NAME := qos DEBUG := true OUT_DIR := out KEY_DIR := keys TARGET := local CACHE_DIR := cache CONFIG_DIR := targets/$(TARGET) SCRIPTS_DIR := scripts CPUS := $(shell nproc) ARCH := x86_64 include $(PWD)/config.env include $(PWD)/make/ include $(PWD)/make/ include $(PWD)/make/ .DEFAULT_GOAL := default .PHONY: default default: fetch $(OUT_DIR)/bzImage # Clean repo back to initial clone state .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf cache out docker image rm -f local/$(NAME)-build # Source anything required from the internet to build .PHONY: fetch fetch: \ toolchain \ keys \ $(OUT_DIR) \ $(CACHE_DIR) \ $(CACHE_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION).tar.xz \ $(CACHE_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION).tar.sign \ $(CACHE_DIR)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION).tar.bz2 \ $(CACHE_DIR)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION).tar.bz2.sig # Build latest image and run in terminal via Qemu .PHONY: run run: default qemu-system-x86_64 \ -m 512M \ -nographic \ -initrd $(OUT_DIR)/rootfs.cpio \ -kernel $(OUT_DIR)/bzImage # Run ncurses busybox config menu and save output .PHONY: busybox-config busybox-config: rm $(CONFIG_DIR)/busybox.config make $(CONFIG_DIR)/busybox.config # Run linux config menu and save output .PHONY: linux-config linux-config: rm $(CONFIG_DIR)/linux.config make $(CONFIG_DIR)/linux.config $(CONFIG_DIR)/busybox.config: $(toolchain) " \ cd /cache/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION) && \ KCONFIG_NOTIMESTAMP=1 make menuconfig && \ cp .config /config/busybox.config; \ " $(CONFIG_DIR)/linux.config: $(toolchain) " \ cd /cache/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION) && \ make menuconfig && \ cp .config /config/linux.config; \ " $(OUT_DIR)/rootfs.cpio: $(OUT_DIR)/busybox mkdir -p $(CACHE_DIR)/rootfs/bin ifdef DEBUG cp $(OUT_DIR)/busybox $(CACHE_DIR)/rootfs/bin; cp $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/busybox_init $(CACHE_DIR)/rootfs/init; chmod +x $(CACHE_DIR)/rootfs/init; endif $(toolchain) " \ cd /cache/rootfs \ && find . \ | cpio -o -H newc \ | gzip -f - > /out/rootfs.cpio \ " # Currently broken determinism attempt # $(toolchain) " \ # cd /cache/rootfs \ # && mkdir -p dev \ # && fakeroot mknod -m 0622 dev/console c 5 1 \ # && find . -mindepth 1 -execdir touch -hcd "@0" "{}" + \ # && find . -mindepth 1 -printf '%P\0' \ # | sort -z \ # | LANG=C bsdtar --uid 0 --gid 0 --null -cnf - -T - \ # | LANG=C bsdtar --null -cf - --format=newc @- \ # " > $@ $(OUT_DIR)/busybox: \ $(CACHE_DIR)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION) \ $(CACHE_DIR)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION).tar.bz2 \ $(CACHE_DIR)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION).tar.bz2.sig $(toolchain) " \ cd /cache/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VERSION) && \ cp /config/busybox.config .config && \ make -j$(CPUS) busybox && \ cp busybox /out/; \ " $(OUT_DIR)/bzImage: \ $(OUT_DIR)/rootfs.cpio \ $(CACHE_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION) \ $(CACHE_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION).tar.xz \ $(CACHE_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION).tar.sign $(toolchain) " \ cd /cache/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION) && \ cp /config/linux.config .config && \ make olddefconfig && \ make -j$(CPUS) ARCH=$(ARCH) bzImage && \ cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /out/; \ "