// Rust Bitcoin Library // Written in 2015 by // Andrew Poelstra // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to // the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without // any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication // along with this software. // If not, see . // //! Pay-to-contract-hash supporte //! //! See Appendix A of the Blockstream sidechains whitepaper //! at http://blockstream.com/sidechains.pdf for details of //! what this does. use secp256k1::{self, Secp256k1}; use secp256k1::key::{PublicKey, SecretKey}; use blockdata::{opcodes, script}; use crypto::hmac; use crypto::mac::Mac; use std::{error, fmt}; use network::constants::Network; use util::{address, hash}; #[cfg(feature="fuzztarget")] use fuzz_util::sha2; #[cfg(not(feature="fuzztarget"))] use crypto::sha2; /// Encoding of "pubkey here" in script; from bitcoin core `src/script/script.h` static PUBKEY: u8 = 0xFE; /// A contract-hash error #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub enum Error { /// Contract hashed to an out-of-range value (this is basically impossible /// and much more likely suggests memory corruption or hardware failure) BadTweak(secp256k1::Error), /// Other secp256k1 related error Secp(secp256k1::Error), /// Script parsing error Script(script::Error), /// Encountered an uncompressed key in a script we were deserializing. The /// reserialization will compress it which might be surprising so we call /// this an error. UncompressedKey, /// Expected a public key when deserializing a script, but we got something else. ExpectedKey, /// Expected some sort of CHECKSIG operator when deserializing a script, but /// we got something else. ExpectedChecksig, /// Did not have enough keys to instantiate a script template TooFewKeys(usize), /// Had too many keys; template does not match key list TooManyKeys(usize) } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Error::BadTweak(ref e) | Error::Secp(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(&e, f), Error::Script(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(&e, f), Error::UncompressedKey => f.write_str("encountered uncompressed secp public key"), Error::ExpectedKey => f.write_str("expected key when deserializing script"), Error::ExpectedChecksig => f.write_str("expected OP_*CHECKSIG* when deserializing script"), Error::TooFewKeys(n) => write!(f, "got {} keys, which was not enough", n), Error::TooManyKeys(n) => write!(f, "got {} keys, which was too many", n) } } } impl error::Error for Error { fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> { match *self { Error::BadTweak(ref e) | Error::Secp(ref e) => Some(e), Error::Script(ref e) => Some(e), _ => None } } fn description(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { Error::BadTweak(_) => "bad public key tweak", Error::Secp(_) => "libsecp256k1 error", Error::Script(_) => "script error", Error::UncompressedKey => "encountered uncompressed secp public key", Error::ExpectedKey => "expected key when deserializing script", Error::ExpectedChecksig => "expected OP_*CHECKSIG* when deserializing script", Error::TooFewKeys(_) => "too few keys for template", Error::TooManyKeys(_) => "too many keys for template" } } } /// An element of a script template #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum TemplateElement { Op(opcodes::All), Key } /// A script template #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Template(Vec); impl Template { /// Instantiate a template pub fn to_script(&self, keys: &[PublicKey]) -> Result { let mut key_index = 0; let mut ret = script::Builder::new(); for elem in &self.0 { ret = match *elem { TemplateElement::Op(opcode) => ret.push_opcode(opcode), TemplateElement::Key => { if key_index == keys.len() { return Err(Error::TooFewKeys(key_index)); } key_index += 1; ret.push_slice(&keys[key_index - 1].serialize()[..]) } } } if key_index == keys.len() { Ok(ret.into_script()) } else { Err(Error::TooManyKeys(keys.len())) } } /// Returns the number of keys this template requires to instantiate pub fn required_keys(&self) -> usize { self.0.iter().filter(|e| **e == TemplateElement::Key).count() } /// If the first push in the template is a number, return this number. For the /// common case of standard multisig templates, such a number will exist and /// will represent the number of signatures that are required for the script /// to pass. pub fn first_push_as_number(&self) -> Option { if !self.0.is_empty() { if let TemplateElement::Op(op) = self.0[0] { if let opcodes::Class::PushNum(n) = op.classify() { if n >= 0 { return Some(n as usize); } } } } None } } impl<'a> From<&'a [u8]> for Template { fn from(slice: &'a [u8]) -> Template { Template(slice.iter().map(|&byte| { if byte == PUBKEY { TemplateElement::Key } else { TemplateElement::Op(opcodes::All::from(byte)) } }).collect()) } } /// Tweak keys using some arbitrary data pub fn tweak_keys(secp: &Secp256k1, keys: &[PublicKey], contract: &[u8]) -> Result, Error> { let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(keys.len()); for mut key in keys.iter().cloned() { let mut hmac_raw = [0; 32]; let mut hmac = hmac::Hmac::new(sha2::Sha256::new(), &key.serialize()); hmac.input(contract); hmac.raw_result(&mut hmac_raw); let hmac_sk = SecretKey::from_slice(secp, &hmac_raw).map_err(Error::BadTweak)?; key.add_exp_assign(secp, &hmac_sk).map_err(Error::Secp)?; ret.push(key); } Ok(ret) } /// Compute a tweak from some given data for the given public key pub fn compute_tweak(secp: &Secp256k1, pk: &PublicKey, contract: &[u8]) -> Result { let mut hmac_raw = [0; 32]; let mut hmac = hmac::Hmac::new(sha2::Sha256::new(), &pk.serialize()); hmac.input(contract); hmac.raw_result(&mut hmac_raw); SecretKey::from_slice(secp, &hmac_raw).map_err(Error::BadTweak) } /// Tweak a secret key using some arbitrary data (calls `compute_tweak` internally) pub fn tweak_secret_key(secp: &Secp256k1, key: &SecretKey, contract: &[u8]) -> Result { // Compute public key let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(secp, &key); // Compute tweak let hmac_sk = compute_tweak(secp, &pk, contract)?; // Execute the tweak let mut key = *key; key.add_assign(&secp, &hmac_sk).map_err(Error::Secp)?; // Return Ok(key) } /// Takes a contract, template and key set and runs through all the steps pub fn create_address(secp: &Secp256k1, network: Network, contract: &[u8], keys: &[PublicKey], template: &Template) -> Result { let keys = tweak_keys(secp, keys, contract)?; let script = template.to_script(&keys)?; Ok(address::Address { network: network, payload: address::Payload::ScriptHash( hash::Hash160::from_data(&script[..]) ) }) } /// Extract the keys and template from a completed script pub fn untemplate(script: &script::Script) -> Result<(Template, Vec), Error> { let mut ret = script::Builder::new(); let mut retkeys = vec![]; let secp = Secp256k1::without_caps(); #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Mode { SeekingKeys, CopyingKeys, SeekingCheckMulti } let mut mode = Mode::SeekingKeys; for instruction in script.iter(false) { match instruction { script::Instruction::PushBytes(data) => { let n = data.len(); ret = match PublicKey::from_slice(&secp, data) { Ok(key) => { if n == 65 { return Err(Error::UncompressedKey); } if mode == Mode::SeekingCheckMulti { return Err(Error::ExpectedChecksig); } retkeys.push(key); mode = Mode::CopyingKeys; ret.push_opcode(opcodes::All::from(PUBKEY)) } Err(_) => { // Arbitrary pushes are only allowed before we've found any keys. // Otherwise we have to wait for a N CHECKSIG pair. match mode { Mode::SeekingKeys => { ret.push_slice(data) } Mode::CopyingKeys => { return Err(Error::ExpectedKey); }, Mode::SeekingCheckMulti => { return Err(Error::ExpectedChecksig); } } } } } script::Instruction::Op(op) => { match op.classify() { // CHECKSIG should only come after a list of keys opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_CHECKSIG) | opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY) => { if mode == Mode::SeekingKeys { return Err(Error::ExpectedKey); } mode = Mode::SeekingKeys; } // CHECKMULTISIG should only come after a number opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_CHECKMULTISIG) | opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY) => { if mode == Mode::SeekingKeys { return Err(Error::ExpectedKey); } if mode == Mode::CopyingKeys { return Err(Error::ExpectedKey); } mode = Mode::SeekingKeys; } // Numbers after keys mean we expect a CHECKMULTISIG. opcodes::Class::PushNum(_) => { if mode == Mode::SeekingCheckMulti { return Err(Error::ExpectedChecksig); } if mode == Mode::CopyingKeys { mode = Mode::SeekingCheckMulti; } } // All other opcodes do nothing _ => {} } ret = ret.push_opcode(op); } script::Instruction::Error(e) => { return Err(Error::Script(e)); } } } Ok((Template::from(&ret[..]), retkeys)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use secp256k1::Secp256k1; use secp256k1::key::PublicKey; use hex::decode as hex_decode; use rand::thread_rng; use blockdata::script::Script; use network::constants::Network; use super::*; macro_rules! hex (($hex:expr) => (hex_decode($hex).unwrap())); macro_rules! hex_key (($secp:expr, $hex:expr) => (PublicKey::from_slice($secp, &hex!($hex)).unwrap())); macro_rules! alpha_template(() => (Template::from(&hex!("55fefefefefefefe57AE")[..]))); macro_rules! alpha_keys(($secp:expr) => ( &[hex_key!($secp, "0269992fb441ae56968e5b77d46a3e53b69f136444ae65a94041fc937bdb28d933"), hex_key!($secp, "021df31471281d4478df85bfce08a10aab82601dca949a79950f8ddf7002bd915a"), hex_key!($secp, "02174c82021492c2c6dfcbfa4187d10d38bed06afb7fdcd72c880179fddd641ea1"), hex_key!($secp, "033f96e43d72c33327b6a4631ccaa6ea07f0b106c88b9dc71c9000bb6044d5e88a"), hex_key!($secp, "0313d8748790f2a86fb524579b46ce3c68fedd58d2a738716249a9f7d5458a15c2"), hex_key!($secp, "030b632eeb079eb83648886122a04c7bf6d98ab5dfb94cf353ee3e9382a4c2fab0"), hex_key!($secp, "02fb54a7fcaa73c307cfd70f3fa66a2e4247a71858ca731396343ad30c7c4009ce")] )); #[test] fn sanity() { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let keys = alpha_keys!(&secp); // This is the first withdraw ever, in alpha a94f95cc47b444c10449c0eed51d895e4970560c4a1a9d15d46124858abc3afe let contract = hex!("5032534894ffbf32c1f1c0d3089b27c98fd991d5d7329ebd7d711223e2cde5a9417a1fa3e852c576"); let addr = create_address(&secp, Network::Testnet, &contract, keys, &alpha_template!()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(addr.to_string(), "2N3zXjbwdTcPsJiy8sUK9FhWJhqQCxA8Jjr".to_owned()); } #[test] fn script() { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let alpha_keys = alpha_keys!(&secp); let alpha_template = alpha_template!(); let alpha_redeem = Script::from(hex!("55210269992fb441ae56968e5b77d46a3e53b69f136444ae65a94041fc937bdb28d93321021df31471281d4478df85bfce08a10aab82601dca949a79950f8ddf7002bd915a2102174c82021492c2c6dfcbfa4187d10d38bed06afb7fdcd72c880179fddd641ea121033f96e43d72c33327b6a4631ccaa6ea07f0b106c88b9dc71c9000bb6044d5e88a210313d8748790f2a86fb524579b46ce3c68fedd58d2a738716249a9f7d5458a15c221030b632eeb079eb83648886122a04c7bf6d98ab5dfb94cf353ee3e9382a4c2fab02102fb54a7fcaa73c307cfd70f3fa66a2e4247a71858ca731396343ad30c7c4009ce57ae")); let (template, keys) = untemplate(&alpha_redeem).unwrap(); assert_eq!(keys, alpha_keys); assert_eq!(template, alpha_template); } #[test] fn tweak_secret() { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let (sk1, pk1) = secp.generate_keypair(&mut thread_rng()); let (sk2, pk2) = secp.generate_keypair(&mut thread_rng()); let (sk3, pk3) = secp.generate_keypair(&mut thread_rng()); let pks = [pk1, pk2, pk3]; let contract = b"if bottle mt dont remembr drink wont pay"; // Directly compute tweaks on pubkeys let tweaked_pks = tweak_keys(&secp, &pks, &contract[..]).unwrap(); // Compute tweaks on secret keys let tweaked_pk1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &tweak_secret_key(&secp, &sk1, &contract[..]).unwrap()); let tweaked_pk2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &tweak_secret_key(&secp, &sk2, &contract[..]).unwrap()); let tweaked_pk3 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp, &tweak_secret_key(&secp, &sk3, &contract[..]).unwrap()); // Check equality assert_eq!(tweaked_pks[0], tweaked_pk1); assert_eq!(tweaked_pks[1], tweaked_pk2); assert_eq!(tweaked_pks[2], tweaked_pk3); } #[test] fn bad_key_number() { let secp = Secp256k1::new(); let alpha_keys = alpha_keys!(&secp); let template_short = Template::from(&hex!("55fefefefefefe57AE")[..]); let template_long = Template::from(&hex!("55fefefefefefefefe57AE")[..]); let template = Template::from(&hex!("55fefefefefefefe57AE")[..]); assert_eq!(template_short.required_keys(), 6); assert_eq!(template_long.required_keys(), 8); assert_eq!(template.required_keys(), 7); assert_eq!(template_short.to_script(alpha_keys), Err(Error::TooManyKeys(7))); assert_eq!(template_long.to_script(alpha_keys), Err(Error::TooFewKeys(7))); assert!(template.to_script(alpha_keys).is_ok()); } }