#! /usr/bin/env bash set -e readonly MIN_BASH_VERSION=5 readonly MIN_GPG_VERSION=2.2 readonly MIN_OPENSSL_VERSION=1.1 readonly MIN_GETOPT_VERSION=2.33 ## Private Functions ### Exit with error message die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } ### Bail and instruct user on missing package to install for their platform die_pkg() { local -r package=${1?} local -r version=${2?} local install_cmd case "$OSTYPE" in linux*) if command -v "apt" >/dev/null; then install_cmd="apt install ${package}" elif command -v "yum" >/dev/null; then install_cmd="yum install ${package}" elif command -v "pacman" >/dev/null; then install_cmd="pacman -Ss ${package}" elif command -v "emerge" >/dev/null; then install_cmd="emerge ${package}" elif command -v "nix-env" >/dev/null; then install_cmd="nix-env -i ${package}" fi ;; bsd*) install_cmd="pkg install ${package}" ;; darwin*) install_cmd="port install ${package}" ;; *) die "Error: Your operating system is not supported" ;; esac echo "Error: ${package} ${version}+ does not appear to be installed." >&2 [ -n "$install_cmd" ] && echo "Try: \`${install_cmd}\`" >&2 exit 1 } ### Ask user to make a binary decision ### If not an interactive terminal: auto-accept default ask() { local prompt default while true; do prompt="" default="" if [ "${2}" = "Y" ]; then prompt="Y/n" default=Y elif [ "${2}" = "N" ]; then prompt="y/N" default=N else prompt="y/n" default= fi printf "\\n%s [%s] " "$1" "$prompt" read -r reply [ -z "$reply" ] && reply=$default case "$reply" in Y*|y*) return 0 ;; N*|n*) return 1 ;; esac done } ### Check if actual binary version is >= minimum version check_version(){ local pkg="${1?}" local have="${2?}" local need="${3?}" local i ver1 ver2 IFS='.' [[ "$have" == "$need" ]] && return 0 read -r -a ver1 <<< "$have" read -r -a ver2 <<< "$need" for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++)); do ver1[i]=0; done for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++)); do [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]] && ver2[i]=0 ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})) && return 0 ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})) && die_pkg "${pkg}" "${need}" done } ### Check if required binaries are installed at appropriate versions check_tools(){ if [ -z "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" ] \ || [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -lt "${MIN_BASH_VERSION}" ]; then die_pkg "bash" "${MIN_BASH_VERSION}" fi for cmd in "$@"; do command -v "$1" >/dev/null || die "Error: $cmd not found" case $cmd in gpg) version=$(gpg --version | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f3) check_version "gnupg" "${version}" "${MIN_GPG_VERSION}" ;; openssl) version=$(openssl version | cut -d" " -f2 | sed 's/[a-z]//g') check_version "openssl" "${version}" "${MIN_OPENSSL_VERSION}" ;; getopt) version=$(getopt --version | cut -d" " -f4 | sed 's/[a-z]//g') check_version "getopt" "${version}" "${MIN_GETOPT_VERSION}" ;; esac done } ### Get primary UID for a given fingerprint get_uid(){ local -r fp="${1?}" gpg --list-keys --with-colons "${fp}" 2>&1 \ | awk -F: '$1 == "uid" {print $10}' \ | head -n1 } ### Get primary fingerprint for given search get_primary_fp(){ local -r search="${1?}" gpg --list-keys --with-colons "${search}" 2>&1 \ | awk -F: '$1 == "fpr" {print $10}' \ | head -n1 } ### Get fingerprint for a given pgp file get_file_fp(){ local -r filename="${1?}" gpg --list-packets "${filename}" \ | grep keyid \ | sed 's/.*keyid //g' } ### Get raw gpgconf group config group_get_config(){ local -r config=$(gpgconf --list-options gpg | grep ^group) printf '%s' "${config##*:}" } ### Add fingerprint to a given group group_add_fp(){ local -r fp=${1?} local -r group_name=${2?} local -r config=$(group_get_config) local group_names=() local member_lists=() local name member_list config i data while IFS=' =' read -rd, name member_list; do group_names+=("${name:1}") member_lists+=("$member_list") done <<< "$config," printf '%s\n' "${group_names[@]}" \ | grep -w "${group_name}" \ || group_names+=("${group_name}") for i in "${!group_names[@]}"; do [ "${group_names[$i]}" == "${group_name}" ] \ && member_lists[$i]="${member_lists[$i]} ${fp}" data+=$(printf '"%s = %s,' "${group_names[$i]}" "${member_lists[$i]}") done echo "Adding key \"${fp}\" to group \"${group_name}\"" gpg --list-keys >/dev/null 2>&1 printf 'group:0:%s' "${data%?}" \ | gpgconf --change-options gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 } ### Get fingerprints for a given group group_get_fps(){ local -r group_name=${1?} gpg --with-colons --list-config group \ | grep -i "^cfg:group:${group_name}:" \ | cut -d ':' -f4 } ### Check if fingerprint belongs to a given group ### Give user option to add it if they wish group_check_fp(){ local -r fp=${1?} local -r group_name=${2?} local -r group_fps=$(group_get_fps "${group_name}") local -r uid=$(get_uid "${fp}") if [ -z "$group_fps" ] \ || [[ "${group_fps}" != *"${fp}"* ]]; then cat <<-_EOF The following key is not a member of group "${group_name}": Fingerprint: ${fp} Primary UID: ${uid} _EOF if ask "Add key to group \"${group_name}\" ?" "N"; then group_add_fp "${fp}" "${group_name}" else return 1 fi fi } tree_hash() { local -r ref="${1:-HEAD}" git rev-parse "${ref}^{tree}" } sig_generate(){ local -r vcs_ref="$1" local -r review_hash="${2:-null}" local -r version="v0" local -r sig_type="pgp" local -r tree_hash="$(tree_hash)" local -r body="sig:$version:$vcs_ref:$tree_hash:$review_hash:$sig_type" local -r signature=$(\ printf "%s" "$body" \ | gpg \ --detach-sign \ --local-user "$key" \ | openssl base64 -A \ ) printf "%s" "$body:$signature" } parse_gpg_status() { local -r gpg_status="$1" local -r error="$2" while read -r values; do local key array sig_fp sig_date sig_status sig_author sig_body IFS=" " read -r -a array <<< "$values" key=${array[1]} case $key in "BADSIG"|"ERRSIG"|"EXPSIG"|"EXPKEYSIG"|"REVKEYSIG") sig_fp="${array[2]}" sig_status="$key" ;; "GOODSIG") sig_author="${values:34}" sig_fp="${array[2]}" ;; "VALIDSIG") sig_status="$key" sig_date="${array[4]}" ;; "SIG_ID") sig_date="${array[4]}" ;; "NEWSIG") sig_author="${sig_author:-Unknown User <${array[2]}>}" ;; TRUST_*) sig_trust="${key//TRUST_/}" ;; esac done <<< "$gpg_status" sig_fp=$(get_primary_fp "$sig_fp") sig_body="pgp:$sig_fp:$sig_status:$sig_trust:$sig_date:$sig_author:$error" printf "%s" "$sig_body" } verify_git_note(){ local -r line="${1}" local -r ref="${2:-HEAD}" local -r commit=$(git rev-parse "$ref") IFS=':' read -r -a line_parts <<< "$line" local -r identifier=${line_parts[0]} local -r version=${line_parts[1]} local -r vcs_hash=${line_parts[2]} local -r tree_hash=${line_parts[3]} local -r review_hash=${line_parts[4]:-null} local -r sig_type=${line_parts[5]} local -r sig=${line_parts[6]} local -r body="sig:$version:$vcs_hash:$tree_hash:$review_hash:$sig_type" local error="" commit_tree_hash [[ "$identifier" == "sig" \ && "$version" == "v0" \ && "$sig_type" == "pgp" \ ]] || { return 1; } gpg_sig_raw="$( gpg --verify --status-fd=1 \ <(printf '%s' "$sig" | openssl base64 -d -A) \ <(printf '%s' "$body") 2>/dev/null \ )" [[ "$vcs_hash" == "$commit" ]] || { error="COMMIT_NOMATCH" } commit_tree_hash=$(tree_hash "$commit") [[ "$tree_hash" == "$commit_tree_hash" ]] || { error="TREEHASH_NOMATCH;$commit;$tree_hash;$commit_tree_hash"; } parse_gpg_status "$gpg_sig_raw" "$error" } verify_git_notes(){ local -r ref="${1:-HEAD}" local -r commit=$(git rev-parse "$ref") local code=1 while IFS='' read -r line; do printf "%s\n" "$(verify_git_note "$line" "$ref")" code=0 done < <(git notes --ref signatures show "$commit" 2>&1 | grep "^sig:") return $code } verify_git_commit(){ local -r ref="${1:-HEAD}" local gpg_sig_raw gpg_sig_raw=$(git verify-commit "$ref" --raw 2>&1) parse_gpg_status "$gpg_sig_raw" } verify_git_tags(){ local gpg_sig_raw code=1 for tag in $(git tag --points-at HEAD); do git tag --verify "$tag" >/dev/null 2>&1 && { gpg_sig_raw=$( git verify-tag --raw "$tag" 2>&1 ) printf "%s\n" "$(parse_gpg_status "$gpg_sig_raw")" code=0 } done return $code } ### Verify head commit is signed ### Optionally verify total unique commit/tag/note signatures meet a threshold ### Optionally verify all signatures belong to keys in gpg alias group verify(){ [ $# -eq 3 ] || die "Usage: verify <threshold> <group> <ref>" local -r threshold="${1}" local -r group="${2}" local -r ref=${3:-HEAD} local sig_count=0 seen_fps fp commit_sig tag_sigs note_sigs [ -d .git ] || [ -L .git ] || [ -f .git ] \ || die "Error: This folder is not a git repository" if [[ $(git diff --stat) != '' ]]; then die "Error: git tree is dirty" fi commit_sig=$(verify_git_commit "$ref") if [ -n "$commit_sig" ]; then IFS=':' read -r -a sig <<< "$commit_sig" fp="${sig[1]}" uid="${sig[5]}" echo "Verified signed git commit by \"$uid\"" seen_fps="${fp}" fi tag_sigs=$(verify_git_tags "$ref") && \ while IFS= read -r line; do IFS=':' read -r -a sig <<< "$line" fp="${sig[1]}" uid="${sig[5]}" echo "Verified signed git tag by \"${uid}\"" if [[ "${seen_fps}" != *"${fp}"* ]]; then seen_fps+=" ${fp}" fi done <<< "$tag_sigs" note_sigs=$(verify_git_notes "$ref") && \ while IFS= read -r line; do IFS=':' read -r -a sig <<< "$line" fp="${sig[1]}" uid="${sig[5]}" error="${sig[6]}" [ "$error" == "" ] || { echo "Error: $error"; return 1; } echo "Verified signed git note by \"${uid}\"" if [[ "${seen_fps}" != *"${fp}"* ]]; then seen_fps+=" ${fp}" fi done <<< "$note_sigs" for seen_fp in ${seen_fps}; do if [ -n "$group" ]; then group_check_fp "${seen_fp}" "${group}" || { echo "Git signing key not in group \"${group}\": ${seen_fp}"; return 1; } fi ((sig_count=sig_count+1)) done [[ "${sig_count}" -ge "${threshold}" ]] || { echo "Minimum unique signatures not found: ${sig_count}/${threshold}"; return 1; } } ## Get temporary dir reliably across different mktemp implementations get_temp(){ mktemp \ --quiet \ --directory \ -t "$(basename "$0").XXXXXX" 2>/dev/null \ || mktemp \ --quiet \ --directory } ## Add signed tag pointing at this commit. ## Optionally push to origin. sign_tag(){ [ -d '.git' ] \ || die "Not a git repository" command -v git >/dev/null \ || die "Git not installed" git config --get user.signingKey >/dev/null \ || die "Git user.signingKey not set" local -r push="${1}" local -r commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) local -r fp=$( \ git config --get user.signingKey \ | sed 's/.*\([A-Z0-9]\{16\}\).*/\1/g' \ ) local -r name="sig-${commit}-${fp}" git tag -fsm "$name" "$name" [[ "$push" -eq "0" ]] || $PROGRAM push } ## Add signed git note to this commit ## Optionally push to origin. sign_note() { [ -d '.git' ] \ || die "Not a git repository" command -v git >/dev/null \ || die "Git not installed" git config --get user.signingKey >/dev/null \ || die "Git user.signingKey not set" local -r push="${1}" local -r key=$( \ git config --get user.signingKey \ | sed 's/.*\([A-Z0-9]\{16\}\).*/\1/g' \ ) local -r commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) sig_generate "$commit" | git notes --ref signatures append --file=- [[ "$push" -eq "0" ]] || $PROGRAM push } ## Public Commands cmd_remove() { git notes --ref signatures remove } cmd_verify() { local opts threshold=1 group="" method="" diff="" opts="$(getopt -o t:g:m:d:: -l threshold:,group:,ref:,diff:: -n "$PROGRAM" -- "$@")" eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case $1 in -t|--threshold) threshold="$2"; shift 2 ;; -g|--group) group="$2"; shift 2 ;; -r|--ref) ref="$2"; shift 2 ;; -d|--diff) diff="1"; shift 2 ;; --) shift; break ;; esac done local -r head=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) if [ -n "$diff" ] && [ -z "$ref" ]; then while read -r commit; do echo "Checking commit: $commit" if verify "$threshold" "$group" "$commit"; then git --no-pager diff "${commit}" "${head}" return 0 fi done <<< "$(git log --show-notes=signatures --pretty=format:"%H")" else if verify "$threshold" "$group" "$ref"; then if [ -n "$diff" ] && [ -n "$ref" ]; then local -r commit=$(git rev-parse --short "${ref}") [ "${commit}" != "${head}" ] && \ git --no-pager diff "${commit}" "${head}" fi return 0 fi fi return 1 } cmd_fetch() { local opts group="" group_fps="" opts="$(getopt -o g: -l group: -n "$PROGRAM" -- "$@")" eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case $1 in -g|--group) group="${2:-1}"; shift 2 ;; --) shift; break ;; esac done [ $# -eq 1 ] || \ die "Usage: $PROGRAM fetch <fingerprint> [-g,--group=<group>]" local -r fingerprint=${1} if [ -n "$group" ]; then group_fps=$(group_get_fps "${group_name}") if [[ "${group_fps}" == *"${fingerprint}"* ]]; then echo "Key \"${fingerprint}\" is already in group \"${group}\"" else group_add_fp "${fingerprint}" "${group}" fi fi gpg --list-keys "${fingerprint}" > /dev/null 2>&1 \ && echo "Key \"${fingerprint}\" is already in local keychain" \ && return 0 echo "Requested key is not in keyring. Trying keyservers..." for server in \ ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \ hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \ hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \ pgp.mit.edu \ ; do echo "Fetching key \"${fingerprint}\" from \"${server}\""; gpg \ --recv-key \ --keyserver "$server" \ --keyserver-options timeout=10 \ --recv-keys "${fingerprint}" \ && break done } cmd_add(){ local opts method="" push="0" opts="$(getopt -o m:p:: -l method:,push:: -n "$PROGRAM" -- "$@")" eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case $1 in -m|--method) method="$2"; shift 2 ;; -p|--push) push="1"; shift 2 ;; --) shift; break ;; esac done case $method in git) sign_note "$push" ;; *) sign_note "$push" ;; esac } cmd_push() { [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || { usage push; exit 1; } git fetch origin refs/notes/signatures:refs/notes/origin/signatures git notes --ref signatures merge -s cat_sort_uniq origin/signatures git push --tags origin refs/notes/signatures } cmd_version() { cat <<-_EOF ============================================== = sig: simple multisig trust toolchain = = = = v0.2 = = = = https://github.com/distrust-foundation/sig = ============================================== _EOF } cmd_usage() { cmd_version cat <<-_EOF Usage: $PROGRAM add [-m,--method=<note|tag>] [-p,--push] Add signature for this repository $PROGRAM remove Remove all signatures on current ref $PROGRAM verify [-g,--group=<group>] [-t,--threshold=<N>] [d,--diff=<branch>] Verify m-of-n signatures by given group are present for directory. $PROGRAM fetch [-g,--group=<group>] Fetch key by fingerprint. Optionally add to group. $PROGRAM help Show this text. $PROGRAM version Show version information. _EOF } # Verify all tools in this list are installed at needed versions check_tools git head cut find sort sed getopt gpg openssl # Allow entire script to be namespaced based on filename readonly PROGRAM="${0##*/}" # Export public sub-commands case "$1" in verify) shift; cmd_verify "$@" ;; add) shift; cmd_add "$@" ;; remove) shift; cmd_remove "$@" ;; fetch) shift; cmd_fetch "$@" ;; push) shift; cmd_push "$@" ;; version|--version) shift; cmd_version "$@" ;; help|--help) shift; cmd_usage "$@" ;; *) cmd_usage "$@" ;; esac