#!/bin/bash # Continuosly cycle over fuzz targets running each for 1 hour. # It uses chrt SCHED_IDLE so that other process takes priority. # # For hfuzz options see https://github.com/google/honggfuzz/blob/master/docs/USAGE.md export HFUZZ_BUILD_ARGS='--features honggfuzz_fuzz' while : do for FILE in fuzz_targets/*; do TARGET=$(echo $FILE | cut -c 14- | cut -f 1 -d '.') # fuzz for one hour HFUZZ_RUN_ARGS='--run_time 3600' chrt -i 0 cargo hfuzz run $TARGET # minimize the corpus HFUZZ_RUN_ARGS="-i hfuzz_workspace/$TARGET/input/ -P -M" chrt -i 0 cargo hfuzz run $TARGET done done