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// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
//! Bitcoin amounts.
//! This module mainly introduces the [Amount] and [SignedAmount] types.
//! We refer to the documentation on the types for more information.
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::fmt::{self, Write};
use core::str::FromStr;
use core::{default, ops};
use crate::consensus::encode::{self, Decodable, Encodable};
use crate::io;
use crate::prelude::*;
/// A set of denominations in which amounts can be expressed.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use core::str::FromStr;
/// # use bitcoin::Amount;
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1 BTC").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(100_000_000));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1 cBTC").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(1_000_000));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1 mBTC").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(100_000));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1 uBTC").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(100));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("10 nBTC").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(1));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("10000 pBTC").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(1));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1 bit").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(100));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1 sat").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(1));
/// assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("1000 msats").unwrap(), Amount::from_sat(1));
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Denomination {
/// BTC
/// cBTC
/// mBTC
/// uBTC
/// nBTC
/// pBTC
/// bits
/// satoshi
/// msat
impl Denomination {
/// The number of decimal places more than a satoshi.
fn precision(self) -> i8 {
match self {
Denomination::Bitcoin => -8,
Denomination::CentiBitcoin => -6,
Denomination::MilliBitcoin => -5,
Denomination::MicroBitcoin => -2,
Denomination::NanoBitcoin => 1,
Denomination::PicoBitcoin => 4,
Denomination::Bit => -2,
Denomination::Satoshi => 0,
Denomination::MilliSatoshi => 3,
/// Returns stringly representation of this
fn as_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Denomination::Bitcoin => "BTC",
Denomination::CentiBitcoin => "cBTC",
Denomination::MilliBitcoin => "mBTC",
Denomination::MicroBitcoin => "uBTC",
Denomination::NanoBitcoin => "nBTC",
Denomination::PicoBitcoin => "pBTC",
Denomination::Bit => "bits",
Denomination::Satoshi => "satoshi",
Denomination::MilliSatoshi => "msat",
/// The different str forms of denominations that are recognized.
fn forms(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match s {
"BTC" | "btc" => Some(Denomination::Bitcoin),
"cBTC" | "cbtc" => Some(Denomination::CentiBitcoin),
"mBTC" | "mbtc" => Some(Denomination::MilliBitcoin),
"uBTC" | "ubtc" => Some(Denomination::MicroBitcoin),
"nBTC" | "nbtc" => Some(Denomination::NanoBitcoin),
"pBTC" | "pbtc" => Some(Denomination::PicoBitcoin),
"bit" | "bits" | "BIT" | "BITS" => Some(Denomination::Bit),
"SATOSHI" | "satoshi" | "SATOSHIS" | "satoshis" | "SAT" | "sat" | "SATS" | "sats" =>
"mSAT" | "msat" | "mSATs" | "msats" => Some(Denomination::MilliSatoshi),
_ => None,
/// These form are ambigous and could have many meanings. For example, M could denote Mega or Milli.
/// If any of these forms are used, an error type PossiblyConfusingDenomination is returned.
const CONFUSING_FORMS: [&str; 9] =
["Msat", "Msats", "MSAT", "MSATS", "MSat", "MSats", "MBTC", "Mbtc", "PBTC"];
impl fmt::Display for Denomination {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str(self.as_str()) }
impl FromStr for Denomination {
type Err = ParseAmountError;
/// Convert from a str to Denomination.
/// Any combination of upper and/or lower case, excluding uppercase of SI(m, u, n, p) is considered valid.
/// - Singular: BTC, mBTC, uBTC, nBTC, pBTC
/// - Plural or singular: sat, satoshi, bit, msat
/// Due to ambiguity between mega and milli, pico and peta we prohibit usage of leading capital 'M', 'P'.
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
use self::ParseAmountError::*;
if CONFUSING_FORMS.contains(&s) {
return Err(PossiblyConfusingDenomination(s.to_owned()));
let form = self::Denomination::forms(s);
form.ok_or_else(|| UnknownDenomination(s.to_owned()))
/// An error during amount parsing.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ParseAmountError {
/// Amount is negative.
/// Amount is too big to fit inside the type.
/// Amount has higher precision than supported by the type.
/// Invalid number format.
/// Input string was too large.
/// Invalid character in input.
/// The denomination was unknown.
/// The denomination has multiple possible interpretations.
impl fmt::Display for ParseAmountError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ParseAmountError::Negative => f.write_str("amount is negative"),
ParseAmountError::TooBig => f.write_str("amount is too big"),
ParseAmountError::TooPrecise => f.write_str("amount has a too high precision"),
ParseAmountError::InvalidFormat => f.write_str("invalid number format"),
ParseAmountError::InputTooLarge => f.write_str("input string was too large"),
ParseAmountError::InvalidCharacter(c) => write!(f, "invalid character in input: {}", c),
ParseAmountError::UnknownDenomination(ref d) =>
write!(f, "unknown denomination: {}", d),
ParseAmountError::PossiblyConfusingDenomination(ref d) => {
let (letter, upper, lower) = match d.chars().next() {
Some('M') => ('M', "Mega", "milli"),
Some('P') => ('P', "Peta", "pico"),
// This panic could be avoided by adding enum ConfusingDenomination { Mega, Peta } but is it worth it?
_ => panic!("invalid error information"),
write!(f, "the '{}' at the beginning of {} should technically mean '{}' but that denomination is uncommon and maybe '{}' was intended", letter, d, upper, lower)
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::error::Error for ParseAmountError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
use self::ParseAmountError::*;
match *self {
| TooBig
| TooPrecise
| InvalidFormat
| InputTooLarge
| InvalidCharacter(_)
| UnknownDenomination(_)
| PossiblyConfusingDenomination(_) => None,
fn is_too_precise(s: &str, precision: usize) -> bool {
match s.find('.') {
Some(pos) =>
s[(pos + 1)..].chars().any(|d| d != '0')
|| precision >= pos
|| s[..pos].chars().rev().take(precision).any(|d| d != '0'),
None => precision >= s.len() || s.chars().rev().take(precision).any(|d| d != '0'),
/// Parse decimal string in the given denomination into a satoshi value and a
/// bool indicator for a negative amount.
fn parse_signed_to_satoshi(
mut s: &str,
denom: Denomination,
) -> Result<(bool, u64), ParseAmountError> {
if s.is_empty() {
return Err(ParseAmountError::InvalidFormat);
if s.len() > 50 {
return Err(ParseAmountError::InputTooLarge);
let is_negative = s.starts_with('-');
if is_negative {
if s.len() == 1 {
return Err(ParseAmountError::InvalidFormat);
s = &s[1..];
let max_decimals = {
// The difference in precision between native (satoshi)
// and desired denomination.
let precision_diff = -denom.precision();
if precision_diff <= 0 {
// If precision diff is negative, this means we are parsing
// into a less precise amount. That is not allowed unless
// there are no decimals and the last digits are zeroes as
// many as the difference in precision.
let last_n = unsigned_abs(precision_diff).into();
if is_too_precise(s, last_n) {
match s.parse::<i64>() {
Ok(v) if v == 0_i64 => return Ok((is_negative, 0)),
_ => return Err(ParseAmountError::TooPrecise),
s = &s[0..s.find('.').unwrap_or(s.len()) - last_n];
} else {
let mut decimals = None;
let mut value: u64 = 0; // as satoshis
for c in s.chars() {
match c {
'0'..='9' => {
// Do `value = 10 * value + digit`, catching overflows.
match 10_u64.checked_mul(value) {
None => return Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig),
Some(val) => match val.checked_add((c as u8 - b'0') as u64) {
None => return Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig),
Some(val) => value = val,
// Increment the decimal digit counter if past decimal.
decimals = match decimals {
None => None,
Some(d) if d < max_decimals => Some(d + 1),
_ => return Err(ParseAmountError::TooPrecise),
'.' => match decimals {
None if max_decimals <= 0 => break,
None => decimals = Some(0),
// Double decimal dot.
_ => return Err(ParseAmountError::InvalidFormat),
c => return Err(ParseAmountError::InvalidCharacter(c)),
// Decimally shift left by `max_decimals - decimals`.
let scale_factor = max_decimals - decimals.unwrap_or(0);
for _ in 0..scale_factor {
value = match 10_u64.checked_mul(value) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig),
Ok((is_negative, value))
fn split_amount_and_denomination(s: &str) -> Result<(&str, Denomination), ParseAmountError> {
let (i, j) = if let Some(i) = s.find(' ') {
(i, i + 1)
} else {
let i = s.find(|c: char| c.is_alphabetic()).ok_or(ParseAmountError::InvalidFormat)?;
(i, i)
Ok((&s[..i], s[j..].parse()?))
/// Options given by `fmt::Formatter`
struct FormatOptions {
fill: char,
align: Option<fmt::Alignment>,
width: Option<usize>,
precision: Option<usize>,
sign_plus: bool,
sign_aware_zero_pad: bool,
impl FormatOptions {
fn from_formatter(f: &fmt::Formatter) -> Self {
FormatOptions {
fill: f.fill(),
align: f.align(),
width: f.width(),
precision: f.precision(),
sign_plus: f.sign_plus(),
sign_aware_zero_pad: f.sign_aware_zero_pad(),
impl Default for FormatOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
FormatOptions {
fill: ' ',
align: None,
width: None,
precision: None,
sign_plus: false,
sign_aware_zero_pad: false,
fn dec_width(mut num: u64) -> usize {
let mut width = 1;
loop {
num /= 10;
if num == 0 {
width += 1;
// NIH due to MSRV, impl copied from `core::i8::unsigned_abs` (introduced in Rust 1.51.1).
fn unsigned_abs(x: i8) -> u8 { x.wrapping_abs() as u8 }
fn repeat_char(f: &mut dyn fmt::Write, c: char, count: usize) -> fmt::Result {
for _ in 0..count {
/// Format the given satoshi amount in the given denomination.
fn fmt_satoshi_in(
satoshi: u64,
negative: bool,
f: &mut dyn fmt::Write,
denom: Denomination,
show_denom: bool,
options: FormatOptions,
) -> fmt::Result {
let precision = denom.precision();
// First we normalize the number:
// {num_before_decimal_point}{:0exp}{"." if nb_decimals > 0}{:0nb_decimals}{num_after_decimal_point}{:0trailing_decimal_zeros}
let mut num_after_decimal_point = 0;
let mut norm_nb_decimals = 0;
let mut num_before_decimal_point = satoshi;
let trailing_decimal_zeros;
let mut exp = 0;
match precision.cmp(&0) {
// We add the number of zeroes to the end
Ordering::Greater => {
if satoshi > 0 {
exp = precision as usize;
trailing_decimal_zeros = options.precision.unwrap_or(0);
Ordering::Less => {
let precision = unsigned_abs(precision);
let divisor = 10u64.pow(precision.into());
num_before_decimal_point = satoshi / divisor;
num_after_decimal_point = satoshi % divisor;
// normalize by stripping trailing zeros
if num_after_decimal_point == 0 {
norm_nb_decimals = 0;
} else {
norm_nb_decimals = usize::from(precision);
while num_after_decimal_point % 10 == 0 {
norm_nb_decimals -= 1;
num_after_decimal_point /= 10
// compute requested precision
let opt_precision = options.precision.unwrap_or(0);
trailing_decimal_zeros = opt_precision.saturating_sub(norm_nb_decimals);
Ordering::Equal => trailing_decimal_zeros = options.precision.unwrap_or(0),
let total_decimals = norm_nb_decimals + trailing_decimal_zeros;
// Compute expected width of the number
let mut num_width = if total_decimals > 0 {
// 1 for decimal point
1 + total_decimals
} else {
num_width += dec_width(num_before_decimal_point) + exp;
if options.sign_plus || negative {
num_width += 1;
if show_denom {
// + 1 for space
num_width += denom.as_str().len() + 1;
let width = options.width.unwrap_or(0);
let align = options.align.unwrap_or(fmt::Alignment::Right);
let (left_pad, pad_right) = match (num_width < width, options.sign_aware_zero_pad, align) {
(false, _, _) => (0, 0),
// Alignment is always right (ignored) when zero-padding
(true, true, _) | (true, false, fmt::Alignment::Right) => (width - num_width, 0),
(true, false, fmt::Alignment::Left) => (0, width - num_width),
// If the required padding is odd it needs to be skewed to the left
(true, false, fmt::Alignment::Center) =>
((width - num_width) / 2, (width - num_width + 1) / 2),
if !options.sign_aware_zero_pad {
repeat_char(f, options.fill, left_pad)?;
if negative {
write!(f, "-")?;
} else if options.sign_plus {
write!(f, "+")?;
if options.sign_aware_zero_pad {
repeat_char(f, '0', left_pad)?;
write!(f, "{}", num_before_decimal_point)?;
repeat_char(f, '0', exp)?;
if total_decimals > 0 {
write!(f, ".")?;
if norm_nb_decimals > 0 {
write!(f, "{:0width$}", num_after_decimal_point, width = norm_nb_decimals)?;
repeat_char(f, '0', trailing_decimal_zeros)?;
if show_denom {
write!(f, " {}", denom.as_str())?;
repeat_char(f, options.fill, pad_right)?;
/// Amount
/// The [Amount] type can be used to express Bitcoin amounts that support
/// arithmetic and conversion to various denominations.
/// Warning!
/// This type implements several arithmetic operations from [core::ops].
/// To prevent errors due to overflow or underflow when using these operations,
/// it is advised to instead use the checked arithmetic methods whose names
/// start with `checked_`. The operations from [core::ops] that [Amount]
/// implements will panic when overflow or underflow occurs. Also note that
/// since the internal representation of amounts is unsigned, subtracting below
/// zero is considered an underflow and will cause a panic if you're not using
/// the checked arithmetic methods.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(crate = "actual_serde"))]
pub struct Amount(u64);
impl Amount {
/// The zero amount.
pub const ZERO: Amount = Amount(0);
/// Exactly one satoshi.
pub const ONE_SAT: Amount = Amount(1);
/// Exactly one bitcoin.
pub const ONE_BTC: Amount = Self::from_int_btc(1);
/// The maximum value allowed as an amount. Useful for sanity checking.
pub const MAX_MONEY: Amount = Self::from_int_btc(21_000_000);
/// The minimum value of an amount.
pub const MIN: Amount = Amount::ZERO;
/// The maximum value of an amount.
pub const MAX: Amount = Amount(u64::MAX);
/// Create an [Amount] with satoshi precision and the given number of satoshis.
pub const fn from_sat(satoshi: u64) -> Amount { Amount(satoshi) }
/// Gets the number of satoshis in this [`Amount`].
pub fn to_sat(self) -> u64 { self.0 }
/// The maximum value of an [Amount].
#[deprecated(since = "0.31.0", note = "Use Self::MAX instead")]
pub const fn max_value() -> Amount { Amount(u64::max_value()) }
/// The minimum value of an [Amount].
#[deprecated(since = "0.31.0", note = "Use Self::MIN instead")]
pub const fn min_value() -> Amount { Amount(u64::min_value()) }
/// Convert from a value expressing bitcoins to an [Amount].
pub fn from_btc(btc: f64) -> Result<Amount, ParseAmountError> {
Amount::from_float_in(btc, Denomination::Bitcoin)
/// Convert from a value expressing integer values of bitcoins to an [Amount]
/// in const context.
/// ## Panics
/// The function panics if the argument multiplied by the number of sats
/// per bitcoin overflows a u64 type.
pub const fn from_int_btc(btc: u64) -> Amount {
// TODO replace whith unwrap() when available in const context.
match btc.checked_mul(100_000_000) {
Some(amount) => Amount::from_sat(amount),
None => {
// TODO replace with panic!() when MSRV = 1.57+
// disabling this lint until panic!() can be used.
let _int_overflow_converting_btc_to_sats = [(); 0][1];
/// Parse a decimal string as a value in the given denomination.
/// Note: This only parses the value string. If you want to parse a value
/// with denomination, use [FromStr].
pub fn from_str_in(s: &str, denom: Denomination) -> Result<Amount, ParseAmountError> {
let (negative, satoshi) = parse_signed_to_satoshi(s, denom)?;
if negative {
return Err(ParseAmountError::Negative);
if satoshi > i64::MAX as u64 {
return Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig);
/// Parses amounts with denomination suffix like they are produced with
/// [Self::to_string_with_denomination] or with [fmt::Display].
/// If you want to parse only the amount without the denomination,
/// use [Self::from_str_in].
pub fn from_str_with_denomination(s: &str) -> Result<Amount, ParseAmountError> {
let (amt, denom) = split_amount_and_denomination(s)?;
Amount::from_str_in(amt, denom)
/// Express this [Amount] as a floating-point value in the given denomination.
/// Please be aware of the risk of using floating-point numbers.
pub fn to_float_in(self, denom: Denomination) -> f64 {
/// Express this [`Amount`] as a floating-point value in Bitcoin.
/// Please be aware of the risk of using floating-point numbers.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use bitcoin::{Amount, Denomination};
/// let amount = Amount::from_sat(100_000);
/// assert_eq!(amount.to_btc(), amount.to_float_in(Denomination::Bitcoin))
/// ```
pub fn to_btc(self) -> f64 { self.to_float_in(Denomination::Bitcoin) }
/// Convert this [Amount] in floating-point notation with a given
/// denomination.
/// Can return error if the amount is too big, too precise or negative.
/// Please be aware of the risk of using floating-point numbers.
pub fn from_float_in(value: f64, denom: Denomination) -> Result<Amount, ParseAmountError> {
if value < 0.0 {
return Err(ParseAmountError::Negative);
// This is inefficient, but the safest way to deal with this. The parsing logic is safe.
// Any performance-critical application should not be dealing with floats.
Amount::from_str_in(&value.to_string(), denom)
/// Create an object that implements [`fmt::Display`] using specified denomination.
pub fn display_in(self, denomination: Denomination) -> Display {
Display {
sats_abs: self.to_sat(),
is_negative: false,
style: DisplayStyle::FixedDenomination { denomination, show_denomination: false },
/// Create an object that implements [`fmt::Display`] dynamically selecting denomination.
/// This will use BTC for values greater than or equal to 1 BTC and satoshis otherwise. To
/// avoid confusion the denomination is always shown.
pub fn display_dynamic(self) -> Display {
Display {
sats_abs: self.to_sat(),
is_negative: false,
style: DisplayStyle::DynamicDenomination,
/// Format the value of this [Amount] in the given denomination.
/// Does not include the denomination.
pub fn fmt_value_in(self, f: &mut dyn fmt::Write, denom: Denomination) -> fmt::Result {
fmt_satoshi_in(self.to_sat(), false, f, denom, false, FormatOptions::default())
/// Get a string number of this [Amount] in the given denomination.
/// Does not include the denomination.
pub fn to_string_in(self, denom: Denomination) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
self.fmt_value_in(&mut buf, denom).unwrap();
/// Get a formatted string of this [Amount] in the given denomination,
/// suffixed with the abbreviation for the denomination.
pub fn to_string_with_denomination(self, denom: Denomination) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
self.fmt_value_in(&mut buf, denom).unwrap();
write!(buf, " {}", denom).unwrap();
// Some arithmetic that doesn't fit in `core::ops` traits.
/// Checked addition.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_add(self, rhs: Amount) -> Option<Amount> {
/// Checked subtraction.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_sub(self, rhs: Amount) -> Option<Amount> {
/// Checked multiplication.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_mul(self, rhs: u64) -> Option<Amount> { self.0.checked_mul(rhs).map(Amount) }
/// Checked integer division.
/// Be aware that integer division loses the remainder if no exact division
/// can be made.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_div(self, rhs: u64) -> Option<Amount> { self.0.checked_div(rhs).map(Amount) }
/// Checked remainder.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_rem(self, rhs: u64) -> Option<Amount> { self.0.checked_rem(rhs).map(Amount) }
/// Convert to a signed amount.
pub fn to_signed(self) -> Result<SignedAmount, ParseAmountError> {
if self.to_sat() > SignedAmount::MAX.to_sat() as u64 {
} else {
Ok(SignedAmount::from_sat(self.to_sat() as i64))
impl Decodable for Amount {
fn consensus_decode<R: io::Read + ?Sized>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, encode::Error> {
impl Encodable for Amount {
fn consensus_encode<W: io::Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
impl default::Default for Amount {
fn default() -> Self { Amount::ZERO }
impl fmt::Debug for Amount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Amount({:.8} BTC)", self.to_btc())
// No one should depend on a binding contract for Display for this type.
// Just using Bitcoin denominated string.
impl fmt::Display for Amount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
self.fmt_value_in(f, Denomination::Bitcoin)?;
write!(f, " {}", Denomination::Bitcoin)
impl ops::Add for Amount {
type Output = Amount;
fn add(self, rhs: Amount) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_add(rhs).expect("Amount addition error")
impl ops::AddAssign for Amount {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Amount) { *self = *self + other }
impl ops::Sub for Amount {
type Output = Amount;
fn sub(self, rhs: Amount) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_sub(rhs).expect("Amount subtraction error")
impl ops::SubAssign for Amount {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Amount) { *self = *self - other }
impl ops::Rem<u64> for Amount {
type Output = Amount;
fn rem(self, modulus: u64) -> Self {
self.checked_rem(modulus).expect("Amount remainder error")
impl ops::RemAssign<u64> for Amount {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, modulus: u64) { *self = *self % modulus }
impl ops::Mul<u64> for Amount {
type Output = Amount;
fn mul(self, rhs: u64) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_mul(rhs).expect("Amount multiplication error")
impl ops::MulAssign<u64> for Amount {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: u64) { *self = *self * rhs }
impl ops::Div<u64> for Amount {
type Output = Amount;
fn div(self, rhs: u64) -> Self::Output { self.checked_div(rhs).expect("Amount division error") }
impl ops::DivAssign<u64> for Amount {
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: u64) { *self = *self / rhs }
impl FromStr for Amount {
type Err = ParseAmountError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { Amount::from_str_with_denomination(s) }
impl core::iter::Sum for Amount {
fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let sats: u64 =|amt| amt.0).sum();
/// A helper/builder that displays amount with specified settings.
/// This provides richer interface than `fmt::Formatter`:
/// * Ability to select denomination
/// * Show or hide denomination
/// * Dynamically-selected denomination - show in sats if less than 1 BTC.
/// However this can still be combined with `fmt::Formatter` options to precisely control zeros,
/// padding, alignment... The formatting works like floats from `core` but note that precision will
/// **never** be lossy - that means no rounding.
/// See [`Amount::display_in`] and [`Amount::display_dynamic`] on how to construct this.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Display {
/// Absolute value of satoshis to display (sign is below)
sats_abs: u64,
/// The sign
is_negative: bool,
/// How to display the value
style: DisplayStyle,
impl Display {
/// Makes subsequent calls to `Display::fmt` display denomination.
pub fn show_denomination(mut self) -> Self {
match &mut {
DisplayStyle::FixedDenomination { show_denomination, .. } => *show_denomination = true,
// No-op because dynamic denomination is always shown
DisplayStyle::DynamicDenomination => (),
impl fmt::Display for Display {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let format_options = FormatOptions::from_formatter(f);
match & {
DisplayStyle::FixedDenomination { show_denomination, denomination } => {
fmt_satoshi_in(self.sats_abs, self.is_negative, f, *denomination, *show_denomination, format_options)
DisplayStyle::DynamicDenomination if self.sats_abs >= Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat() => {
fmt_satoshi_in(self.sats_abs, self.is_negative, f, Denomination::Bitcoin, true, format_options)
DisplayStyle::DynamicDenomination => {
fmt_satoshi_in(self.sats_abs, self.is_negative, f, Denomination::Satoshi, true, format_options)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum DisplayStyle {
FixedDenomination { denomination: Denomination, show_denomination: bool },
/// SignedAmount
/// The [SignedAmount] type can be used to express Bitcoin amounts that support
/// arithmetic and conversion to various denominations.
/// Warning!
/// This type implements several arithmetic operations from [core::ops].
/// To prevent errors due to overflow or underflow when using these operations,
/// it is advised to instead use the checked arithmetic methods whose names
/// start with `checked_`. The operations from [core::ops] that [Amount]
/// implements will panic when overflow or underflow occurs.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct SignedAmount(i64);
impl SignedAmount {
/// The zero amount.
pub const ZERO: SignedAmount = SignedAmount(0);
/// Exactly one satoshi.
pub const ONE_SAT: SignedAmount = SignedAmount(1);
/// Exactly one bitcoin.
pub const ONE_BTC: SignedAmount = SignedAmount(100_000_000);
/// The maximum value allowed as an amount. Useful for sanity checking.
pub const MAX_MONEY: SignedAmount = SignedAmount(21_000_000 * 100_000_000);
/// The minimum value of an amount.
pub const MIN: SignedAmount = SignedAmount(i64::MIN);
/// The maximum value of an amount.
pub const MAX: SignedAmount = SignedAmount(i64::MAX);
/// Create an [SignedAmount] with satoshi precision and the given number of satoshis.
pub const fn from_sat(satoshi: i64) -> SignedAmount { SignedAmount(satoshi) }
/// Gets the number of satoshis in this [`SignedAmount`].
pub fn to_sat(self) -> i64 { self.0 }
/// The maximum value of an [SignedAmount].
#[deprecated(since = "0.31.0", note = "Use Self::MAX instead")]
pub const fn max_value() -> SignedAmount { SignedAmount(i64::max_value()) }
/// The minimum value of an [SignedAmount].
#[deprecated(since = "0.31.0", note = "Use Self::MIN instead")]
pub const fn min_value() -> SignedAmount { SignedAmount(i64::min_value()) }
/// Convert from a value expressing bitcoins to an [SignedAmount].
pub fn from_btc(btc: f64) -> Result<SignedAmount, ParseAmountError> {
SignedAmount::from_float_in(btc, Denomination::Bitcoin)
/// Parse a decimal string as a value in the given denomination.
/// Note: This only parses the value string. If you want to parse a value
/// with denomination, use [FromStr].
pub fn from_str_in(s: &str, denom: Denomination) -> Result<SignedAmount, ParseAmountError> {
let (negative, satoshi) = parse_signed_to_satoshi(s, denom)?;
if satoshi > i64::MAX as u64 {
return Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig);
Ok(match negative {
true => SignedAmount(-(satoshi as i64)),
false => SignedAmount(satoshi as i64),
/// Parses amounts with denomination suffix like they are produced with
/// [Self::to_string_with_denomination] or with [fmt::Display].
/// If you want to parse only the amount without the denomination,
/// use [Self::from_str_in].
pub fn from_str_with_denomination(s: &str) -> Result<SignedAmount, ParseAmountError> {
let (amt, denom) = split_amount_and_denomination(s)?;
SignedAmount::from_str_in(amt, denom)
/// Express this [SignedAmount] as a floating-point value in the given denomination.
/// Please be aware of the risk of using floating-point numbers.
pub fn to_float_in(self, denom: Denomination) -> f64 {
/// Express this [`SignedAmount`] as a floating-point value in Bitcoin.
/// Equivalent to `to_float_in(Denomination::Bitcoin)`.
/// Please be aware of the risk of using floating-point numbers.
pub fn to_btc(self) -> f64 { self.to_float_in(Denomination::Bitcoin) }
/// Convert this [SignedAmount] in floating-point notation with a given
/// denomination.
/// Can return error if the amount is too big, too precise or negative.
/// Please be aware of the risk of using floating-point numbers.
pub fn from_float_in(
value: f64,
denom: Denomination,
) -> Result<SignedAmount, ParseAmountError> {
// This is inefficient, but the safest way to deal with this. The parsing logic is safe.
// Any performance-critical application should not be dealing with floats.
SignedAmount::from_str_in(&value.to_string(), denom)
/// Returns the absolute value as satoshis.
/// This is the implementation of `unsigned_abs()` copied from `core` to support older MSRV.
fn to_sat_abs(self) -> u64 { self.to_sat().wrapping_abs() as u64 }
/// Create an object that implements [`fmt::Display`] using specified denomination.
pub fn display_in(self, denomination: Denomination) -> Display {
Display {
sats_abs: self.to_sat_abs(),
is_negative: self.is_negative(),
style: DisplayStyle::FixedDenomination { denomination, show_denomination: false },
/// Create an object that implements [`fmt::Display`] dynamically selecting denomination.
/// This will use BTC for values greater than or equal to 1 BTC and satoshis otherwise. To
/// avoid confusion the denomination is always shown.
pub fn display_dynamic(self) -> Display {
Display {
sats_abs: self.to_sat_abs(),
is_negative: self.is_negative(),
style: DisplayStyle::DynamicDenomination,
/// Format the value of this [SignedAmount] in the given denomination.
/// Does not include the denomination.
pub fn fmt_value_in(self, f: &mut dyn fmt::Write, denom: Denomination) -> fmt::Result {
fmt_satoshi_in(self.to_sat_abs(), self.is_negative(), f, denom, false, FormatOptions::default())
/// Get a string number of this [SignedAmount] in the given denomination.
/// Does not include the denomination.
pub fn to_string_in(self, denom: Denomination) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
self.fmt_value_in(&mut buf, denom).unwrap();
/// Get a formatted string of this [SignedAmount] in the given denomination,
/// suffixed with the abbreviation for the denomination.
pub fn to_string_with_denomination(self, denom: Denomination) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
self.fmt_value_in(&mut buf, denom).unwrap();
write!(buf, " {}", denom).unwrap();
// Some arithmetic that doesn't fit in `core::ops` traits.
/// Get the absolute value of this [SignedAmount].
pub fn abs(self) -> SignedAmount { SignedAmount(self.0.abs()) }
/// Returns a number representing sign of this [SignedAmount].
/// - `0` if the amount is zero
/// - `1` if the amount is positive
/// - `-1` if the amount is negative
pub fn signum(self) -> i64 { self.0.signum() }
/// Returns `true` if this [SignedAmount] is positive and `false` if
/// this [SignedAmount] is zero or negative.
pub fn is_positive(self) -> bool { self.0.is_positive() }
/// Returns `true` if this [SignedAmount] is negative and `false` if
/// this [SignedAmount] is zero or positive.
pub fn is_negative(self) -> bool { self.0.is_negative() }
/// Get the absolute value of this [SignedAmount].
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred. (`self == MIN`)
pub fn checked_abs(self) -> Option<SignedAmount> { self.0.checked_abs().map(SignedAmount) }
/// Checked addition.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_add(self, rhs: SignedAmount) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
/// Checked subtraction.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_sub(self, rhs: SignedAmount) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
/// Checked multiplication.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_mul(self, rhs: i64) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
/// Checked integer division.
/// Be aware that integer division loses the remainder if no exact division
/// can be made.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_div(self, rhs: i64) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
/// Checked remainder.
/// Returns [None] if overflow occurred.
pub fn checked_rem(self, rhs: i64) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
/// Subtraction that doesn't allow negative [SignedAmount]s.
/// Returns [None] if either [self], `rhs` or the result is strictly negative.
pub fn positive_sub(self, rhs: SignedAmount) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
if self.is_negative() || rhs.is_negative() || rhs > self {
} else {
/// Convert to an unsigned amount.
pub fn to_unsigned(self) -> Result<Amount, ParseAmountError> {
if self.is_negative() {
} else {
Ok(Amount::from_sat(self.to_sat() as u64))
impl default::Default for SignedAmount {
fn default() -> Self { SignedAmount::ZERO }
impl fmt::Debug for SignedAmount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "SignedAmount({:.8} BTC)", self.to_btc())
// No one should depend on a binding contract for Display for this type.
// Just using Bitcoin denominated string.
impl fmt::Display for SignedAmount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
self.fmt_value_in(f, Denomination::Bitcoin)?;
write!(f, " {}", Denomination::Bitcoin)
impl ops::Add for SignedAmount {
type Output = SignedAmount;
fn add(self, rhs: SignedAmount) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_add(rhs).expect("SignedAmount addition error")
impl ops::AddAssign for SignedAmount {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: SignedAmount) { *self = *self + other }
impl ops::Sub for SignedAmount {
type Output = SignedAmount;
fn sub(self, rhs: SignedAmount) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_sub(rhs).expect("SignedAmount subtraction error")
impl ops::SubAssign for SignedAmount {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: SignedAmount) { *self = *self - other }
impl ops::Rem<i64> for SignedAmount {
type Output = SignedAmount;
fn rem(self, modulus: i64) -> Self {
self.checked_rem(modulus).expect("SignedAmount remainder error")
impl ops::RemAssign<i64> for SignedAmount {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, modulus: i64) { *self = *self % modulus }
impl ops::Mul<i64> for SignedAmount {
type Output = SignedAmount;
fn mul(self, rhs: i64) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_mul(rhs).expect("SignedAmount multiplication error")
impl ops::MulAssign<i64> for SignedAmount {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: i64) { *self = *self * rhs }
impl ops::Div<i64> for SignedAmount {
type Output = SignedAmount;
fn div(self, rhs: i64) -> Self::Output {
self.checked_div(rhs).expect("SignedAmount division error")
impl ops::DivAssign<i64> for SignedAmount {
fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: i64) { *self = *self / rhs }
impl FromStr for SignedAmount {
type Err = ParseAmountError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> { SignedAmount::from_str_with_denomination(s) }
impl core::iter::Sum for SignedAmount {
fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let sats: i64 =|amt| amt.0).sum();
/// Calculate the sum over the iterator using checked arithmetic.
pub trait CheckedSum<R>: private::SumSeal<R> {
/// Calculate the sum over the iterator using checked arithmetic. If an over or underflow would
/// happen it returns `None`.
fn checked_sum(self) -> Option<R>;
impl<T> CheckedSum<Amount> for T
T: Iterator<Item = Amount>,
fn checked_sum(mut self) -> Option<Amount> {
let first = Some(;
self.fold(first, |acc, item| acc.and_then(|acc| acc.checked_add(item)))
impl<T> CheckedSum<SignedAmount> for T
T: Iterator<Item = SignedAmount>,
fn checked_sum(mut self) -> Option<SignedAmount> {
let first = Some(;
self.fold(first, |acc, item| acc.and_then(|acc| acc.checked_add(item)))
mod private {
use crate::{Amount, SignedAmount};
/// Used to seal the `CheckedSum` trait
pub trait SumSeal<A> {}
impl<T> SumSeal<Amount> for T where T: Iterator<Item = Amount> {}
impl<T> SumSeal<SignedAmount> for T where T: Iterator<Item = SignedAmount> {}
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub mod serde {
// methods are implementation of a standardized serde-specific signature
//! This module adds serde serialization and deserialization support for Amounts.
//! Since there is not a default way to serialize and deserialize Amounts, multiple
//! ways are supported and it's up to the user to decide which serialiation to use.
//! The provided modules can be used as follows:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
//! use bitcoin::Amount;
//! #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
//! # #[serde(crate = "actual_serde")]
//! pub struct HasAmount {
//! #[serde(with = "bitcoin::amount::serde::as_btc")]
//! pub amount: Amount,
//! }
//! ```
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use crate::amount::{Amount, Denomination, SignedAmount};
/// This trait is used only to avoid code duplication and naming collisions
/// of the different serde serialization crates.
pub trait SerdeAmount: Copy + Sized + private::Sealed {
fn ser_sat<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>;
fn des_sat<'d, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>;
fn ser_btc<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>;
fn des_btc<'d, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>;
mod private {
/// add this as a trait bound to traits which consumers of this library
/// should not be able to implement.
pub trait Sealed {}
impl Sealed for super::Amount {}
impl Sealed for super::SignedAmount {}
/// This trait is only for internal Amount type serialization/deserialization
pub trait SerdeAmountForOpt: Copy + Sized + SerdeAmount + private::Sealed {
fn type_prefix() -> &'static str;
fn ser_sat_opt<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>;
fn ser_btc_opt<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>;
impl SerdeAmount for Amount {
fn ser_sat<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
u64::serialize(&self.to_sat(), s)
fn des_sat<'d, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
fn ser_btc<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
f64::serialize(&self.to_float_in(Denomination::Bitcoin), s)
fn des_btc<'d, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
use serde::de::Error;
impl SerdeAmountForOpt for Amount {
fn type_prefix() -> &'static str { "u" }
fn ser_sat_opt<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
fn ser_btc_opt<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
impl SerdeAmount for SignedAmount {
fn ser_sat<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
i64::serialize(&self.to_sat(), s)
fn des_sat<'d, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
fn ser_btc<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
f64::serialize(&self.to_float_in(Denomination::Bitcoin), s)
fn des_btc<'d, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> {
use serde::de::Error;
impl SerdeAmountForOpt for SignedAmount {
fn type_prefix() -> &'static str { "i" }
fn ser_sat_opt<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
fn ser_btc_opt<S: Serializer>(self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
pub mod as_sat {
//! Serialize and deserialize [`Amount`](crate::Amount) as real numbers denominated in satoshi.
//! Use with `#[serde(with = "amount::serde::as_sat")]`.
use serde::{Deserializer, Serializer};
use crate::amount::serde::SerdeAmount;
pub fn serialize<A: SerdeAmount, S: Serializer>(a: &A, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
pub fn deserialize<'d, A: SerdeAmount, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<A, D::Error> {
pub mod opt {
//! Serialize and deserialize [`Option<Amount>`](crate::Amount) as real numbers denominated in satoshi.
//! Use with `#[serde(default, with = "amount::serde::as_sat::opt")]`.
use core::fmt;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use serde::{de, Deserializer, Serializer};
use crate::amount::serde::SerdeAmountForOpt;
pub fn serialize<A: SerdeAmountForOpt, S: Serializer>(
a: &Option<A>,
s: S,
) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
match *a {
Some(a) => a.ser_sat_opt(s),
None => s.serialize_none(),
pub fn deserialize<'d, A: SerdeAmountForOpt, D: Deserializer<'d>>(
d: D,
) -> Result<Option<A>, D::Error> {
struct VisitOptAmt<X>(PhantomData<X>);
impl<'de, X: SerdeAmountForOpt> de::Visitor<'de> for VisitOptAmt<X> {
type Value = Option<X>;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(formatter, "An Option<{}64>", X::type_prefix())
fn visit_none<E>(self) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: de::Error,
fn visit_some<D>(self, d: D) -> Result<Self::Value, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
pub mod as_btc {
//! Serialize and deserialize [`Amount`](crate::Amount) as JSON numbers denominated in BTC.
//! Use with `#[serde(with = "amount::serde::as_btc")]`.
use serde::{Deserializer, Serializer};
use crate::amount::serde::SerdeAmount;
pub fn serialize<A: SerdeAmount, S: Serializer>(a: &A, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
pub fn deserialize<'d, A: SerdeAmount, D: Deserializer<'d>>(d: D) -> Result<A, D::Error> {
pub mod opt {
//! Serialize and deserialize `Option<Amount>` as JSON numbers denominated in BTC.
//! Use with `#[serde(default, with = "amount::serde::as_btc::opt")]`.
use core::fmt;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use serde::{de, Deserializer, Serializer};
use crate::amount::serde::SerdeAmountForOpt;
pub fn serialize<A: SerdeAmountForOpt, S: Serializer>(
a: &Option<A>,
s: S,
) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
match *a {
Some(a) => a.ser_btc_opt(s),
None => s.serialize_none(),
pub fn deserialize<'d, A: SerdeAmountForOpt, D: Deserializer<'d>>(
d: D,
) -> Result<Option<A>, D::Error> {
struct VisitOptAmt<X>(PhantomData<X>);
impl<'de, X: SerdeAmountForOpt> de::Visitor<'de> for VisitOptAmt<X> {
type Value = Option<X>;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(formatter, "An Option<f64>")
fn visit_none<E>(self) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
E: de::Error,
fn visit_some<D>(self, d: D) -> Result<Self::Value, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
mod verification {
use std::cmp;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use super::*;
// Note regarding the `unwind` parameter: this defines how many iterations
// of loops kani will unwind before handing off to the SMT solver. Basically
// it should be set as low as possible such that Kani still succeeds (doesn't
// return "undecidable").
// There is more info here:
// Unfortunately what it means to "loop" is pretty opaque ... in this case
// there appear to be loops in memcmp, which I guess comes from assert_eq!,
// though I didn't see any failures until I added the to_signed() test.
// Further confusing the issue, a value of 2 works fine on my system, but on
// CI it fails, so we need to set it higher.
fn u_amount_add_homomorphic() {
let n1 = kani::any::<u64>();
let n2 = kani::any::<u64>();
kani::assume(n1.checked_add(n2).is_some()); // assume we don't overflow in the actual test
assert_eq!(Amount::from_sat(n1) + Amount::from_sat(n2), Amount::from_sat(n1 + n2));
let mut amt = Amount::from_sat(n1);
amt += Amount::from_sat(n2);
assert_eq!(amt, Amount::from_sat(n1 + n2));
let max = cmp::max(n1, n2);
let min = cmp::min(n1, n2);
assert_eq!(Amount::from_sat(max) - Amount::from_sat(min), Amount::from_sat(max - min));
let mut amt = Amount::from_sat(max);
amt -= Amount::from_sat(min);
assert_eq!(amt, Amount::from_sat(max - min));
if n1 <= i64::MAX as u64 {
} else {
fn u_amount_add_homomorphic_checked() {
let n1 = kani::any::<u64>();
let n2 = kani::any::<u64>();
fn s_amount_add_homomorphic() {
let n1 = kani::any::<i64>();
let n2 = kani::any::<i64>();
kani::assume(n1.checked_add(n2).is_some()); // assume we don't overflow in the actual test
kani::assume(n1.checked_sub(n2).is_some()); // assume we don't overflow in the actual test
SignedAmount::from_sat(n1) + SignedAmount::from_sat(n2),
SignedAmount::from_sat(n1 + n2)
SignedAmount::from_sat(n1) - SignedAmount::from_sat(n2),
SignedAmount::from_sat(n1 - n2)
let mut amt = SignedAmount::from_sat(n1);
amt += SignedAmount::from_sat(n2);
assert_eq!(amt, SignedAmount::from_sat(n1 + n2));
let mut amt = SignedAmount::from_sat(n1);
amt -= SignedAmount::from_sat(n2);
assert_eq!(amt, SignedAmount::from_sat(n1 - n2));
if n1 >= 0 {
} else {
fn s_amount_add_homomorphic_checked() {
let n1 = kani::any::<i64>();
let n2 = kani::any::<i64>();
if n1 >= 0 && n2 >= 0 && n1 >= n2 {
Some(SignedAmount::from_sat(n1 - n2))
} else {
mod tests {
use core::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::panic;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde_test;
use super::*;
fn from_str_zero() {
let denoms = vec!["BTC", "mBTC", "uBTC", "nBTC", "pBTC", "bits", "sats", "msats"];
for denom in denoms {
for v in &["0", "000"] {
let s = format!("{} {}", v, denom);
match Amount::from_str(&s) {
Err(e) => panic!("Failed to crate amount from {}: {:?}", s, e),
Ok(amount) => assert_eq!(amount, Amount::from_sat(0)),
let s = format!("-0 {}", denom);
match Amount::from_str(&s) {
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, ParseAmountError::Negative),
Ok(_) => panic!("Unsigned amount from {}", s),
match SignedAmount::from_str(&s) {
Err(e) => panic!("Failed to crate amount from {}: {:?}", s, e),
Ok(amount) => assert_eq!(amount, SignedAmount::from_sat(0)),
fn from_int_btc() {
let amt = Amount::from_int_btc(2);
assert_eq!(Amount::from_sat(200_000_000), amt);
fn from_int_btc_panic() { Amount::from_int_btc(u64::MAX); }
fn mul_div() {
let sat = Amount::from_sat;
let ssat = SignedAmount::from_sat;
assert_eq!(sat(14) * 3, sat(42));
assert_eq!(sat(14) / 2, sat(7));
assert_eq!(sat(14) % 3, sat(2));
assert_eq!(ssat(-14) * 3, ssat(-42));
assert_eq!(ssat(-14) / 2, ssat(-7));
assert_eq!(ssat(-14) % 3, ssat(-2));
let mut b = ssat(30);
b /= 3;
assert_eq!(b, ssat(10));
b %= 3;
assert_eq!(b, ssat(1));
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_overflows() {
// panic on overflow
let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| Amount::MAX + Amount::from_sat(1));
let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| Amount::from_sat(8446744073709551615) * 3);
fn checked_arithmetic() {
let sat = Amount::from_sat;
let ssat = SignedAmount::from_sat;
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::MAX.checked_add(ssat(1)), None);
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::MIN.checked_sub(ssat(1)), None);
assert_eq!(Amount::MAX.checked_add(sat(1)), None);
assert_eq!(Amount::MIN.checked_sub(sat(1)), None);
assert_eq!(sat(5).checked_div(2), Some(sat(2))); // integer division
assert_eq!(ssat(-6).checked_div(2), Some(ssat(-3)));
fn floating_point() {
use super::Denomination as D;
let f = Amount::from_float_in;
let sf = SignedAmount::from_float_in;
let sat = Amount::from_sat;
let ssat = SignedAmount::from_sat;
assert_eq!(f(11.22, D::Bitcoin), Ok(sat(1122000000)));
assert_eq!(sf(-11.22, D::MilliBitcoin), Ok(ssat(-1122000)));
assert_eq!(f(11.22, D::Bit), Ok(sat(1122)));
assert_eq!(sf(-1000.0, D::MilliSatoshi), Ok(ssat(-1)));
assert_eq!(f(0.0001234, D::Bitcoin), Ok(sat(12340)));
assert_eq!(sf(-0.00012345, D::Bitcoin), Ok(ssat(-12345)));
assert_eq!(f(-100.0, D::MilliSatoshi), Err(ParseAmountError::Negative));
assert_eq!(f(11.22, D::Satoshi), Err(ParseAmountError::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(sf(-100.0, D::MilliSatoshi), Err(ParseAmountError::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(sf(-100.0, D::MilliSatoshi), Err(ParseAmountError::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(f(42.123456781, D::Bitcoin), Err(ParseAmountError::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(sf(-184467440738.0, D::Bitcoin), Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig));
assert_eq!(f(18446744073709551617.0, D::Satoshi), Err(ParseAmountError::TooBig));
f(SignedAmount::MAX.to_float_in(D::Satoshi) + 1.0, D::Satoshi),
f(Amount::MAX.to_float_in(D::Satoshi) + 1.0, D::Satoshi),
let btc = move |f| SignedAmount::from_btc(f).unwrap();
assert_eq!(btc(2.5).to_float_in(D::Bitcoin), 2.5);
assert_eq!(btc(-2.5).to_float_in(D::MilliBitcoin), -2500.0);
assert_eq!(btc(2.5).to_float_in(D::Satoshi), 250000000.0);
assert_eq!(btc(-2.5).to_float_in(D::MilliSatoshi), -250000000000.0);
let btc = move |f| Amount::from_btc(f).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&btc(0.0012).to_float_in(D::Bitcoin).to_string(), "0.0012")
#[allow(clippy::inconsistent_digit_grouping)] // Group to show 100,000,000 sats per bitcoin.
fn parsing() {
use super::ParseAmountError as E;
let btc = Denomination::Bitcoin;
let sat = Denomination::Satoshi;
let msat = Denomination::MilliSatoshi;
let p = Amount::from_str_in;
let sp = SignedAmount::from_str_in;
assert_eq!(p("x", btc), Err(E::InvalidCharacter('x')));
assert_eq!(p("-", btc), Err(E::InvalidFormat));
assert_eq!(sp("-", btc), Err(E::InvalidFormat));
assert_eq!(p("-1.0x", btc), Err(E::InvalidCharacter('x')));
assert_eq!(p("0.0 ", btc), Err(ParseAmountError::InvalidCharacter(' ')));
assert_eq!(p("0.000.000", btc), Err(E::InvalidFormat));
let more_than_max = format!("1{}", Amount::MAX);
assert_eq!(p(&more_than_max, btc), Err(E::TooBig));
assert_eq!(p("0.000000042", btc), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("999.0000000", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1.0000000", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1.1", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1000.1", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1001.0000000", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1000.0000001", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1000.1000000", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1100.0000000", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("10001.0000000", msat), Err(E::TooPrecise));
assert_eq!(p("1", btc), Ok(Amount::from_sat(1_000_000_00)));
assert_eq!(sp("-.5", btc), Ok(SignedAmount::from_sat(-500_000_00)));
assert_eq!(p("1.1", btc), Ok(Amount::from_sat(1_100_000_00)));
assert_eq!(p("100", sat), Ok(Amount::from_sat(100)));
assert_eq!(p("55", sat), Ok(Amount::from_sat(55)));
assert_eq!(p("5500000000000000000", sat), Ok(Amount::from_sat(55_000_000_000_000_000_00)));
// Should this even pass?
assert_eq!(p("5500000000000000000.", sat), Ok(Amount::from_sat(55_000_000_000_000_000_00)));
p("12345678901.12345678", btc),
assert_eq!(p("1000.0", msat), Ok(Amount::from_sat(1)));
assert_eq!(p("1000.000000000000000000000000000", msat), Ok(Amount::from_sat(1)));
// make sure satoshi > i64::MAX is checked.
let amount = Amount::from_sat(i64::MAX as u64);
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str_in(&amount.to_string_in(sat), sat), Ok(amount));
Amount::from_str_in(&(amount + Amount(1)).to_string_in(sat), sat),
assert_eq!(p("12.000", Denomination::MilliSatoshi), Err(E::TooPrecise));
// exactly 50 chars.
p("100000000000000.0000000000000000000000000000000000", Denomination::Bitcoin),
// more than 50 chars.
p("100000000000000.00000000000000000000000000000000000", Denomination::Bitcoin),
fn to_string() {
use super::Denomination as D;
assert_eq!(Amount::ONE_BTC.to_string_in(D::Bitcoin), "1");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.8}", Amount::ONE_BTC.display_in(D::Bitcoin)), "1.00000000");
assert_eq!(Amount::ONE_BTC.to_string_in(D::Satoshi), "100000000");
assert_eq!(Amount::ONE_SAT.to_string_in(D::Bitcoin), "0.00000001");
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::from_sat(-42).to_string_in(D::Bitcoin), "-0.00000042");
assert_eq!(Amount::ONE_BTC.to_string_with_denomination(D::Bitcoin), "1 BTC");
assert_eq!(Amount::ONE_SAT.to_string_with_denomination(D::MilliSatoshi), "1000 msat");
"100000000 satoshi"
assert_eq!(Amount::ONE_SAT.to_string_with_denomination(D::Bitcoin), "0.00000001 BTC");
"-0.00000042 BTC"
// May help identify a problem sooner
fn test_repeat_char() {
let mut buf = String::new();
repeat_char(&mut buf, '0', 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 0);
repeat_char(&mut buf, '0', 42).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 42);
assert!(buf.chars().all(|c| c == '0'));
// Creates individual test functions to make it easier to find which check failed.
macro_rules! check_format_non_negative {
($denom:ident; $($test_name:ident, $val:literal, $format_string:literal, $expected:literal);* $(;)?) => {
fn $test_name() {
assert_eq!(format!($format_string, Amount::from_sat($val).display_in(Denomination::$denom)), $expected);
assert_eq!(format!($format_string, SignedAmount::from_sat($val as i64).display_in(Denomination::$denom)), $expected);
macro_rules! check_format_non_negative_show_denom {
($denom:ident, $denom_suffix:literal; $($test_name:ident, $val:literal, $format_string:literal, $expected:literal);* $(;)?) => {
fn $test_name() {
assert_eq!(format!($format_string, Amount::from_sat($val).display_in(Denomination::$denom).show_denomination()), concat!($expected, $denom_suffix));
assert_eq!(format!($format_string, SignedAmount::from_sat($val as i64).display_in(Denomination::$denom).show_denomination()), concat!($expected, $denom_suffix));
check_format_non_negative! {
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_0, 0, "{}", "0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_1, 0, "{:2}", " 0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_2, 0, "{:02}", "00";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_3, 0, "{:.1}", "0.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_4, 0, "{:4.1}", " 0.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_5, 0, "{:04.1}", "00.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_6, 1, "{}", "1";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_7, 1, "{:2}", " 1";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_8, 1, "{:02}", "01";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_9, 1, "{:.1}", "1.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_10, 1, "{:4.1}", " 1.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_11, 1, "{:04.1}", "01.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_12, 10, "{}", "10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_13, 10, "{:2}", "10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_14, 10, "{:02}", "10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_15, 10, "{:3}", " 10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_16, 10, "{:03}", "010";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_17, 10, "{:.1}", "10.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_18, 10, "{:5.1}", " 10.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_19, 10, "{:05.1}", "010.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_20, 1, "{:<2}", "1 ";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_21, 1, "{:<02}", "01";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_22, 1, "{:<3.1}", "1.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_23, 1, "{:<4.1}", "1.0 ";
check_format_non_negative_show_denom! {
Satoshi, " satoshi";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_0, 0, "{}", "0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_1, 0, "{:2}", "0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_2, 0, "{:02}", "0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_3, 0, "{:9}", "0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_4, 0, "{:09}", "0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_5, 0, "{:10}", " 0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_6, 0, "{:010}", "00";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_7, 0, "{:.1}", "0.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_8, 0, "{:11.1}", "0.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_9, 0, "{:011.1}", "0.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_10, 0, "{:12.1}", " 0.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_11, 0, "{:012.1}", "00.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_12, 1, "{}", "1";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_13, 1, "{:10}", " 1";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_14, 1, "{:010}", "01";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_15, 1, "{:.1}", "1.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_16, 1, "{:12.1}", " 1.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_17, 1, "{:012.1}", "01.0";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_18, 10, "{}", "10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_19, 10, "{:10}", "10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_20, 10, "{:010}", "10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_21, 10, "{:11}", " 10";
sat_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_22, 10, "{:011}", "010";
check_format_non_negative! {
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_0, 0, "{}", "0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_1, 0, "{:2}", " 0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_2, 0, "{:02}", "00";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_3, 0, "{:.1}", "0.0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_4, 0, "{:4.1}", " 0.0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_5, 0, "{:04.1}", "00.0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_6, 1, "{}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_7, 1, "{:2}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_8, 1, "{:02}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_9, 1, "{:.1}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_10, 1, "{:11}", " 0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_11, 1, "{:11.1}", " 0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_12, 1, "{:011.1}", "00.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_13, 1, "{:.9}", "0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_14, 1, "{:11.9}", "0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_15, 1, "{:011.9}", "0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_16, 1, "{:12.9}", " 0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_17, 1, "{:012.9}", "00.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_18, 100_000_000, "{}", "1";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_19, 100_000_000, "{:2}", " 1";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_20, 100_000_000, "{:02}", "01";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_21, 100_000_000, "{:.1}", "1.0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_22, 100_000_000, "{:4.1}", " 1.0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_23, 100_000_000, "{:04.1}", "01.0";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_24, 110_000_000, "{}", "1.1";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_25, 100_000_001, "{}", "1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_26, 100_000_001, "{:1}", "1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_27, 100_000_001, "{:.1}", "1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_28, 100_000_001, "{:10}", "1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_29, 100_000_001, "{:11}", " 1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_30, 100_000_001, "{:011}", "01.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_31, 100_000_001, "{:.8}", "1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_32, 100_000_001, "{:.9}", "1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_33, 100_000_001, "{:11.9}", "1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_34, 100_000_001, "{:12.9}", " 1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_35, 100_000_001, "{:012.9}", "01.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_36, 100_000_001, "{:+011.8}", "+1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_37, 100_000_001, "{:+12.8}", " +1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_38, 100_000_001, "{:+012.8}", "+01.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_39, 100_000_001, "{:+12.9}", "+1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_40, 100_000_001, "{:+012.9}", "+1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_41, 100_000_001, "{:+13.9}", " +1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_42, 100_000_001, "{:+013.9}", "+01.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_43, 100_000_001, "{:<10}", "1.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_44, 100_000_001, "{:<11}", "1.00000001 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_45, 100_000_001, "{:<011}", "01.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_46, 100_000_001, "{:<11.9}", "1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_47, 100_000_001, "{:<12.9}", "1.000000010 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_48, 100_000_001, "{:<12}", "1.00000001 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_49, 100_000_001, "{:^11}", "1.00000001 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_50, 100_000_001, "{:^11.9}", "1.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_51, 100_000_001, "{:^12.9}", "1.000000010 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_52, 100_000_001, "{:^12}", " 1.00000001 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_53, 100_000_001, "{:^12.9}", "1.000000010 ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_54, 100_000_001, "{:^13.9}", " 1.000000010 ";
check_format_non_negative_show_denom! {
Bitcoin, " BTC";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_0, 1, "{:14.1}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_1, 1, "{:14.8}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_2, 1, "{:15}", " 0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_3, 1, "{:015}", "00.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_4, 1, "{:.9}", "0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_5, 1, "{:15.9}", "0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_6, 1, "{:16.9}", " 0.000000010";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_7, 1, "{:016.9}", "00.000000010";
check_format_non_negative_show_denom! {
Bitcoin, " BTC ";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_align_0, 1, "{:<15}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_align_1, 1, "{:^15}", "0.00000001";
btc_check_fmt_non_negative_show_denom_align_2, 1, "{:^16}", " 0.00000001";
check_format_non_negative! {
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_0, 0, "{}", "0";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_1, 1, "{}", "1000";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_2, 1, "{:5}", " 1000";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_3, 1, "{:05}", "01000";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_4, 1, "{:.1}", "1000.0";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_5, 1, "{:6.1}", "1000.0";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_6, 1, "{:06.1}", "1000.0";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_7, 1, "{:7.1}", " 1000.0";
msat_check_fmt_non_negative_8, 1, "{:07.1}", "01000.0";
fn test_unsigned_signed_conversion() {
use super::ParseAmountError as E;
let sa = SignedAmount::from_sat;
let ua = Amount::from_sat;
assert_eq!(Amount::MAX.to_signed(), Err(E::TooBig));
assert_eq!(ua(i64::MAX as u64).to_signed(), Ok(sa(i64::MAX)));
assert_eq!(ua(i64::MAX as u64 + 1).to_signed(), Err(E::TooBig));
assert_eq!(sa(i64::MAX).to_unsigned(), Ok(ua(i64::MAX as u64)));
assert_eq!(sa(i64::MAX).to_unsigned().unwrap().to_signed(), Ok(sa(i64::MAX)));
#[allow(clippy::inconsistent_digit_grouping)] // Group to show 100,000,000 sats per bitcoin.
fn from_str() {
use super::ParseAmountError as E;
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("x BTC"), Err(E::InvalidCharacter('x')));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("xBTC"), Err(E::UnknownDenomination("xBTC".into())));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("5 BTC BTC"), Err(E::UnknownDenomination("BTC BTC".into())));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("5BTC BTC"), Err(E::InvalidCharacter('B')));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str("5 5 BTC"), Err(E::UnknownDenomination("5 BTC".into())));
fn case(s: &str, expected: Result<Amount, ParseAmountError>) {
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(s), expected);
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&s.replace(' ', "")), expected);
fn scase(s: &str, expected: Result<SignedAmount, ParseAmountError>) {
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::from_str(s), expected);
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::from_str(&s.replace(' ', "")), expected);
case("5 BCH", Err(E::UnknownDenomination("BCH".to_owned())));
case("-1 BTC", Err(E::Negative));
case("-0.0 BTC", Err(E::Negative));
case("0.123456789 BTC", Err(E::TooPrecise));
scase("-0.1 satoshi", Err(E::TooPrecise));
case("0.123456 mBTC", Err(E::TooPrecise));
scase("-1.001 bits", Err(E::TooPrecise));
scase("-200000000000 BTC", Err(E::TooBig));
case("18446744073709551616 sat", Err(E::TooBig));
case(".5 bits", Ok(Amount::from_sat(50)));
scase("-.5 bits", Ok(SignedAmount::from_sat(-50)));
case("0.00253583 BTC", Ok(Amount::from_sat(253583)));
scase("-5 satoshi", Ok(SignedAmount::from_sat(-5)));
case("0.10000000 BTC", Ok(Amount::from_sat(100_000_00)));
scase("-100 bits", Ok(SignedAmount::from_sat(-10_000)));
#[allow(clippy::inconsistent_digit_grouping)] // Group to show 100,000,000 sats per bitcoin.
fn to_from_string_in() {
use super::Denomination as D;
let ua_str = Amount::from_str_in;
let ua_sat = Amount::from_sat;
let sa_str = SignedAmount::from_str_in;
let sa_sat = SignedAmount::from_sat;
assert_eq!("0.5", Amount::from_sat(50).to_string_in(D::Bit));
assert_eq!("-0.5", SignedAmount::from_sat(-50).to_string_in(D::Bit));
assert_eq!("0.00253583", Amount::from_sat(253583).to_string_in(D::Bitcoin));
assert_eq!("-5", SignedAmount::from_sat(-5).to_string_in(D::Satoshi));
assert_eq!("0.1", Amount::from_sat(100_000_00).to_string_in(D::Bitcoin));
assert_eq!("-100", SignedAmount::from_sat(-10_000).to_string_in(D::Bit));
assert_eq!("2535830", Amount::from_sat(253583).to_string_in(D::NanoBitcoin));
assert_eq!("-100000", SignedAmount::from_sat(-10_000).to_string_in(D::NanoBitcoin));
assert_eq!("2535830000", Amount::from_sat(253583).to_string_in(D::PicoBitcoin));
assert_eq!("-100000000", SignedAmount::from_sat(-10_000).to_string_in(D::PicoBitcoin));
assert_eq!("0.50", format!("{:.2}", Amount::from_sat(50).display_in(D::Bit)));
assert_eq!("-0.50", format!("{:.2}", SignedAmount::from_sat(-50).display_in(D::Bit)));
format!("{:.8}", Amount::from_sat(100_000_00).display_in(D::Bitcoin))
assert_eq!("-100.00", format!("{:.2}", SignedAmount::from_sat(-10_000).display_in(D::Bit)));
assert_eq!(ua_str(&ua_sat(0).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::Satoshi), Ok(ua_sat(0)));
assert_eq!(ua_str(&ua_sat(500).to_string_in(D::Bitcoin), D::Bitcoin), Ok(ua_sat(500)));
ua_str(&ua_sat(21_000_000).to_string_in(D::Bit), D::Bit),
ua_str(&ua_sat(1).to_string_in(D::MicroBitcoin), D::MicroBitcoin),
ua_str(&ua_sat(1_000_000_000_000).to_string_in(D::MilliBitcoin), D::MilliBitcoin),
ua_str(&ua_sat(u64::MAX).to_string_in(D::MilliBitcoin), D::MilliBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(-1).to_string_in(D::MicroBitcoin), D::MicroBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(i64::MAX).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::MicroBitcoin),
// Test an overflow bug in `abs()`
sa_str(&sa_sat(i64::MIN).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::MicroBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(-1).to_string_in(D::NanoBitcoin), D::NanoBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(i64::MAX).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::NanoBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(i64::MIN).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::NanoBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(-1).to_string_in(D::PicoBitcoin), D::PicoBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(i64::MAX).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::PicoBitcoin),
sa_str(&sa_sat(i64::MIN).to_string_in(D::Satoshi), D::PicoBitcoin),
fn to_string_with_denomination_from_str_roundtrip() {
use super::Denomination as D;
let amt = Amount::from_sat(42);
let denom = Amount::to_string_with_denomination;
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::Bitcoin)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::MilliBitcoin)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::MicroBitcoin)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::Bit)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::Satoshi)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::NanoBitcoin)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::MilliSatoshi)), Ok(amt));
assert_eq!(Amount::from_str(&denom(amt, D::PicoBitcoin)), Ok(amt));
Amount::from_str("42 satoshi BTC"),
Err(ParseAmountError::UnknownDenomination("satoshi BTC".into())),
SignedAmount::from_str("-42 satoshi BTC"),
Err(ParseAmountError::UnknownDenomination("satoshi BTC".into())),
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn serde_as_sat() {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[serde(crate = "actual_serde")]
struct T {
#[serde(with = "crate::amount::serde::as_sat")]
pub amt: Amount,
#[serde(with = "crate::amount::serde::as_sat")]
pub samt: SignedAmount,
&T { amt: Amount::from_sat(123456789), samt: SignedAmount::from_sat(-123456789) },
serde_test::Token::Struct { name: "T", len: 2 },
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
#[allow(clippy::inconsistent_digit_grouping)] // Group to show 100,000,000 sats per bitcoin.
fn serde_as_btc() {
use serde_json;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[serde(crate = "actual_serde")]
struct T {
#[serde(with = "crate::amount::serde::as_btc")]
pub amt: Amount,
#[serde(with = "crate::amount::serde::as_btc")]
pub samt: SignedAmount,
let orig = T {
amt: Amount::from_sat(21_000_000__000_000_01),
samt: SignedAmount::from_sat(-21_000_000__000_000_01),
let json = "{\"amt\": 21000000.00000001, \
\"samt\": -21000000.00000001}";
let t: T = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
assert_eq!(t, orig);
let value: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
assert_eq!(t, serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap());
// errors
let t: Result<T, serde_json::Error> =
serde_json::from_str("{\"amt\": 1000000.000000001, \"samt\": 1}");
let t: Result<T, serde_json::Error> = serde_json::from_str("{\"amt\": -1, \"samt\": 1}");
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
#[allow(clippy::inconsistent_digit_grouping)] // Group to show 100,000,000 sats per bitcoin.
fn serde_as_btc_opt() {
use serde_json;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)]
#[serde(crate = "actual_serde")]
struct T {
#[serde(default, with = "crate::amount::serde::as_btc::opt")]
pub amt: Option<Amount>,
#[serde(default, with = "crate::amount::serde::as_btc::opt")]
pub samt: Option<SignedAmount>,
let with = T {
amt: Some(Amount::from_sat(2_500_000_00)),
samt: Some(SignedAmount::from_sat(-2_500_000_00)),
let without = T { amt: None, samt: None };
// Test Roundtripping
for s in [&with, &without].iter() {
let v = serde_json::to_string(s).unwrap();
let w: T = serde_json::from_str(&v).unwrap();
assert_eq!(w, **s);
let t: T = serde_json::from_str("{\"amt\": 2.5, \"samt\": -2.5}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t, with);
let t: T = serde_json::from_str("{}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t, without);
let value_with: serde_json::Value =
serde_json::from_str("{\"amt\": 2.5, \"samt\": -2.5}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(with, serde_json::from_value(value_with).unwrap());
let value_without: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str("{}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(without, serde_json::from_value(value_without).unwrap());
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
#[allow(clippy::inconsistent_digit_grouping)] // Group to show 100,000,000 sats per bitcoin.
fn serde_as_sat_opt() {
use serde_json;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)]
#[serde(crate = "actual_serde")]
struct T {
#[serde(default, with = "crate::amount::serde::as_sat::opt")]
pub amt: Option<Amount>,
#[serde(default, with = "crate::amount::serde::as_sat::opt")]
pub samt: Option<SignedAmount>,
let with = T {
amt: Some(Amount::from_sat(2_500_000_00)),
samt: Some(SignedAmount::from_sat(-2_500_000_00)),
let without = T { amt: None, samt: None };
// Test Roundtripping
for s in [&with, &without].iter() {
let v = serde_json::to_string(s).unwrap();
let w: T = serde_json::from_str(&v).unwrap();
assert_eq!(w, **s);
let t: T = serde_json::from_str("{\"amt\": 250000000, \"samt\": -250000000}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t, with);
let t: T = serde_json::from_str("{}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t, without);
let value_with: serde_json::Value =
serde_json::from_str("{\"amt\": 250000000, \"samt\": -250000000}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(with, serde_json::from_value(value_with).unwrap());
let value_without: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str("{}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(without, serde_json::from_value(value_without).unwrap());
fn sum_amounts() {
assert_eq!(Amount::from_sat(0), vec![].into_iter().sum::<Amount>());
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::from_sat(0), vec![].into_iter().sum::<SignedAmount>());
let amounts = vec![Amount::from_sat(42), Amount::from_sat(1337), Amount::from_sat(21)];
let sum = amounts.into_iter().sum::<Amount>();
assert_eq!(Amount::from_sat(1400), sum);
let amounts = vec![
let sum = amounts.into_iter().sum::<SignedAmount>();
assert_eq!(SignedAmount::from_sat(1316), sum);
fn checked_sum_amounts() {
assert_eq!(Some(Amount::from_sat(0)), vec![].into_iter().checked_sum());
assert_eq!(Some(SignedAmount::from_sat(0)), vec![].into_iter().checked_sum());
let amounts = vec![Amount::from_sat(42), Amount::from_sat(1337), Amount::from_sat(21)];
let sum = amounts.into_iter().checked_sum();
assert_eq!(Some(Amount::from_sat(1400)), sum);
let amounts =
vec![Amount::from_sat(u64::MAX), Amount::from_sat(1337), Amount::from_sat(21)];
let sum = amounts.into_iter().checked_sum();
assert_eq!(None, sum);
let amounts = vec![
let sum = amounts.into_iter().checked_sum();
assert_eq!(None, sum);
let amounts = vec![
let sum = amounts.into_iter().checked_sum();
assert_eq!(None, sum);
let amounts = vec![
let sum = amounts.into_iter().checked_sum();
assert_eq!(Some(SignedAmount::from_sat(3364)), sum);
fn denomination_string_acceptable_forms() {
// Non-exhaustive list of valid forms.
let valid = vec![
"BTC", "btc", "mBTC", "mbtc", "uBTC", "ubtc", "SATOSHI", "satoshi", "SATOSHIS",
"satoshis", "SAT", "sat", "SATS", "sats", "bit", "bits", "nBTC", "pBTC",
for denom in valid.iter() {
fn disallow_confusing_forms() {
let confusing = ["Msat", "Msats", "MSAT", "MSATS", "MSat", "MSats", "MBTC", "Mbtc", "PBTC"];
for denom in confusing.iter() {
match Denomination::from_str(denom) {
Ok(_) => panic!("from_str should error for {}", denom),
Err(ParseAmountError::PossiblyConfusingDenomination(_)) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e),
fn disallow_unknown_denomination() {
// Non-exhaustive list of unknown forms.
let unknown = ["NBTC", "UBTC", "ABC", "abc", "cBtC", "Sat", "Sats"];
for denom in unknown.iter() {
match Denomination::from_str(denom) {
Ok(_) => panic!("from_str should error for {}", denom),
Err(ParseAmountError::UnknownDenomination(_)) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e),