } $( let $fe = match $fe { Some(x) => x, None => return Err(A::Error::missing_field(stringify!($fe))), }; )* let ret = $name { $($fe: $fe),* }; Ok(ret) } } // end type defs static FIELDS: &'static [&'static str] = &[$(stringify!($fe)),*]; deserializer.deserialize_struct(stringify!($name), FIELDS, Visitor) } } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl<'de> $crate::serde::Serialize for $name { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: $crate::serde::Serializer, { if serializer.is_human_readable() { serializer.collect_str(&self) } else { use $crate::serde::ser::SerializeStruct; // Only used to get the struct length. static FIELDS: &'static [&'static str] = &[$(stringify!($fe)),*]; let mut st = serializer.serialize_struct(stringify!($name), FIELDS.len())?; $( st.serialize_field(stringify!($fe), &self.$fe)?; )* st.end() } } } ) } /// Implements several traits for byte-based newtypes. /// Implements: /// - core::fmt::LowerHex (implies hashes::hex::ToHex) /// - core::fmt::Display /// - core::str::FromStr /// - hashes::hex::FromHex macro_rules! impl_bytes_newtype { ($t:ident, $len:expr) => ( impl ::core::fmt::LowerHex for $t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { for &ch in self.0.iter() { write!(f, "{:02x}", ch)?; } Ok(()) } } impl ::core::fmt::Display for $t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { fmt::LowerHex::fmt(self, f) } } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for $t { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { fmt::LowerHex::fmt(self, f) } } impl $crate::hashes::hex::FromHex for $t { fn from_byte_iter(iter: I) -> Result where I: ::core::iter::Iterator> + ::core::iter::ExactSizeIterator + ::core::iter::DoubleEndedIterator, { if iter.len() == $len { let mut ret = [0; $len]; for (n, byte) in iter.enumerate() { ret[n] = byte?; } Ok($t(ret)) } else { Err($crate::hashes::hex::Error::InvalidLength(2 * $len, 2 * iter.len())) } } } impl ::core::str::FromStr for $t { type Err = $crate::hashes::hex::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { $crate::hashes::hex::FromHex::from_hex(s) } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl $crate::serde::Serialize for $t { fn serialize(&self, s: S) -> Result { if s.is_human_readable() { s.serialize_str(&$crate::hashes::hex::ToHex::to_hex(self)) } else { s.serialize_bytes(&self[..]) } } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl<'de> $crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for $t { fn deserialize>(d: D) -> Result<$t, D::Error> { if d.is_human_readable() { struct HexVisitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for HexVisitor { type Value = $t; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("an ASCII hex string") } fn visit_bytes(self, v: &[u8]) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { if let Ok(hex) = ::core::str::from_utf8(v) { $crate::hashes::hex::FromHex::from_hex(hex).map_err(E::custom) } else { return Err(E::invalid_value($crate::serde::de::Unexpected::Bytes(v), &self)); } } fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { $crate::hashes::hex::FromHex::from_hex(v).map_err(E::custom) } } d.deserialize_str(HexVisitor) } else { struct BytesVisitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for BytesVisitor { type Value = $t; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a bytestring") } fn visit_bytes(self, v: &[u8]) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { if v.len() != $len { Err(E::invalid_length(v.len(), &stringify!($len))) } else { let mut ret = [0; $len]; ret.copy_from_slice(v); Ok($t(ret)) } } } d.deserialize_bytes(BytesVisitor) } } } ) } macro_rules! user_enum { ( $(#[$attr:meta])* pub enum $name:ident { $(#[$doc:meta] $elem:ident <-> $txt:expr),* } ) => ( $(#[$attr])* pub enum $name { $(#[$doc] $elem),* } impl ::core::fmt::Display for $name { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result { f.pad(match *self { $($name::$elem => $txt),* }) } } impl ::core::str::FromStr for $name { type Err = $crate::io::Error; #[inline] fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { $($txt => Ok($name::$elem)),*, _ => { #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] let message = "Unknown network"; #[cfg(feature = "std")] let message = format!("Unknown network (type {})", s); Err($crate::io::Error::new( $crate::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, message, )) } } } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl<'de> $crate::serde::Deserialize<'de> for $name { #[inline] fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: $crate::serde::Deserializer<'de>, { use ::core::fmt::{self, Formatter}; struct Visitor; impl<'de> $crate::serde::de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor { type Value = $name; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("an enum value") } fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result where E: $crate::serde::de::Error, { static FIELDS: &'static [&'static str] = &[$(stringify!($txt)),*]; $( if v == $txt { Ok($name::$elem) } )else* else { Err(E::unknown_variant(v, FIELDS)) } } } deserializer.deserialize_str(Visitor) } } #[cfg(feature = "serde")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))] impl $crate::serde::Serialize for $name { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: $crate::serde::Serializer, { serializer.collect_str(&self) } } ); }