define CLI interface for workflow
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ use std::{
process::{Command, Stdio},
mod workflow;
pub fn get_command(bin_name: &str) -> (&str, Vec<&str>) {
if std::env::vars().any(|(k, _)| &k == "ICEPICK_USE_CARGO") {
("cargo", vec!["run", "-q", "--bin", bin_name, "--"])
@ -19,8 +21,12 @@ struct ModuleConfig {
name: String,
command_name: Option<String>,
algorithm: keyfork_derive_util::request::DerivationAlgorithm,
#[serde(with = "serde_derivation")]
derivation_prefix: keyfork_derive_util::DerivationPath,
#[serde(rename = "workflow", default)]
workflows: Vec<workflow::Workflow>,
mod serde_derivation {
@ -41,9 +47,8 @@ mod serde_derivation {
D: Deserializer<'de>,
use serde::de::Error;
String::deserialize(deserializer).and_then(|string| {
DerivationPath::from_str(&string).map_err(|e| Error::custom(e.to_string()))
.and_then(|string| DerivationPath::from_str(&string).map_err(Error::custom))
@ -94,6 +99,24 @@ pub fn do_cli_thing() {
.expect("successful deserialization of operation");
commands.push((module_name.clone(), bin, operations));
let mut workflows = vec![];
for module in &config.modules {
workflows.push((, module.workflows.clone()));
let workflows = workflows.leak();
let mut workflow_command =
clap::Command::new("workflow").about("Run a pre-defined Icepick workflow");
for module in workflows.iter() {
let mut module_subcommand = clap::Command::new(module.0.as_str());
for workflow in &module.1 {
module_subcommand = module_subcommand.subcommand(workflow.generate_command());
workflow_command = workflow_command.subcommand(module_subcommand);
icepick_command = icepick_command.subcommand(workflow_command);
let commands = commands.leak();
for command in commands.iter() {
let mut subcommand = clap::Command::new(command.0.as_str());
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
use super::get_command;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Workflow {
pub name: String,
pub inputs: Vec<String>,
#[serde(rename = "step")]
steps: Vec<WorkflowStep>,
pub type StringMap = std::collections::HashMap<String, String>;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct WorkflowStep {
r#type: String,
values: StringMap,
inputs: StringMap,
outputs: StringMap,
impl Workflow {
/// Generate a [`clap::Command`] for a [`Workflow`], where the inputs can be defined either by
/// command-line arguments or via a JSON input file.
pub fn generate_command(&self) -> clap::Command {
let mut command = clap::Command::new(&!(
--"input-file" [FILE]
"A file containing any inputs not passed on the command line"
for input in &self.inputs {
let arg = clap::Arg::new(input)
command = command.arg(arg);
fn load_inputs(&self, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) -> StringMap {
let mut map = StringMap::default();
let input_file: Option<StringMap> = matches
.and_then(|p| std::fs::File::open(p).ok())
.and_then(|f| serde_json::from_reader(f).ok());
for input in &self.inputs {
match matches.get_one::<String>(&input.replace('_', "-")) {
Some(value) => {
map.insert(input.clone(), value.clone());
None => {
if let Some(value) = input_file.as_ref().and_then(|f| f.get(input)) {
map.insert(input.clone(), value.clone());
panic!("Key was not found: {input}");
pub fn handle(self, matches: &clap::ArgMatches) {
let inputs = self.load_inputs(matches);
// step 2: run through commands
@ -2,3 +2,81 @@
name = "sol"
derivation_prefix = "m/44'/501'/0'"
algorithm = "Ed25519"
# The name of the workflow, which can be called by:
# `icepick workflow sol transfer-token`
name = "transfer-token"
# These values are used as inputs for other workflows, acquired from the CLI.
# These values can only be strings, but other values can be any value that can
# be serialized by serde_json::Value.
# These values can also be loaded using "internal-load-file", using some form
# of later-defined signature validation.
inputs = ["from_address", "to_address", "token_name", "token_amount"]
# Load the Blockhash from the SD card
type = "internal-load-file"
# Pre-defined values to be passed to the module
values = { filename = "blockhash.json" }
# This value is marked to be saved in-memory, and can be used as an input for
# later steps.
outputs = { blockhash = "blockhash" }
# Get the token address and token decimals for the given token
type = "sol-get-token-info"
# The key is the key that is passed to the program in the
# `values` field. The value is the item in storage. In this case,
# they are the same, because we read a `token-name` from our input,
# store it in our storage as `token-name`, and `sol-token-info` will
# expect a `token-name`.
inputs = { token_name = "token_name" }
# Because these two fields are currently unused in our storage, we can grab
# them from the outputs of our module. The key is the key of the output value
# we want to store, and the value is the name to be assigned in storage.
outputs = { token_address = "token_address", token_decimals = "token_decimals" }
# Generate an unsigned Transaction
type = "sol-transfer-token"
# If using a lot of inputs, it may be best to use a non-inline table.
# Non-inline tables _must_ be the last step, as otherwise, `outputs` for
# example would be considered a member of `inputs`. In this case, we use a
# non-inline table for `outputs` even though it would fit on one line, to avoid
# the ambiguity.
amount = "token_amount"
token_address = "token_address"
token_decimals = "token_decimals"
to_address = "to_address"
from_address = "from-address"
transaction = "unsigned_transaction"
# Sign the transaction
type = "sol-sign"
inputs = { transaction = "unsigned_transaction", blockhash = "blockhash" }
outputs = { transaction = "signed_transaction" }
# Write the signed transaction to a file
type = "internal-save-file"
# We are using a static filename here, so we use `values` instead of `inputs`.
values = { filename = "transaction.json" }
# All fields in both `inputs` and `values`, other than `filename`, will be
# persisted to the file. In this case, the `transaction` field of the file will
# contain the signed transaction.
inputs = { transaction = "signed_transaction" }
Reference in New Issue