// Rust Bitcoin Library // Written in 2014 by // Andrew Poelstra // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to // the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without // any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication // along with this software. // If not, see . // //! # Addresses //! Support for ordinary base58 Bitcoin addresses and private keys //! use std::str::FromStr; use std::string::ToString; use bitcoin_bech32::{self, WitnessProgram}; use secp256k1::key::PublicKey; use blockdata::script; use blockdata::opcodes; use network::constants::Network; use util::hash::Hash160; use util::base58; use util::Error; /// The method used to produce an address #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Payload { /// pay-to-pubkey Pubkey(PublicKey), /// pay-to-pkhash address PubkeyHash(Hash160), /// P2SH address ScriptHash(Hash160), /// Segwit address WitnessProgram(WitnessProgram), } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] /// A Bitcoin address pub struct Address { /// The type of the address pub payload: Payload, /// The network on which this address is usable pub network: Network } impl Address { /// Creates a pay to (compressed) public key hash address from a public key /// This is the preferred non-witness type address #[inline] pub fn p2pkh(pk: &PublicKey, network: Network) -> Address { Address { network: network, payload: Payload::PubkeyHash(Hash160::from_data(&pk.serialize()[..])) } } /// Creates a pay to uncompressed public key hash address from a public key /// This address type is discouraged as it uses more space but otherwise equivalent to p2pkh /// therefore only adds ambiguity #[inline] pub fn p2upkh(pk: &PublicKey, network: Network) -> Address { Address { network: network, payload: Payload::PubkeyHash(Hash160::from_data(&pk.serialize_uncompressed()[..])) } } /// Creates a pay to public key address from a public key /// This address type was used in the early history of Bitcoin. /// Satoshi's coins are still on addresses of this type. #[inline] pub fn p2pk(pk: &PublicKey, network: Network) -> Address { Address { network: network, payload: Payload::Pubkey(*pk) } } /// Creates a pay to script hash P2SH address from a script /// This address type was introduced with BIP16 and is the popular ty implement multi-sig these days. #[inline] pub fn p2sh(script: &script::Script, network: Network) -> Address { Address { network: network, payload: Payload::ScriptHash(Hash160::from_data(&script[..])) } } /// Create a witness pay to public key address from a public key /// This is the native segwit address type for an output redemable with a single signature pub fn p2wpkh (pk: &PublicKey, network: Network) -> Address { Address { network: network, payload: Payload::WitnessProgram( // unwrap is safe as witness program is known to be correct as above WitnessProgram::new(0, Hash160::from_data(&pk.serialize()[..])[..].to_vec(), Address::bech_network(network)).unwrap()) } } /// Create a pay to script address that embeds a witness pay to public key /// This is a segwit address type that looks familiar (as p2sh) to legacy clients pub fn p2shwpkh (pk: &PublicKey, network: Network) -> Address { let builder = script::Builder::new() .push_int(0) .push_slice(&Hash160::from_data(&pk.serialize()[..])[..]); Address { network: network, payload: Payload::ScriptHash( Hash160::from_data(builder.into_script().into_vec().as_slice()) ) } } /// Create a witness pay to script hash address pub fn p2wsh (script: &script::Script, network: Network) -> Address { use crypto::sha2::Sha256; use crypto::digest::Digest; let mut digest = Sha256::new(); digest.input(script.clone().into_vec().as_slice()); let mut d = [0u8; 32]; digest.result(&mut d); Address { network: network, payload: Payload::WitnessProgram( // unwrap is safe as witness program is known to be correct as above WitnessProgram::new(0, d.to_vec(), Address::bech_network(network)).unwrap() ) } } /// Create a pay to script address that embeds a witness pay to script hash address /// This is a segwit address type that looks familiar (as p2sh) to legacy clients pub fn p2shwsh (script: &script::Script, network: Network) -> Address { use crypto::sha2::Sha256; use crypto::digest::Digest; let mut digest = Sha256::new(); digest.input(script.clone().into_vec().as_slice()); let mut d = [0u8; 32]; digest.result(&mut d); let ws = script::Builder::new().push_int(0).push_slice(&d).into_script(); Address { network: network, payload: Payload::ScriptHash(Hash160::from_data(ws.into_vec().as_slice())) } } #[inline] /// convert Network to bech32 network (this should go away soon) fn bech_network (network: Network) -> bitcoin_bech32::constants::Network { match network { Network::Bitcoin => bitcoin_bech32::constants::Network::Bitcoin, Network::Testnet => bitcoin_bech32::constants::Network::Testnet } } /// Generates a script pubkey spending to this address pub fn script_pubkey(&self) -> script::Script { match self.payload { Payload::Pubkey(ref pk) => { script::Builder::new() .push_slice(&pk.serialize_uncompressed()[..]) .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_CHECKSIG) }, Payload::PubkeyHash(ref hash) => { script::Builder::new() .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_DUP) .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_HASH160) .push_slice(&hash[..]) .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_EQUALVERIFY) .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_CHECKSIG) }, Payload::ScriptHash(ref hash) => { script::Builder::new() .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_HASH160) .push_slice(&hash[..]) .push_opcode(opcodes::All::OP_EQUAL) }, Payload::WitnessProgram(ref witprog) => { script::Builder::new() .push_int(witprog.version() as i64) .push_slice(witprog.program()) } }.into_script() } } impl ToString for Address { fn to_string(&self) -> String { match self.payload { // note: serialization for pay-to-pk is defined, but is irreversible Payload::Pubkey(ref pk) => { let hash = &Hash160::from_data(&pk.serialize_uncompressed()[..]); let mut prefixed = [0; 21]; prefixed[0] = match self.network { Network::Bitcoin => 0, Network::Testnet => 111, }; prefixed[1..].copy_from_slice(&hash[..]); base58::check_encode_slice(&prefixed[..]) }, Payload::PubkeyHash(ref hash) => { let mut prefixed = [0; 21]; prefixed[0] = match self.network { Network::Bitcoin => 0, Network::Testnet => 111, }; prefixed[1..].copy_from_slice(&hash[..]); base58::check_encode_slice(&prefixed[..]) }, Payload::ScriptHash(ref hash) => { let mut prefixed = [0; 21]; prefixed[0] = match self.network { Network::Bitcoin => 5, Network::Testnet => 196, }; prefixed[1..].copy_from_slice(&hash[..]); base58::check_encode_slice(&prefixed[..]) }, Payload::WitnessProgram(ref witprog) => { witprog.to_address() }, } } } impl FromStr for Address { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { // bech32 (note that upper or lowercase is allowed but NOT mixed case) if &s.as_bytes()[0..3] == b"bc1" || &s.as_bytes()[0..3] == b"tb1" || &s.as_bytes()[0..3] == b"BC1" || &s.as_bytes()[0..3] == b"TB1" { let witprog = try!(WitnessProgram::from_address(s)); let network = match witprog.network() { bitcoin_bech32::constants::Network::Bitcoin => Network::Bitcoin, bitcoin_bech32::constants::Network::Testnet => Network::Testnet, _ => panic!("unknown network") }; if witprog.version() != 0 { return Err(Error::UnsupportedWitnessVersion(witprog.version())); } return Ok(Address { network: network, payload: Payload::WitnessProgram(witprog) }); } // Base 58 let data = try!(base58::from_check(s)); if data.len() != 21 { return Err(Error::Base58(base58::Error::InvalidLength(data.len()))); } let (network, payload) = match data[0] { 0 => ( Network::Bitcoin, Payload::PubkeyHash(Hash160::from(&data[1..])) ), 5 => ( Network::Bitcoin, Payload::ScriptHash(Hash160::from(&data[1..])) ), 111 => ( Network::Testnet, Payload::PubkeyHash(Hash160::from(&data[1..])) ), 196 => ( Network::Testnet, Payload::ScriptHash(Hash160::from(&data[1..])) ), x => return Err(Error::Base58(base58::Error::InvalidVersion(vec![x]))) }; Ok(Address { network: network, payload: payload, }) } } impl ::std::fmt::Debug for Address { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.to_string()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::str::FromStr; use std::string::ToString; use secp256k1::Secp256k1; use secp256k1::key::PublicKey; use serialize::hex::FromHex; use blockdata::script::Script; use network::constants::Network::{Bitcoin, Testnet}; use util::hash::Hash160; use super::*; macro_rules! hex (($hex:expr) => ($hex.from_hex().unwrap())); macro_rules! hex_key (($secp:expr, $hex:expr) => (PublicKey::from_slice($secp, &hex!($hex)).unwrap())); macro_rules! hex_script (($hex:expr) => (Script::from(hex!($hex)))); #[test] fn test_p2pkh_address_58() { let addr = Address { network: Bitcoin, payload: Payload::PubkeyHash( Hash160::from(&"162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b070".from_hex().unwrap()[..]) ) }; assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("76a914162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b07088ac")); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "132F25rTsvBdp9JzLLBHP5mvGY66i1xdiM"); assert_eq!(Address::from_str("132F25rTsvBdp9JzLLBHP5mvGY66i1xdiM").unwrap(), addr); } #[test] fn test_p2pkh_from_key() { let secp = Secp256k1::without_caps(); let key = hex_key!(&secp, "048d5141948c1702e8c95f438815794b87f706a8d4cd2bffad1dc1570971032c9b6042a0431ded2478b5c9cf2d81c124a5e57347a3c63ef0e7716cf54d613ba183"); let addr = Address::p2upkh(&key, Bitcoin); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "1QJVDzdqb1VpbDK7uDeyVXy9mR27CJiyhY"); let key = hex_key!(&secp, &"03df154ebfcf29d29cc10d5c2565018bce2d9edbab267c31d2caf44a63056cf99f"); let addr = Address::p2pkh(&key, Testnet); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "mqkhEMH6NCeYjFybv7pvFC22MFeaNT9AQC"); } #[test] fn test_p2pk () { // one of Satoshi's coins, from Bitcoin transaction 9b0fc92260312ce44e74ef369f5c66bbb85848f2eddd5a7a1cde251e54ccfdd5 let secp = Secp256k1::without_caps(); let key = hex_key!(&secp, "047211a824f55b505228e4c3d5194c1fcfaa15a456abdf37f9b9d97a4040afc073dee6c89064984f03385237d92167c13e236446b417ab79a0fcae412ae3316b77"); let addr = Address::p2pk(&key, Bitcoin); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1"); } #[test] fn test_p2sh_address_58() { let addr = Address { network: Bitcoin, payload: Payload::ScriptHash( Hash160::from(&"162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b070".from_hex().unwrap()[..]) ) }; assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("a914162c5ea71c0b23f5b9022ef047c4a86470a5b07087")); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "33iFwdLuRpW1uK1RTRqsoi8rR4NpDzk66k"); assert_eq!(Address::from_str("33iFwdLuRpW1uK1RTRqsoi8rR4NpDzk66k").unwrap(), addr); } #[test] fn test_p2sh_parse() { let script = hex_script!("552103a765fc35b3f210b95223846b36ef62a4e53e34e2925270c2c7906b92c9f718eb2103c327511374246759ec8d0b89fa6c6b23b33e11f92c5bc155409d86de0c79180121038cae7406af1f12f4786d820a1466eec7bc5785a1b5e4a387eca6d797753ef6db2103252bfb9dcaab0cd00353f2ac328954d791270203d66c2be8b430f115f451b8a12103e79412d42372c55dd336f2eb6eb639ef9d74a22041ba79382c74da2338fe58ad21035049459a4ebc00e876a9eef02e72a3e70202d3d1f591fc0dd542f93f642021f82102016f682920d9723c61b27f562eb530c926c00106004798b6471e8c52c60ee02057ae"); let addr = Address::p2sh(&script, Testnet); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "2N3zXjbwdTcPsJiy8sUK9FhWJhqQCxA8Jjr"); assert_eq!(Address::from_str("2N3zXjbwdTcPsJiy8sUK9FhWJhqQCxA8Jjr").unwrap(), addr); } #[test] fn test_p2wpkh () { // stolen from Bitcoin transaction: b3c8c2b6cfc335abbcb2c7823a8453f55d64b2b5125a9a61e8737230cdb8ce20 let secp = Secp256k1::without_caps(); let key = hex_key!(&secp, "033bc8c83c52df5712229a2f72206d90192366c36428cb0c12b6af98324d97bfbc"); let addr = Address::p2wpkh(&key, Bitcoin); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "bc1qvzvkjn4q3nszqxrv3nraga2r822xjty3ykvkuw"); } #[test] fn test_p2wsh () { // stolen from Bitcoin transaction 5df912fda4becb1c29e928bec8d64d93e9ba8efa9b5b405bd683c86fd2c65667 let script = hex_script!("52210375e00eb72e29da82b89367947f29ef34afb75e8654f6ea368e0acdfd92976b7c2103a1b26313f430c4b15bb1fdce663207659d8cac749a0e53d70eff01874496feff2103c96d495bfdd5ba4145e3e046fee45e84a8a48ad05bd8dbb395c011a32cf9f88053ae"); let addr = Address::p2wsh(&script, Bitcoin); assert_eq!(&addr.to_string(), "bc1qwqdg6squsna38e46795at95yu9atm8azzmyvckulcc7kytlcckxswvvzej"); } #[test] fn test_bip173_vectors() { let addrstr = "BC1QW508D6QEJXTDG4Y5R3ZARVARY0C5XW7KV8F3T4"; let addr = Address::from_str(addrstr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(addr.network, Bitcoin); assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("0014751e76e8199196d454941c45d1b3a323f1433bd6")); // skip round-trip because we'll serialize to lowercase which won't match let addrstr = "tb1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3q0sl5k7"; let addr = Address::from_str(addrstr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(addr.network, Testnet); assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("00201863143c14c5166804bd19203356da136c985678cd4d27a1b8c6329604903262")); assert_eq!(addr.to_string(), addrstr); let addrstr = "tb1qqqqqp399et2xygdj5xreqhjjvcmzhxw4aywxecjdzew6hylgvsesrxh6hy"; let addr = Address::from_str(addrstr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(addr.network, Testnet); assert_eq!(addr.script_pubkey(), hex_script!("0020000000c4a5cad46221b2a187905e5266362b99d5e91c6ce24d165dab93e86433")); assert_eq!(addr.to_string(), addrstr); // bad vectors let addrstr = "tc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kg3g4ty"; // invalid hrp assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t5"; // invalid checksum assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "BC13W508D6QEJXTDG4Y5R3ZARVARY0C5XW7KN40WF2"; // invalid witness version assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "bc1rw5uspcuh"; // invalid program length assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "bc10w508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kw5rljs90"; // invalid program length assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "BC1QR508D6QEJXTDG4Y5R3ZARVARYV98GJ9P"; // invalid program length for wit v0 assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "tb1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3q0sL5k7"; // mixed case assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "bc1zw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvaryvqyzf3du"; // zero padding of more than 4 bits assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "tb1qrp33g0q5c5txsp9arysrx4k6zdkfs4nce4xj0gdcccefvpysxf3pjxtptv"; // nonzero padding assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); let addrstr = "bc1gmk9yu"; // empty data section assert!(Address::from_str(addrstr).is_err()); } }