// Rust Bitcoin Library // Written in 2014 by // Andrew Poelstra // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to // the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without // any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication // along with this software. // If not, see . // //! Network-related network messages //! //! This module defines network messages which describe peers and their //! capabilities //! use prelude::*; use io; use network::address::Address; use network::constants::{self, ServiceFlags}; use consensus::{Encodable, Decodable, ReadExt}; use consensus::encode; use network::message::CommandString; use hashes::sha256d; /// Some simple messages /// The `version` message #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct VersionMessage { /// The P2P network protocol version pub version: u32, /// A bitmask describing the services supported by this node pub services: ServiceFlags, /// The time at which the `version` message was sent pub timestamp: i64, /// The network address of the peer receiving the message pub receiver: Address, /// The network address of the peer sending the message pub sender: Address, /// A random nonce used to detect loops in the network pub nonce: u64, /// A string describing the peer's software pub user_agent: String, /// The height of the maximum-work blockchain that the peer is aware of pub start_height: i32, /// Whether the receiving peer should relay messages to the sender; used /// if the sender is bandwidth-limited and would like to support bloom /// filtering. Defaults to false. pub relay: bool } impl VersionMessage { /// Constructs a new `version` message with `relay` set to false pub fn new( services: ServiceFlags, timestamp: i64, receiver: Address, sender: Address, nonce: u64, user_agent: String, start_height: i32, ) -> VersionMessage { VersionMessage { version: constants::PROTOCOL_VERSION, services: services, timestamp: timestamp, receiver: receiver, sender: sender, nonce: nonce, user_agent: user_agent, start_height: start_height, relay: false, } } } impl_consensus_encoding!(VersionMessage, version, services, timestamp, receiver, sender, nonce, user_agent, start_height, relay); /// message rejection reason as a code #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum RejectReason { /// malformed message Malformed = 0x01, /// invalid message Invalid = 0x10, /// obsolete message Obsolete = 0x11, /// duplicate message Duplicate = 0x12, /// nonstandard transaction NonStandard = 0x40, /// an output is below dust limit Dust = 0x41, /// insufficient fee Fee = 0x42, /// checkpoint Checkpoint = 0x43 } impl Encodable for RejectReason { fn consensus_encode(&self, mut e: W) -> Result { e.write_all(&[*self as u8])?; Ok(1) } } impl Decodable for RejectReason { fn consensus_decode(mut d: D) -> Result { Ok(match d.read_u8()? { 0x01 => RejectReason::Malformed, 0x10 => RejectReason::Invalid, 0x11 => RejectReason::Obsolete, 0x12 => RejectReason::Duplicate, 0x40 => RejectReason::NonStandard, 0x41 => RejectReason::Dust, 0x42 => RejectReason::Fee, 0x43 => RejectReason::Checkpoint, _ => return Err(encode::Error::ParseFailed("unknown reject code")) }) } } /// Reject message might be sent by peers rejecting one of our messages #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Reject { /// message type rejected pub message: CommandString, /// reason of rejection as code pub ccode: RejectReason, /// reason of rejectection pub reason: Cow<'static, str>, /// reference to rejected item pub hash: sha256d::Hash } impl_consensus_encoding!(Reject, message, ccode, reason, hash); #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::VersionMessage; use hashes::hex::FromHex; use network::constants::ServiceFlags; use consensus::encode::{deserialize, serialize}; #[test] fn version_message_test() { // This message is from my satoshi node, morning of May 27 2014 let from_sat = Vec::from_hex("721101000100000000000000e6e0845300000000010000000000000000000000000000000000ffff0000000000000100000000000000fd87d87eeb4364f22cf54dca59412db7208d47d920cffce83ee8102f5361746f7368693a302e392e39392f2c9f040001").unwrap(); let decode: Result = deserialize(&from_sat); assert!(decode.is_ok()); let real_decode = decode.unwrap(); assert_eq!(real_decode.version, 70002); assert_eq!(real_decode.services, ServiceFlags::NETWORK); assert_eq!(real_decode.timestamp, 1401217254); // address decodes should be covered by Address tests assert_eq!(real_decode.nonce, 16735069437859780935); assert_eq!(real_decode.user_agent, "/Satoshi:0.9.99/".to_string()); assert_eq!(real_decode.start_height, 302892); assert_eq!(real_decode.relay, true); assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode), from_sat); } }