Create opinionated tool for multi-stage and multi-machine Icepick workflows #22

opened 2024-12-12 19:51:57 +00:00 by ryan · 0 comments

Currently, the Solana and SPL Token MVP will be done with a bash script, but the flow should be generic enough that some tool can be created to parse opinionated configuration files and create a workflow for reading inputs and managing mounting SD cards in multi-machine workflows.

For example, in SPL Token:

icepick workflow sol-transfer-token

would ask for the inputs of from-address, to-address, token, and amount. It would then have steps to get a field from icepick sol get-token-address that exports the token-address and token-decimals (TODO: implement token-decimals, it's currently hardcoded for IPDBG). It then generates the transaction, and waits for a blob from the SD card, from icepick workflow sol-get-blockhash-and-broadcast. The blockhash is then read, along with the other arguments, and passed into icepick sol transfer-token, which is then passed into icepick sign, generating a blob that can be returned to the online machine which is waiting for the transaction to broadcast.

The configuration file would likely look something like:

name = "sol"
derivation_prefix = "m/44'/501'/0'"
algorithm = "Ed25519"

# The name of the workflow, which can be called by `icepick workflow transfer-token`.
name = "transfer-token"

# These values are used as inputs for other workflows, acquired from the CLI.
# These values can only be strings, but other values can be any value that can
# be serialized by serde_json::Value.
# These values can also be loaded using "internal-load-file", using some form
# of later-defined signature validation.
inputs = ["from-address", "to-address", "token-name", "token-amount"]

# Load the Blockhash from the SD card
type = "internal-load-file"

# Pre-defined values to be passed to the module
values = {
	"filename": "blockhash.json",

outputs = {
	# TODO: blockhash is the `.blob` value, not a field of a map.
	"blockhash": "blockhash",

# Get the token address and token decimals for the given token
type = "sol-token-info"
inputs = {
	# The key is the key that is passed to the program in the
	# `values` field. The value is the item in storage. In this case,
	# they are the same, because we read a `token-name` from our input,
	# store it in our storage as `token-name`, and `sol-token-info` will
	# expect a `token-name`.
	"token-name": "token-name",
outputs = {
	# Same as above, because the two fields are unused in our storage, we
	# can 
	"token-address": "token-address",
	"token-decimals": "token-decimals",

# Generate an unsigned Transaction
type = "sol-transfer-token"
inputs = {
	"amount": "token-amount",
	"token-address": "token-address",
	"to-address": "to-address",
	"from-address": "from-address",

# Store the unsigned transaction
outputs = {
	"transaction": "unsigned-transaction",

# Sign the transaction
type = "sol-sign"

inputs = {
	"transaction": "unsigned-transaction",
	"blockhash": "blockhash",

outputs = {
	"transaction": "signed-transaction",

# Write the transaction to a file
type = "internal-save-file"

values = {
	"filename": "transaction.json",

inputs = {
	"transaction": "signed-transaction",
Currently, the Solana and SPL Token MVP will be done with a bash script, but the flow should be generic enough that some tool can be created to parse opinionated configuration files and create a workflow for reading inputs and managing mounting SD cards in multi-machine workflows. For example, in SPL Token: ```sh icepick workflow sol-transfer-token ``` would ask for the inputs of `from-address`, `to-address`, `token`, and `amount`. It would then have steps to get a field from `icepick sol get-token-address` that exports the `token-address` and `token-decimals` (TODO: implement `token-decimals`, it's currently hardcoded for IPDBG). It then generates the transaction, and waits for a blob from the SD card, from `icepick workflow sol-get-blockhash-and-broadcast`. The blockhash is then read, along with the other arguments, and passed into `icepick sol transfer-token`, which is then passed into `icepick sign`, generating a blob that can be returned to the online machine which is waiting for the transaction to broadcast. The configuration file would likely look something like: ```toml [[module]] name = "sol" derivation_prefix = "m/44'/501'/0'" algorithm = "Ed25519" [[module.workflow]] # The name of the workflow, which can be called by `icepick workflow transfer-token`. name = "transfer-token" # These values are used as inputs for other workflows, acquired from the CLI. # These values can only be strings, but other values can be any value that can # be serialized by serde_json::Value. # These values can also be loaded using "internal-load-file", using some form # of later-defined signature validation. inputs = ["from-address", "to-address", "token-name", "token-amount"] [[module.workflow.step]] # Load the Blockhash from the SD card type = "internal-load-file" # Pre-defined values to be passed to the module values = { "filename": "blockhash.json", } outputs = { # TODO: blockhash is the `.blob` value, not a field of a map. "blockhash": "blockhash", } [[module.workflow.step]] # Get the token address and token decimals for the given token type = "sol-token-info" inputs = { # The key is the key that is passed to the program in the # `values` field. The value is the item in storage. In this case, # they are the same, because we read a `token-name` from our input, # store it in our storage as `token-name`, and `sol-token-info` will # expect a `token-name`. "token-name": "token-name", } outputs = { # Same as above, because the two fields are unused in our storage, we # can "token-address": "token-address", "token-decimals": "token-decimals", } [[module.workflow.step]] # Generate an unsigned Transaction type = "sol-transfer-token" inputs = { "amount": "token-amount", "token-address": "token-address", "to-address": "to-address", "from-address": "from-address", } # Store the unsigned transaction outputs = { "transaction": "unsigned-transaction", } [[module.workflow.step]] # Sign the transaction type = "sol-sign" inputs = { "transaction": "unsigned-transaction", "blockhash": "blockhash", } outputs = { "transaction": "signed-transaction", } [[module.workflow.step]] # Write the transaction to a file type = "internal-save-file" values = { "filename": "transaction.json", } inputs = { "transaction": "signed-transaction", } ```
ryan added this to the Custody Framework project 2024-12-12 20:25:09 +00:00
ryan added this to the Icepick v0.1.0 milestone 2024-12-12 20:27:50 +00:00
ryan modified the milestone from Icepick v0.1.0 to Icepick v0.2.0 2024-12-12 20:27:52 +00:00
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Reference: public/icepick#22
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