// Rust Bitcoin Library // Written in 2014 by // Andrew Poelstra // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to // the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without // any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication // along with this software. // If not, see . // //! Miscellaneous functions //! //! Various utility functions use hashes::{sha256d, Hash, HashEngine}; use blockdata::opcodes; use consensus::{encode, Encodable}; static MSG_SIGN_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n"; /// Search for `needle` in the vector `haystack` and remove every /// instance of it, returning the number of instances removed. /// Loops through the vector opcode by opcode, skipping pushed data. pub fn script_find_and_remove(haystack: &mut Vec, needle: &[u8]) -> usize { if needle.len() > haystack.len() { return 0; } if needle.is_empty() { return 0; } let mut top = haystack.len() - needle.len(); let mut n_deleted = 0; let mut i = 0; while i <= top { if &haystack[i..(i + needle.len())] == needle { for j in i..top { haystack.swap(j + needle.len(), j); } n_deleted += 1; // This is ugly but prevents infinite loop in case of overflow let overflow = top < needle.len(); top = top.wrapping_sub(needle.len()); if overflow { break; } } else { i += match opcodes::All::from((*haystack)[i]).classify() { opcodes::Class::PushBytes(n) => n as usize + 1, opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_PUSHDATA1) => 2, opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_PUSHDATA2) => 3, opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_PUSHDATA4) => 5, _ => 1 }; } } haystack.truncate(top.wrapping_add(needle.len())); n_deleted } /// Hash message for signature using Bitcoin's message signing format pub fn signed_msg_hash(msg: &str) -> sha256d::Hash { let mut engine = sha256d::Hash::engine(); engine.input(MSG_SIGN_PREFIX); let msg_len = encode::VarInt(msg.len() as u64); msg_len.consensus_encode(&mut engine).unwrap(); engine.input(msg.as_bytes()); sha256d::Hash::from_engine(engine) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use hashes::hex::ToHex; use super::script_find_and_remove; use super::signed_msg_hash; #[test] fn test_script_find_and_remove() { let mut v = vec![101u8, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109]; assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[]), 0); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 105, 105]), 0); assert_eq!(v, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109]); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 106, 107]), 1); assert_eq!(v, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 108, 109]); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[104, 108, 109]), 1); assert_eq!(v, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103]); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[101]), 1); assert_eq!(v, vec![102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103]); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[102]), 3); assert_eq!(v, vec![103, 104, 103, 104, 103]); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[103, 104]), 2); assert_eq!(v, vec![103]); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 105, 5]), 0); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105]), 0); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[103]), 1); assert_eq!(v, Vec::::new()); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 105, 5]), 0); assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105]), 0); } #[test] fn test_script_codesep_remove() { let mut s = vec![33u8, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 171, 33, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 171, 81]; assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut s, &[171]), 2); assert_eq!(s, vec![33, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 33, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 81]); } #[test] fn test_signed_msg_hash() { let hash = signed_msg_hash("test"); assert_eq!(hash.to_hex(), "a6f87fe6d58a032c320ff8d1541656f0282c2c7bfcc69d61af4c8e8ed528e49c"); } }