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// Rust Bitcoin Library
// Written in 2014 by
// Andrew Poelstra <>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
// along with this software.
// If not, see <>.
//! Bitcoin network constants.
//! This module provides various constants relating to the Bitcoin network
//! protocol, such as protocol versioning and magic header bytes.
//! The [`Network`][1] type implements the [`Decodable`][2] and
//! [`Encodable`][3] traits and encodes the magic bytes of the given
//! network.
//! [1]: enum.Network.html
//! [2]: ../../consensus/encode/trait.Decodable.html
//! [3]: ../../consensus/encode/trait.Encodable.html
//! # Example: encoding a network's magic bytes
//! ```rust
//! use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
//! use bitcoin::consensus::encode::serialize;
//! let network = Network::Bitcoin;
//! let bytes = serialize(&network.magic());
//! assert_eq!(&bytes[..], &[0xF9, 0xBE, 0xB4, 0xD9]);
//! ```
use core::{fmt, ops, convert::From};
use io;
use consensus::encode::{self, Encodable, Decodable};
/// Version of the protocol as appearing in network message headers
/// This constant is used to signal to other peers which features you support.
/// Increasing it implies that your software also supports every feature prior to this version.
/// Doing so without support may lead to you incorrectly banning other peers or other peers banning you.
/// These are the features required for each version:
/// 70016 - Support receiving `wtxidrelay` message between `version` and `verack` message
/// 70015 - Support receiving invalid compact blocks from a peer without banning them
/// 70014 - Support compact block messages `sendcmpct`, `cmpctblock`, `getblocktxn` and `blocktxn`
/// 70013 - Support `feefilter` message
/// 70012 - Support `sendheaders` message and announce new blocks via headers rather than inv
/// 70011 - Support NODE_BLOOM service flag and don't support bloom filter messages if it is not set
/// 70002 - Support `reject` message
/// 70001 - Support bloom filter messages `filterload`, `filterclear` `filteradd`, `merkleblock` and FILTERED_BLOCK inventory type
/// 60002 - Support `mempool` message
/// 60001 - Support `pong` message and nonce in `ping` message
pub const PROTOCOL_VERSION: u32 = 70001;
user_enum! {
/// The cryptocurrency to act on
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Network {
/// Classic Bitcoin
Bitcoin <-> "bitcoin",
/// Bitcoin's testnet
Testnet <-> "testnet",
/// Bitcoin's signet
Signet <-> "signet",
/// Bitcoin's regtest
Regtest <-> "regtest"
impl Network {
/// Creates a `Network` from the magic bytes.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
/// assert_eq!(Some(Network::Bitcoin), Network::from_magic(0xD9B4BEF9));
/// assert_eq!(None, Network::from_magic(0xFFFFFFFF));
/// ```
pub fn from_magic(magic: u32) -> Option<Network> {
// Note: any new entries here must be added to `magic` below
match magic {
0xD9B4BEF9 => Some(Network::Bitcoin),
0x0709110B => Some(Network::Testnet),
0x40CF030A => Some(Network::Signet),
0xDAB5BFFA => Some(Network::Regtest),
_ => None
/// Return the network magic bytes, which should be encoded little-endian
/// at the start of every message
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
/// let network = Network::Bitcoin;
/// assert_eq!(network.magic(), 0xD9B4BEF9);
/// ```
pub fn magic(self) -> u32 {
// Note: any new entries here must be added to `from_magic` above
match self {
Network::Bitcoin => 0xD9B4BEF9,
Network::Testnet => 0x0709110B,
Network::Signet => 0x40CF030A,
Network::Regtest => 0xDAB5BFFA,
/// Flags to indicate which network services a node supports.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ServiceFlags(u64);
impl ServiceFlags {
/// NONE means no services supported.
pub const NONE: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(0);
/// NETWORK means that the node is capable of serving the complete block chain. It is currently
/// set by all Bitcoin Core non pruned nodes, and is unset by SPV clients or other light
/// clients.
pub const NETWORK: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(1 << 0);
/// GETUTXO means the node is capable of responding to the getutxo protocol request. Bitcoin
/// Core does not support this but a patch set called Bitcoin XT does.
/// See BIP 64 for details on how this is implemented.
pub const GETUTXO: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(1 << 1);
/// BLOOM means the node is capable and willing to handle bloom-filtered connections. Bitcoin
/// Core nodes used to support this by default, without advertising this bit, but no longer do
/// as of protocol version 70011 (= NO_BLOOM_VERSION)
pub const BLOOM: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(1 << 2);
/// WITNESS indicates that a node can be asked for blocks and transactions including witness
/// data.
pub const WITNESS: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(1 << 3);
/// COMPACT_FILTERS means the node will service basic block filter requests.
/// See BIP157 and BIP158 for details on how this is implemented.
pub const COMPACT_FILTERS: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(1 << 6);
/// NETWORK_LIMITED means the same as NODE_NETWORK with the limitation of only serving the last
/// 288 (2 day) blocks.
/// See BIP159 for details on how this is implemented.
pub const NETWORK_LIMITED: ServiceFlags = ServiceFlags(1 << 10);
// NOTE: When adding new flags, remember to update the Display impl accordingly.
/// Add [ServiceFlags] together.
/// Returns itself.
pub fn add(&mut self, other: ServiceFlags) -> ServiceFlags {
self.0 |= other.0;
/// Remove [ServiceFlags] from this.
/// Returns itself.
pub fn remove(&mut self, other: ServiceFlags) -> ServiceFlags {
self.0 ^= other.0;
/// Check whether [ServiceFlags] are included in this one.
pub fn has(self, flags: ServiceFlags) -> bool {
(self.0 | flags.0) == self.0
/// Get the integer representation of this [ServiceFlags].
pub fn as_u64(self) -> u64 {
impl fmt::LowerHex for ServiceFlags {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl fmt::UpperHex for ServiceFlags {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl fmt::Display for ServiceFlags {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut flags = *self;
if flags == ServiceFlags::NONE {
return write!(f, "ServiceFlags(NONE)");
let mut first = true;
macro_rules! write_flag {
($f:ident) => {
if flags.has(ServiceFlags::$f) {
if !first {
write!(f, "|")?;
first = false;
write!(f, stringify!($f))?;
write!(f, "ServiceFlags(")?;
// If there are unknown flags left, we append them in hex.
if flags != ServiceFlags::NONE {
if !first {
write!(f, "|")?;
write!(f, "0x{:x}", flags)?;
write!(f, ")")
impl From<u64> for ServiceFlags {
fn from(f: u64) -> Self {
impl Into<u64> for ServiceFlags {
fn into(self) -> u64 {
impl ops::BitOr for ServiceFlags {
type Output = Self;
fn bitor(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
impl ops::BitOrAssign for ServiceFlags {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
impl ops::BitXor for ServiceFlags {
type Output = Self;
fn bitxor(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
impl ops::BitXorAssign for ServiceFlags {
fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
impl Encodable for ServiceFlags {
fn consensus_encode<S: io::Write>(&self, mut s: S) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
self.0.consensus_encode(&mut s)
impl Decodable for ServiceFlags {
fn consensus_decode<D: io::Read>(mut d: D) -> Result<Self, encode::Error> {
Ok(ServiceFlags(Decodable::consensus_decode(&mut d)?))
mod tests {
use super::{Network, ServiceFlags};
use consensus::encode::{deserialize, serialize};
fn serialize_test() {
assert_eq!(serialize(&Network::Bitcoin.magic()), &[0xf9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xd9]);
assert_eq!(serialize(&Network::Testnet.magic()), &[0x0b, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07]);
assert_eq!(serialize(&Network::Signet.magic()), &[0x0a, 0x03, 0xcf, 0x40]);
assert_eq!(serialize(&Network::Regtest.magic()), &[0xfa, 0xbf, 0xb5, 0xda]);
assert_eq!(deserialize(&[0xf9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xd9]).ok(), Some(Network::Bitcoin.magic()));
assert_eq!(deserialize(&[0x0b, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07]).ok(), Some(Network::Testnet.magic()));
assert_eq!(deserialize(&[0x0a, 0x03, 0xcf, 0x40]).ok(), Some(Network::Signet.magic()));
assert_eq!(deserialize(&[0xfa, 0xbf, 0xb5, 0xda]).ok(), Some(Network::Regtest.magic()));
fn string_test() {
assert_eq!(Network::Bitcoin.to_string(), "bitcoin");
assert_eq!(Network::Testnet.to_string(), "testnet");
assert_eq!(Network::Regtest.to_string(), "regtest");
assert_eq!(Network::Signet.to_string(), "signet");
assert_eq!("bitcoin".parse::<Network>().unwrap(), Network::Bitcoin);
assert_eq!("testnet".parse::<Network>().unwrap(), Network::Testnet);
assert_eq!("regtest".parse::<Network>().unwrap(), Network::Regtest);
assert_eq!("signet".parse::<Network>().unwrap(), Network::Signet);
fn service_flags_test() {
let all = [
let mut flags = ServiceFlags::NONE;
for f in all.iter() {
flags |= ServiceFlags::WITNESS;
assert_eq!(flags, ServiceFlags::WITNESS);
let mut flags2 = flags | ServiceFlags::GETUTXO;
for f in all.iter() {
assert_eq!(flags2.has(*f), *f == ServiceFlags::WITNESS || *f == ServiceFlags::GETUTXO);
flags2 ^= ServiceFlags::WITNESS;
assert_eq!(flags2, ServiceFlags::GETUTXO);
flags2 |= ServiceFlags::COMPACT_FILTERS;
flags2 ^= ServiceFlags::GETUTXO;
assert_eq!(flags2, ServiceFlags::COMPACT_FILTERS);
// Test formatting.
assert_eq!("ServiceFlags(NONE)", ServiceFlags::NONE.to_string());
assert_eq!("ServiceFlags(WITNESS)", ServiceFlags::WITNESS.to_string());
let flag = ServiceFlags::WITNESS | ServiceFlags::BLOOM | ServiceFlags::NETWORK;
assert_eq!("ServiceFlags(NETWORK|BLOOM|WITNESS)", flag.to_string());
let flag = ServiceFlags::WITNESS | 0xf0.into();
assert_eq!("ServiceFlags(WITNESS|COMPACT_FILTERS|0xb0)", flag.to_string());