// Rust Bitcoin Library // Written in 2014 by // Andrew Poelstra // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all // copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to // the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without // any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication // along with this software. // If not, see . // //! File defines types for hashes used throughout the library. These types are needed in order //! to avoid mixing data of the same hash format (like SHA256d) but of different meaning //! (transaction id, block hash etc). use hashes::{Hash, sha256, sha256d, hash160}; macro_rules! impl_hashencode { ($hashtype:ident) => { impl $crate::consensus::Encodable for $hashtype { fn consensus_encode(&self, s: S) -> Result { self.0.consensus_encode(s) } } impl $crate::consensus::Decodable for $hashtype { fn consensus_decode(d: D) -> Result { use $crate::hashes::Hash; Ok(Self::from_inner(<<$hashtype as $crate::hashes::Hash>::Inner>::consensus_decode(d)?)) } } } } hash_newtype!(Txid, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="A bitcoin transaction hash/transaction ID."); hash_newtype!(Wtxid, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="A bitcoin witness transaction ID."); hash_newtype!(BlockHash, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="A bitcoin block hash."); hash_newtype!(SigHash, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="Hash of the transaction according to the signature algorithm"); hash_newtype!(PubkeyHash, hash160::Hash, 20, doc="A hash of a public key."); hash_newtype!(ScriptHash, hash160::Hash, 20, doc="A hash of Bitcoin Script bytecode."); hash_newtype!(WPubkeyHash, hash160::Hash, 20, doc="SegWit version of a public key hash."); hash_newtype!(WScriptHash, sha256::Hash, 32, doc="SegWit version of a Bitcoin Script bytecode hash."); hash_newtype!(TxMerkleNode, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="A hash of the Merkle tree branch or root for transactions"); hash_newtype!(WitnessMerkleNode, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="A hash corresponding to the Merkle tree root for witness data"); hash_newtype!(WitnessCommitment, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="A hash corresponding to the witness structure commitment in the coinbase transaction"); hash_newtype!(XpubIdentifier, hash160::Hash, 20, doc="XpubIdentifier as defined in BIP-32."); hash_newtype!(FilterHash, sha256d::Hash, 32, doc="Bloom filter souble-SHA256 locator hash, as defined in BIP-168"); impl_hashencode!(Txid); impl_hashencode!(Wtxid); impl_hashencode!(SigHash); impl_hashencode!(BlockHash); impl_hashencode!(TxMerkleNode); impl_hashencode!(WitnessMerkleNode); impl_hashencode!(FilterHash);