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// Rust Bitcoin Library
// Written in 2014 by
// Andrew Poelstra <>
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
// the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
// any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
// along with this software.
// If not, see <>.
//! Schnorr Bitcoin keys.
//! This module provides Schnorr keys used in Bitcoin, reexporting Secp256k1
//! Schnorr key types.
pub use secp256k1::schnorrsig::{PublicKey, KeyPair};
use secp256k1::{Secp256k1, Verification};
use hashes::{Hash, HashEngine};
use util::taproot::{TapBranchHash, TapTweakHash};
/// Untweaked Schnorr public key
pub type UntweakedPublicKey = PublicKey;
/// Tweaked Schnorr public key
pub struct TweakedPublicKey(PublicKey);
/// A trait for tweaking Schnorr public keys
pub trait TapTweak {
/// Tweaks an untweaked public key given an untweaked key and optional script tree merkle root.
/// This is done by using the equation Q = P + H(P|c)G, where
/// * Q is the tweaked key
/// * P is the internal key
/// * H is the hash function
/// * c is the commitment data
/// * G is the generator point
fn tap_tweak<C: Verification>(&self, secp: Secp256k1<C>, merkle_root: Option<TapBranchHash>) -> TweakedPublicKey;
/// Directly convert an UntweakedPublicKey to a TweakedPublicKey
/// This method is dangerous and can lead to loss of funds if used incorrectly.
/// Specifically, in multi-party protocols a peer can provide a value that allows them to steal.
fn dangerous_assume_tweaked(self) -> TweakedPublicKey;
impl TapTweak for UntweakedPublicKey {
fn tap_tweak<C: Verification>(&self, secp: Secp256k1<C>, merkle_root: Option<TapBranchHash>) -> TweakedPublicKey {
// Compute the tweak
let mut engine = TapTweakHash::engine();
engine.input(&self.serialize());|hash| engine.input(&hash));
let tweak_value: [u8; 32] = TapTweakHash::from_engine(engine).into_inner();
//Tweak the internal key by the tweak value
let mut output_key = self.clone();
let parity = output_key.tweak_add_assign(&secp, &tweak_value).expect("Tap tweak failed");
if self.tweak_add_check(&secp, &output_key, parity, tweak_value) {
return TweakedPublicKey(output_key);
} else { unreachable!("Tap tweak failed") }
fn dangerous_assume_tweaked(self) -> TweakedPublicKey {
impl TweakedPublicKey {
/// Create a new [TweakedPublicKey] from a [PublicKey]. No tweak is applied.
pub fn new(key: PublicKey) -> TweakedPublicKey {
/// Returns the underlying public key
pub fn into_inner(self) -> PublicKey {