use crate::internal_macros::write_err; use crate::impl_std_error; use core::fmt; use core::str::FromStr; use core::convert::TryFrom; use crate::prelude::*; /// Error with rich context returned when a string can't be parsed as an integer. /// /// This is an extension of [`core::num::ParseIntError`], which carries the input that failed to /// parse as well as type information. As a result it provides very informative error messages that /// make it easier to understand the problem and correct mistakes. /// /// Note that this is larger than the type from `core` so if it's passed through a deep call stack /// in a performance-critical application you may want to box it or throw away the context by /// converting to `core` type. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ParseIntError { input: String, // for displaying - see Display impl with nice error message below bits: u8, // We could represent this as a single bit but it wouldn't actually derease the cost of moving // the struct because String contains pointers so there will be padding of bits at least // pointer_size - 1 bytes: min 1B in practice. is_signed: bool, source: core::num::ParseIntError, } impl ParseIntError { /// Returns the input that was attempted to be parsed. pub fn input(&self) -> &str { &self.input } } impl From for core::num::ParseIntError { fn from(value: ParseIntError) -> Self { value.source } } impl AsRef for ParseIntError { fn as_ref(&self) -> &core::num::ParseIntError { &self.source } } impl fmt::Display for ParseIntError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let signed = if self.is_signed { "signed" } else { "unsigned" }; let n = if self.bits == 8 { "n" } else { "" }; write_err!(f, "failed to parse '{}' as a{} {}-bit {} integer", self.input, n, self.bits, signed; self.source) } } /// Not strictly neccessary but serves as a lint - avoids weird behavior if someone accidentally /// passes non-integer to the `parse()` function. pub(crate) trait Integer: FromStr + TryFrom + Sized {} macro_rules! impl_integer { ($($type:ty),* $(,)?) => { $( impl Integer for $type {} )* } } impl_integer!(u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64, u128, i128); /// Parses the input string as an integer returning an error carrying rich context. /// /// If the caller owns `String` or `Box` which is not used later it's better to pass it as /// owned since it avoids allocation in error case. pub(crate) fn int + Into>(s: S) -> Result { s.as_ref().parse().map_err(|error| { ParseIntError { input: s.into(), bits: u8::try_from(core::mem::size_of::() * 8).expect("max is 128 bits for u128"), // We detect if the type is signed by checking if -1 can be represented by it // this way we don't have to implement special traits and optimizer will get rid of the // computation. is_signed: T::try_from(-1i8).is_ok(), source: error, } }) } impl_std_error!(ParseIntError, source); /// Implements `TryFrom<$from> for $to` using `parse::int`, mapping the output using `fn` #[macro_export] macro_rules! impl_tryfrom_str_through_int_single { ($($from:ty, $to:ident $(, $fn:ident)?);*) => { $( impl core::convert::TryFrom<$from> for $to { type Error = $crate::error::ParseIntError; fn try_from(s: $from) -> Result { $crate::parse::int(s).map($to $(:: $fn)?) } } )* } } /// Implements `FromStr` and `TryFrom<{&str, String, Box}> for $to` using `parse::int`, mapping the output using `fn` /// /// The `Error` type is `ParseIntError` #[macro_export] macro_rules! impl_parse_str_through_int { ($to:ident $(, $fn:ident)?) => { $crate::impl_tryfrom_str_through_int_single!(&str, $to $(, $fn)?; String, $to $(, $fn)?; Box, $to $(, $fn)?); impl core::str::FromStr for $to { type Err = $crate::error::ParseIntError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { $crate::parse::int(s).map($to $(:: $fn)?) } } } }