235 lines
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235 lines
8.4 KiB
// Rust Bitcoin Library
// Written in 2014 by
// Andrew Poelstra <apoelstra@wpsoftware.net>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
// along with this software.
// If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
//! Miscellaneous functions
//! Various utility functions
use bitcoin_hashes::{sha256d, Hash};
use blockdata::opcodes;
use consensus::encode;
static MSG_SIGN_PREFIX: &'static [u8] = b"\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n";
/// Helper function to convert hex nibble characters to their respective value
fn hex_val(c: u8) -> Result<u8, encode::Error> {
let res = match c {
b'0' ... b'9' => c - '0' as u8,
b'a' ... b'f' => c - 'a' as u8 + 10,
b'A' ... b'F' => c - 'A' as u8 + 10,
_ => return Err(encode::Error::UnexpectedHexDigit(c as char)),
/// Convert a hexadecimal-encoded string to its corresponding bytes
pub fn hex_bytes(data: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, encode::Error> {
// This code is optimized to be as fast as possible without using unsafe or platform specific
// features. If you want to refactor it please make sure you don't introduce performance
// regressions (run the benchmark with `cargo bench --features unstable`).
// If the hex string has an uneven length fail early
if data.len() % 2 != 0 {
return Err(encode::Error::ParseFailed("hexstring of odd length"));
// Preallocate the uninitialized memory for the byte array
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() / 2);
let mut hex_it = data.bytes();
loop {
// Get most significant nibble of current byte or end iteration
let msn = match hex_it.next() {
None => break,
Some(x) => x,
// Get least significant nibble of current byte
let lsn = match hex_it.next() {
None => unreachable!("len % 2 == 0"),
Some(x) => x,
// Convert bytes representing characters to their represented value and combine lsn and msn.
// The and_then and map are crucial for performance, in comparison to using ? and then
// using the results of that for the calculation it's nearly twice as fast. Using bit
// shifting and or instead of multiply and add on the other hand doesn't show a significant
// increase in performance.
match hex_val(msn).and_then(|msn_val| hex_val(lsn).map(|lsn_val| msn_val * 16 + lsn_val)) {
Ok(x) => res.push(x),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
/// Search for `needle` in the vector `haystack` and remove every
/// instance of it, returning the number of instances removed.
/// Loops through the vector opcode by opcode, skipping pushed data.
pub fn script_find_and_remove(haystack: &mut Vec<u8>, needle: &[u8]) -> usize {
if needle.len() > haystack.len() { return 0; }
if needle.len() == 0 { return 0; }
let mut top = haystack.len() - needle.len();
let mut n_deleted = 0;
let mut i = 0;
while i <= top {
if &haystack[i..(i + needle.len())] == needle {
for j in i..top {
haystack.swap(j + needle.len(), j);
n_deleted += 1;
// This is ugly but prevents infinite loop in case of overflow
let overflow = top < needle.len();
top = top.wrapping_sub(needle.len());
if overflow { break; }
} else {
i += match opcodes::All::from((*haystack)[i]).classify() {
opcodes::Class::PushBytes(n) => n as usize + 1,
opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_PUSHDATA1) => 2,
opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_PUSHDATA2) => 3,
opcodes::Class::Ordinary(opcodes::Ordinary::OP_PUSHDATA4) => 5,
_ => 1
/// Hash message for signature using Bitcoin's message signing format
pub fn signed_msg_hash(msg: &str) -> sha256d::Hash {
&encode::serialize(&encode::VarInt(msg.len() as u64)),
#[cfg(all(test, feature="unstable"))]
mod benches {
use secp256k1::rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
use super::hex_bytes;
use test::Bencher;
fn join<I: Iterator<Item=IT>, IT: AsRef<str>>(iter: I, expected_len: usize) -> String {
let mut res = String::with_capacity(expected_len);
for s in iter {
fn bench_from_hex(b: &mut Bencher, data_size: usize) {
let data_bytes = thread_rng()
let data = join(data_bytes.iter().map(|x| format!("{:02x}", x)), data_size * 2);
assert_eq!(hex_bytes(&data).unwrap(), data_bytes);
b.iter(|| {
fn from_hex_16_bytes(b: &mut Bencher) {
bench_from_hex(b, 16);
fn from_hex_64_bytes(b: &mut Bencher) {
bench_from_hex(b, 64);
fn from_hex_256_bytes(b: &mut Bencher) {
bench_from_hex(b, 256);
fn from_hex_4m_bytes(b: &mut Bencher) {
bench_from_hex(b, 1024 * 1024 * 4);
mod tests {
use bitcoin_hashes::hex::ToHex;
use super::script_find_and_remove;
use super::hex_bytes;
use super::signed_msg_hash;
fn test_script_find_and_remove() {
let mut v = vec![101u8, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109];
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[]), 0);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 105, 105]), 0);
assert_eq!(v, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109]);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 106, 107]), 1);
assert_eq!(v, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 108, 109]);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[104, 108, 109]), 1);
assert_eq!(v, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103]);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[101]), 1);
assert_eq!(v, vec![102, 103, 104, 102, 103, 104, 102, 103]);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[102]), 3);
assert_eq!(v, vec![103, 104, 103, 104, 103]);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[103, 104]), 2);
assert_eq!(v, vec![103]);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 105, 5]), 0);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105]), 0);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[103]), 1);
assert_eq!(v, Vec::<u8>::new());
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105, 105, 5]), 0);
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut v, &[105]), 0);
fn test_script_codesep_remove() {
let mut s = vec![33u8, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 171, 33, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 171, 81];
assert_eq!(script_find_and_remove(&mut s, &[171]), 2);
assert_eq!(s, vec![33, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 33, 3, 132, 121, 160, 250, 153, 140, 211, 82, 89, 162, 239, 10, 122, 92, 104, 102, 44, 20, 116, 248, 140, 203, 109, 8, 167, 103, 123, 190, 199, 242, 32, 65, 173, 81]);
fn test_hex_bytes() {
assert_eq!(&hex_bytes("abcd").unwrap(), &[171u8, 205]);
fn test_signed_msg_hash() {
let hash = signed_msg_hash("test");
assert_eq!(hash.to_hex(), "a6f87fe6d58a032c320ff8d1541656f0282c2c7bfcc69d61af4c8e8ed528e49c");