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This wizard will assist you in constructing the set of rules, also known as the Recovery Policy, which specifies under which conditions your data can be recovered. The policy has been designed with flexibility in mind in order to accommodate different use-cases and threat models.
Time based rules allow specifying during which time period the policy is active. In order to request data recovery, a policy has to be in an active state at the time the request is made to recover data. If a policy is mutable (allowed to be updated), it can also only happen while the policy is in an active state, and is done by creating a new policy which will take place of the old one. The dates are always interpreted in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), at 12:00AM of the selected date. The two dates which are configurable, from_date and upto_date allow for the following configurations:
Please select public keys which can be used for recovery:
Please select KYC data for individuals who can participate in recovery:
This part of the policy allows you to select wether you would like Distrust to fully back up all your data, or to only hold an encryption key in escrow, in which case you are responsible for redundantly backing up the encrypted data (learn more here)