Compare commits
8 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Ryan Heywood | 425aa30aa6 | |
Ryan Heywood | 6a3018e5e8 | |
Ryan Heywood | d51ee36ace | |
Ryan Heywood | b75d45876a | |
Ryan Heywood | 2541d49fb8 | |
Ryan Heywood | 3b5c1340db | |
Ryan Heywood | 3c1d8e9784 | |
Ryan Heywood | 6093cf9be4 |
@ -7,52 +7,33 @@ use std::{
use keyfork_shard::openpgp::{combine, discover_certs, openpgp::Cert, parse_messages};
use keyfork_shard::{openpgp::OpenPGP, Format};
type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
fn validate(
shard: impl AsRef<Path>,
key_discovery: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(File, Vec<Cert>)> {
) -> Result<(File, Option<PathBuf>)> {
let key_discovery =;
// Load certs from path
let certs = key_discovery
Ok((File::open(shard)?, certs))
Ok((File::open(shard)?, key_discovery))
fn run() -> Result<()> {
let mut args = env::args();
let program_name ="program name");
let args = args.collect::<Vec<_>>();
let (messages_file, cert_list) = match args.as_slice() {
let (messages_file, key_discovery) = match args.as_slice() {
[shard, key_discovery] => validate(shard, Some(key_discovery))?,
[shard] => validate(shard, None)?,
_ => panic!("Usage: {program_name} <shard> [key_discovery]"),
let mut encrypted_messages = parse_messages(messages_file)?;
let encrypted_metadata = encrypted_messages
.expect("any pgp encrypted message");
let mut bytes = vec![];
&mut bytes,
print!("{}", smex::encode(&bytes));
let openpgp = OpenPGP;
let bytes = openpgp.decrypt_all_shards_to_secret(key_discovery.as_deref(), messages_file)?;
print!("{}", smex::encode(bytes));
@ -7,47 +7,33 @@ use std::{
use keyfork_shard::openpgp::{decrypt, discover_certs, openpgp::Cert, parse_messages};
use keyfork_shard::{Format, openpgp::OpenPGP};
type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
fn validate<'a>(
messages_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
key_discovery: impl Into<Option<&'a str>>,
) -> Result<(File, Vec<Cert>)> {
let key_discovery = key_discovery.into().map(PathBuf::from);
fn validate(
shard: impl AsRef<Path>,
key_discovery: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<(File, Option<PathBuf>)> {
let key_discovery =;
// Load certs from path
let certs = key_discovery
Ok((File::open(messages_file)?, certs))
Ok((File::open(shard)?, key_discovery))
fn run() -> Result<()> {
let mut args = env::args();
let program_name ="program name");
let args = args.collect::<Vec<_>>();
let (messages_file, cert_list) = match args.as_slice() {
[messages_file, key_discovery] => validate(messages_file, key_discovery.as_str())?,
[messages_file] => validate(messages_file, None)?,
_ => panic!("Usage: {program_name} messages_file [key_discovery]"),
let (messages_file, key_discovery) = match args.as_slice() {
[shard, key_discovery] => validate(shard, Some(key_discovery))?,
[shard] => validate(shard, None)?,
_ => panic!("Usage: {program_name} <shard> [key_discovery]"),
let mut encrypted_messages = parse_messages(messages_file)?;
let openpgp = OpenPGP;
let encrypted_metadata = encrypted_messages
.expect("any pgp encrypted message");
openpgp.decrypt_one_shard_for_transport(key_discovery.as_deref(), messages_file)?;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
let mut bytes = vec![];
remote_decrypt(&mut bytes)?;
print!("{}", smex::encode(&bytes));
print!("{}", smex::encode(bytes));
@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
use std::{env, path::PathBuf, process::ExitCode, str::FromStr};
use keyfork_shard::openpgp::{discover_certs, openpgp::Cert, split};
use keyfork_shard::{Format, openpgp::OpenPGP};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Error {
Threshold(u8, u8),
InvalidCertCount(usize, u8),
impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
@ -19,15 +17,6 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
write!(f, "Usage: {program_name} threshold max key_discovery")
Error::Input => f.write_str("Expected hex encoded input"),
Error::Threshold(threshold, max) => {
"Invalid threshold: 0 < threshold {threshold} <= max {max} < 256"
Error::InvalidCertCount(count, max) => {
write!(f, "Invalid cert count: count {count} != max {max}")
@ -36,31 +25,20 @@ impl std::error::Error for Error {}
type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
fn validate(threshold: &str, max: &str, key_discovery: &str) -> Result<(u8, Vec<Cert>)> {
fn validate(threshold: &str, max: &str, key_discovery: &str) -> Result<(u8, u8, PathBuf)> {
let threshold = u8::from_str(threshold)?;
let max = u8::from_str(max)?;
let key_discovery = PathBuf::from(key_discovery);
if threshold > max {
return Err(Error::Threshold(threshold, max).into());
// Verify path exists
// Load certs from path
let certs = discover_certs(key_discovery)?;
if certs.len() != max.into() {
return Err(Error::InvalidCertCount(certs.len(), max).into());
Ok((threshold, certs))
Ok((threshold, max, key_discovery))
fn run() -> Result<()> {
let mut args = env::args();
let program_name ="program name");
let args = args.collect::<Vec<_>>();
let (threshold, cert_list) = match args.as_slice() {
let (threshold, max, key_discovery) = match args.as_slice() {
[threshold, max, key_discovery] => validate(threshold, max, key_discovery)?,
_ => return Err(Error::Usage(program_name).into()),
@ -72,8 +50,9 @@ fn run() -> Result<()> {
split(threshold, cert_list, &input, std::io::stdout())?;
let openpgp = OpenPGP;
openpgp.shard_and_encrypt(threshold, max, &input, key_discovery.as_path(), std::io::stdout())?;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Write};
use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Read, Write};
use aes_gcm::{
aead::{Aead, AeadCore, OsRng},
Aes256Gcm, KeyInit,
aead::{consts::U12, Aead, AeadCore, OsRng},
Aes256Gcm, KeyInit, Nonce,
use hkdf::Hkdf;
use keyfork_mnemonic_util::{English, Mnemonic};
@ -16,9 +16,338 @@ use sha2::Sha256;
use sharks::{Share, Sharks};
use x25519_dalek::{EphemeralSecret, PublicKey};
// 256 bit share encrypted is 49 bytes, couple more bytes before we reach max size
const ENC_LEN: u8 = 4 * 16;
#[cfg(feature = "openpgp")]
pub mod openpgp;
/// A trait to specify where keys can be discovered from, such as a Rust-native type or a path on
/// the filesystem that keys may be read from.
pub trait KeyDiscovery<F: Format + ?Sized> {
/// Discover public keys for the associated format.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if public keys could not be loaded from the given discovery
/// mechanism. A discovery mechanism _must_ be able to detect public keys.
fn discover_public_keys(&self) -> Result<Vec<F::PublicKey>, F::Error>;
/// Discover private keys for the associated format.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if private keys could not be loaded from the given
/// discovery mechanism. Keys may exist off-system (such as with smartcards), in which case the
/// PrivateKeyData type of the asssociated format should be either `()` (if the keys may never
/// exist on-system) or an empty container (such as an empty Vec); in either case, this method
/// _must not_ return an error if keys are accessible but can't be transferred into memory.
fn discover_private_keys(&self) -> Result<F::PrivateKeyData, F::Error>;
/// A format to use for splitting and combining secrets.
pub trait Format {
/// The error type returned from any failed operations.
type Error: std::error::Error + 'static;
/// A type encapsulating a single public key recipient.
type PublicKey;
/// A type encapsulating the private key recipients of shards.
type PrivateKeyData;
/// A type representing a Signer derived from the secret.
type SigningKey;
/// A type representing the parsed, but encrypted, Shard data.
type EncryptedData;
/// Derive a signer
fn derive_signing_key(&self, seed: &[u8]) -> Self::SigningKey;
/// Format a header containing necessary metadata. Such metadata contains a version byte, a
/// threshold byte, a public version of the [`Format::SigningKey`], and the public keys used to
/// encrypt shards. The public keys must be kept _in order_ to the encrypted shards. Keyfork
/// will use the same key_data for both, ensuring an iteration of this method will match with
/// iterations in methods called later.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if encryption to any of the public keys fails.
fn format_encrypted_header(
signing_key: &Self::SigningKey,
key_data: &[Self::PublicKey],
threshold: u8,
) -> Result<Self::EncryptedData, Self::Error>;
/// Format a shard encrypted to the given public key, signing with the private key.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the public key used to encrypt the shard is unsuitable
/// for encryption, or if an error occurs while encrypting.
fn encrypt_shard(
shard: &[u8],
public_key: &Self::PublicKey,
signing_key: &mut Self::SigningKey,
) -> Result<Self::EncryptedData, Self::Error>;
/// Parse the Shard file into a processable type.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the Shard file could not be read from or if the Shard
/// file could not be properly parsed.
fn parse_shard_file(
shard_file: impl Read + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<Vec<Self::EncryptedData>, Self::Error>;
/// Write the Shard data to a Shard file.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the Shard data could not be properly serialized or if the
/// Shard file could not be written to.
fn format_shard_file(
encrypted_data: &[Self::EncryptedData],
shard_file: impl Write + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Decrypt shares and associated metadata from a readable input. For the current version of
/// Keyfork, the only associated metadata is a u8 representing the threshold to combine
/// secrets.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the shardfile couldn't be read from, if all shards
/// could not be decrypted, or if a shard could not be parsed from the decrypted data.
fn decrypt_all_shards(
private_keys: Option<Self::PrivateKeyData>,
encrypted_messages: &[Self::EncryptedData],
) -> Result<(Vec<Share>, u8), Self::Error>;
/// Decrypt a single share and associated metadata from a reaable input. For the current
/// version of Keyfork, the only associated metadata is a u8 representing the threshold to
/// combine secrets.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the shardfile couldn't be read from, if a shard could not
/// be decrypted, or if a shard could not be parsed from the decrypted data.
fn decrypt_one_shard(
private_keys: Option<Self::PrivateKeyData>,
encrypted_data: &[Self::EncryptedData],
) -> Result<(Share, u8), Self::Error>;
/// Decrypt multiple shares and combine them to recreate a secret.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the shares can't be decrypted or if the shares can't
/// be combined into a secret.
fn decrypt_all_shards_to_secret(
private_key_discovery: Option<impl KeyDiscovery<Self>>,
reader: impl Read + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let private_keys = private_key_discovery
.map(|p| p.discover_private_keys())
let encrypted_messages = self.parse_shard_file(reader)?;
let (shares, threshold) = self.decrypt_all_shards(private_keys, &encrypted_messages)?;
let secret = Sharks(threshold)
.map_err(|e| SharksError::CombineShare(e.to_string()))?;
/// Establish an AES-256-GCM transport key using ECDH, decrypt a single shard, and encrypt the
/// shard to the AES key.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if a share can't be decrypted. The method will not return an
/// error if the camera is inaccessible or if a hardware error is encountered while scanning a
/// QR code; instead, a mnemonic prompt will be used.
fn decrypt_one_shard_for_transport(
private_key_discovery: Option<impl KeyDiscovery<Self>>,
reader: impl Read + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut pm = Terminal::new(stdin(), stdout())?;
// parse input
let private_keys = private_key_discovery
.map(|p| p.discover_private_keys())
let encrypted_messages = self.parse_shard_file(reader)?;
// establish AES-256-GCM key via ECDH
let mut nonce_data: Option<[u8; 12]> = None;
let mut pubkey_data: Option<[u8; 32]> = None;
// receive remote data via scanning QR code from camera
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
if let Ok(Some(hex)) =
keyfork_qrcode::scan_camera(std::time::Duration::from_secs(30), 0)
let decoded_data = smex::decode(&hex)?;
nonce_data = Some(decoded_data[..12].try_into().map_err(|_| InvalidData)?);
pubkey_data = Some(decoded_data[12..].try_into().map_err(|_| InvalidData)?)
} else {
// if QR code scanning failed or was unavailable, read from a set of mnemonics
let (nonce, their_pubkey) = match (nonce_data, pubkey_data) {
(Some(nonce), Some(pubkey)) => (nonce, pubkey),
_ => {
let validator = MnemonicSetValidator {
word_lengths: [9, 24],
let [nonce_mnemonic, pubkey_mnemonic] = pm
.prompt_validated_wordlist::<English, _>(
let nonce = nonce_mnemonic
.map_err(|_| InvalidData)?;
let pubkey = pubkey_mnemonic
.map_err(|_| InvalidData)?;
(nonce, pubkey)
// create our shared key
let our_key = EphemeralSecret::random();
let our_pubkey_mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_bytes(PublicKey::from(&our_key).as_bytes())?;
let shared_secret = our_key
let hkdf = Hkdf::<Sha256>::new(None, &shared_secret);
let mut hkdf_output = [0u8; 256 / 8];
hkdf.expand(&[], &mut hkdf_output)?;
let shared_key = Aes256Gcm::new_from_slice(&hkdf_output)?;
// decrypt a single shard and create the payload
let (share, threshold) = self.decrypt_one_shard(private_keys, &encrypted_messages)?;
let mut payload = Vec::from(&share);
payload.insert(0, HUNK_VERSION);
payload.insert(1, threshold);
payload.len() <= ENC_LEN as usize,
"invalid share length (too long, max {ENC_LEN} bytes)"
// encrypt data
let nonce = Nonce::<U12>::from_slice(&nonce);
let payload_bytes = shared_key.encrypt(nonce, payload.as_slice())?;
// convert data to a static-size payload
// NOTE: Padding length is less than u8::MAX because ENC_LEN < u8::MAX
assert!(ENC_LEN < u8::MAX, "padding byte can be u8");
let mut out_bytes = [payload_bytes.len() as u8; ENC_LEN as usize];
payload_bytes.len() < out_bytes.len(),
"encrypted payload larger than acceptable limit"
// NOTE: This previously used a single repeated value as the padding byte, but resulted in
// difficulty when entering in prompts manually, as one's place could be lost due to
// repeated keywords. This is resolved below by having sequentially increasing numbers up to
// but not including the last byte.
for (i, byte) in (out_bytes[payload_bytes.len()..(ENC_LEN as usize - 1)])
*byte = (i % u8::MAX as usize) as u8;
// safety: size of out_bytes is constant and always % 4 == 0
let payload_mnemonic = unsafe { Mnemonic::from_raw_bytes(&out_bytes) };
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
use keyfork_qrcode::{qrencode, ErrorCorrection};
let mut qrcode_data = our_pubkey_mnemonic.to_bytes();
if let Ok(qrcode) = qrencode(&smex::encode(&qrcode_data), ErrorCorrection::Highest) {
"A QR code will be displayed after this prompt. ",
"Send the QR code back to the operator combining the shards. ",
"Nobody else should scan this QR code."
"Upon request, these words should be sent: {our_pubkey_mnemonic} {payload_mnemonic}"
/// Split a secret into a shard for every shard in keys, with the given Shamir's Secret Sharing
/// threshold.
/// # Errors
/// The method may return an error if the shares can't be encrypted.
fn shard_and_encrypt(
threshold: u8,
max: u8,
secret: &[u8],
public_key_discovery: impl KeyDiscovery<Self>,
writer: impl Write + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut signing_key = self.derive_signing_key(secret);
let sharks = Sharks(threshold);
let dealer =;
let public_keys = public_key_discovery.discover_public_keys()?;
public_keys.len() < u8::MAX as usize,
"must have less than u8::MAX public keys"
public_keys.len() as u8,
"max must be equal to amount of public keys"
let max = public_keys.len() as u8;
assert!(max >= threshold, "threshold must not exceed max keys");
let header = self.format_encrypted_header(&signing_key, &public_keys, threshold)?;
let mut messages = vec![header];
for (pk, share) in public_keys.iter().zip(dealer) {
let shard = Vec::from(&share);
messages.push(self.encrypt_shard(&shard, pk, &mut signing_key)?);
self.format_shard_file(&messages, writer)?;
/// Errors encountered while creating or combining shares using Shamir's Secret Sharing.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum SharksError {
@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
//! OpenPGP Shard functionality.
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, VecDeque},
io::{stdin, stdout, Read, Write},
io::{Read, Write},
use aes_gcm::{
aead::{consts::U12, Aead},
Aes256Gcm, Error as AesError, KeyInit, Nonce,
use hkdf::{Hkdf, InvalidLength as HkdfInvalidLength};
use keyfork_derive_openpgp::{
derive_util::{DerivationPath, PathError, VariableLengthSeed},
derive_util::{DerivationPath, VariableLengthSeed},
use keyfork_mnemonic_util::{English, Mnemonic, MnemonicFromStrError, MnemonicGenerationError};
use keyfork_prompt::{
validators::{mnemonic::MnemonicSetValidator, Validator},
Error as PromptError, Message as PromptMessage, PromptHandler, Terminal,
use openpgp::{
armor::{Kind, Writer},
cert::{Cert, CertParser, ValidCert},
@ -36,12 +25,10 @@ use openpgp::{
Fingerprint, KeyID, PacketPile,
KeyID, PacketPile,
pub use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
use sha2::Sha256;
use sharks::{Share, Sharks};
use x25519_dalek::{EphemeralSecret, PublicKey};
use sharks::Share;
mod keyring;
use keyring::Keyring;
@ -56,13 +43,7 @@ use smartcard::SmartcardManager;
const SHARD_METADATA_OFFSET: usize = 2;
use super::{
// 256 bit share is 49 bytes + some amount of hunk bytes, gives us reasonable padding
const ENC_LEN: u8 = 4 * 16;
use super::{Format, KeyDiscovery, SharksError};
/// Errors encountered while performing operations using OpenPGP.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
@ -71,22 +52,6 @@ pub enum Error {
Sharks(#[from] SharksError),
/// Unable to decrypt a share.
#[error("Error decrypting share: {0}")]
SymDecryptShare(#[from] AesError),
/// The generated AES key is of an invalid length.
#[error("Invalid length of AES key: {0}")]
AesLength(#[from] InvalidLength),
/// The HKDF function was given an input of an invalid length.
#[error("Invalid KDF length: {0}")]
HkdfLength(#[from] HkdfInvalidLength),
/// The secret did not match the previously-known secret fingerprint.
#[error("Derived secret hash {0} != expected {1}")]
InvalidSecret(Fingerprint, Fingerprint),
/// An error occurred while performing an OpenPGP operation.
#[error("OpenPGP error: {0}")]
Sequoia(#[source] anyhow::Error),
@ -103,45 +68,9 @@ pub enum Error {
#[error("Smartcard error: {0}")]
Smartcard(#[from] smartcard::Error),
/// An error occurred while displaying a prompt.
#[error("Prompt error: {0}")]
Prompt(#[from] PromptError),
/// An error occurred while generating a mnemonic.
#[error("Mnemonic generation error: {0}")]
MnemonicGeneration(#[from] MnemonicGenerationError),
/// An error occurred while parsing a mnemonic.
#[error("Mnemonic parse error: {0}")]
MnemonicFromStr(#[from] MnemonicFromStrError),
/// An error occurred while converting mnemonic data.
InvalidMnemonicData(#[from] InvalidData),
/// An IO error occurred.
#[error("IO error: {0}")]
Io(#[source] std::io::Error),
/// An error occurred while deriving data.
#[error("Derivation: {0}")]
Derivation(#[from] keyfork_derive_openpgp::derive_util::extended_key::private_key::Error),
/// An error occurred while parsing a derivation path.
#[error("Derivation path: {0}")]
DerivationPath(#[from] PathError),
/// An error occurred while requesting derivation.
#[error("Derivation request: {0}")]
DerivationRequest(#[from] keyfork_derive_openpgp::derive_util::request::DerivationError),
/// An error occurred while decoding hex.
#[error("Unable to decode hex: {0}")]
HexDecode(#[from] smex::DecodeError),
/// An error occurred while creating an OpenPGP cert.
#[error("Keyfork OpenPGP: {0}")]
KeyforkOpenPGP(#[from] keyfork_derive_openpgp::Error),
@ -163,6 +92,61 @@ impl EncryptedMessage {
/// Parse OpenPGP packets for encrypted messages.
/// # Errors
/// The function may return an error if Sequoia is unable to parse packets.
/// # Panics
/// The function may panic if an unexpected packet is encountered.
pub fn from_reader(input: impl Read + Send + Sync) -> openpgp::Result<Vec<Self>> {
let mut pkesks = Vec::new();
let mut encrypted_messages = vec![];
for packet in PacketPile::from_reader(input)
match packet {
Packet::PKESK(p) => pkesks.push(p),
Packet::SEIP(s) => {
encrypted_messages.push(EncryptedMessage::new(&mut pkesks, s));
s => {
panic!("Invalid variant found: {}", s.tag());
/// Serialize all contents of the message to a writer.
/// # Errors
/// The function may error for any condition in Sequoia's Serialize trait.
fn serialize(&self, mut o: impl std::io::Write + Send + Sync) -> openpgp::Result<()> {
for pkesk in &self.pkesks {
let mut packet = vec![];
pkesk.serialize(&mut packet).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
let message = Message::new(&mut o);
let mut message = ArbitraryWriter::new(message, Tag::PKESK).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
let mut packet = vec![];
.serialize(&mut packet)
let message = Message::new(&mut o);
let mut message = ArbitraryWriter::new(message, Tag::SEIP).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
/// Decrypt the message with a Sequoia policy and decryptor.
/// This method creates a container containing the packets and passes the serialized container
@ -176,23 +160,7 @@ impl EncryptedMessage {
H: VerificationHelper + DecryptionHelper,
let mut packets = vec![];
for pkesk in &self.pkesks {
let mut packet = vec![];
pkesk.serialize(&mut packet).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
let message = Message::new(&mut packets);
let mut message = ArbitraryWriter::new(message, Tag::PKESK).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
let mut packet = vec![];
.serialize(&mut packet)
let message = Message::new(&mut packets);
let mut message = ArbitraryWriter::new(message, Tag::SEIP).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
self.serialize(&mut packets).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
let mut decryptor = DecryptorBuilder::from_bytes(&packets)
@ -207,13 +175,17 @@ impl EncryptedMessage {
/// Read all OpenPGP certificates in a path and return a [`Vec`] of them. Certificates are read
/// from a file, or from files one level deep in a directory.
/// # Errors
/// The function may return an error if it is unable to read the directory or if Sequoia is unable
/// to load certificates from the file.
pub fn discover_certs(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Vec<Cert>> {
pub struct OpenPGP;
impl OpenPGP {
/// Read all OpenPGP certificates in a path and return a [`Vec`] of them. Certificates are read
/// from a file, or from files one level deep in a directory.
/// # Errors
/// The function may return an error if it is unable to read the directory or if Sequoia is unable
/// to load certificates from the file.
pub fn discover_certs(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Vec<Cert>> {
let path = path.as_ref();
if path.is_file() {
@ -234,37 +206,317 @@ pub fn discover_certs(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Vec<Cert>> {
/// Parse messages from a type implementing [`Read`] and store them as [`EncryptedMessage`].
/// # Errors
/// The function may return an error if the reader has run out of data or if the data is not
/// properly formatted OpenPGP messages.
/// # Panics
/// When given packets that are not a list of PKESK packets and SEIP packets, the function panics.
/// The `split` utility should never give packets that are not in this format.
pub fn parse_messages(reader: impl Read + Send + Sync) -> Result<VecDeque<EncryptedMessage>> {
let mut pkesks = Vec::new();
let mut encrypted_messages = VecDeque::new();
impl Format for OpenPGP {
type Error = Error;
type PublicKey = Cert;
type PrivateKeyData = Vec<Cert>;
type SigningKey = Cert;
type EncryptedData = EncryptedMessage;
for packet in PacketPile::from_reader(reader)
/// Derive an OpenPGP Shard certificate from the given seed.
fn derive_signing_key(&self, seed: &[u8]) -> Self::SigningKey {
let seed = VariableLengthSeed::new(seed);
// build cert to sign encrypted shares
let userid = UserID::from("keyfork-sss");
let path = DerivationPath::from_str("m/7366512'/0'").expect("valid derivation path");
let xprv = XPrv::new(seed)
.expect("valid derivation");
.expect("valid cert creation")
fn format_encrypted_header(
signing_key: &Self::SigningKey,
key_data: &[Self::PublicKey],
threshold: u8,
) -> Result<Self::EncryptedData, Self::Error> {
let policy = StandardPolicy::new();
let mut pp = vec![SHARD_METADATA_VERSION, threshold];
// Note: Sequoia does not export private keys on a Cert, only on a TSK
.serialize(&mut pp)
.expect("serialize cert into bytes");
for cert in key_data {
cert.serialize(&mut pp)
.expect("serialize pubkey into bytes");
// verify packet pile
let mut iter = openpgp::cert::CertParser::from_bytes(&pp[SHARD_METADATA_OFFSET..])
.expect("should have certs");
let first_cert ="first cert");
assert_eq!(signing_key, &first_cert);
for (packet_cert, cert) in {
&packet_cert.expect("parsed packet cert"),
"packet pile could not recreate cert: {}",
let valid_certs = key_data
.map(|c| c.with_policy(&policy, None))
let recipients = valid_certs.iter().flat_map(|vc| {
get_encryption_keys(vc).map(|key| Recipient::new(KeyID::wildcard(), key.key()))
// Process is as follows:
// * Any OpenPGP message
// * An encrypted message
// * A literal message
// * The packet pile
// When decrypting, OpenPGP will see:
// * A message, and parse it
// * An encrypted message, and decrypt it
// * A literal message, and extract it
// * The packet pile
let mut output = vec![];
let message = Message::new(&mut output);
let encrypted_message = Encryptor2::for_recipients(message, recipients)
let mut literal_message = LiteralWriter::new(encrypted_message)
// Parse it into an EncryptedMessage. Yes, this takes a serialized message
// and deserializes it. Don't think about it too hard. It's easier this way.
let mut pkesks = vec![];
for packet in PacketPile::from_reader(output.as_slice())
match packet {
Packet::PKESK(p) => pkesks.push(p),
Packet::SEIP(s) => {
encrypted_messages.push_back(EncryptedMessage::new(&mut pkesks, s));
s => {
panic!("Invalid variant found: {}", s.tag());
Packet::SEIP(s) => return Ok(EncryptedMessage::new(&mut pkesks, s)),
s => panic!("Invalid variant found: {}", s.tag()),
panic!("Unable to build EncryptedMessage from PacketPile");
fn encrypt_shard(
shard: &[u8],
public_key: &Cert,
signing_key: &mut Self::SigningKey,
) -> Result<EncryptedMessage> {
let policy = StandardPolicy::new();
let valid_cert = public_key
.with_policy(&policy, None)
let encryption_keys = get_encryption_keys(&valid_cert).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let signing_key = signing_key
// Process is as follows:
// * Any OpenPGP message
// * An encrypted message
// * A signed message
// * A literal message
// * The shard itself
// When decrypting, OpenPGP will see:
// * A message, and parse it
// * An encrypted message, and decrypt it
// * A signed message, and verify it
// * A literal message, and extract it
// * The shard itself
let mut message_output = vec![];
let message = Message::new(&mut message_output);
let encrypted_message = Encryptor2::for_recipients(
.map(|k| Recipient::new(KeyID::wildcard(), k.key())),
let signed_message = Signer::new(encrypted_message, signing_key)
let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(signed_message)
let message = EncryptedMessage::from_reader(message_output.as_slice())
.expect("serialized message should be parseable");
fn parse_shard_file(
shard_file: impl Read + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<Vec<Self::EncryptedData>, Self::Error> {
fn format_shard_file(
encrypted_data: &[Self::EncryptedData],
shard_file: impl Write + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let mut writer = Writer::new(shard_file, Kind::Message).map_err(Error::SequoiaIo)?;
for message in encrypted_data {
message.serialize(&mut writer).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
fn decrypt_all_shards(
private_keys: Option<Self::PrivateKeyData>,
encrypted_data: &[Self::EncryptedData],
) -> std::result::Result<(Vec<Share>, u8), Self::Error> {
// Be as liberal as possible when decrypting.
// We don't want to invalidate someone's keys just because the old sig expired.
let policy = NullPolicy::new();
let mut keyring = Keyring::new(private_keys.unwrap_or_default())?;
let mut manager = SmartcardManager::new()?;
let mut encrypted_messages = encrypted_data.iter();
let metadata ="metdata");
let metadata_content = decrypt_metadata(metadata, &policy, &mut keyring, &mut manager)?;
let (threshold, root_cert, certs) = decode_metadata_v1(&metadata_content)?;
// Generate a controlled binding from certificates to encrypted messages. This is stable
// because we control the order packets are encrypted and certificates are stored.
// TODO: remove alloc, convert EncryptedMessage to &EncryptedMessage
let mut messages: HashMap<KeyID, EncryptedMessage> = certs
let mut decrypted_messages =
decrypt_with_keyring(&mut messages, &certs, &policy, &mut keyring)?;
// clean decrypted messages from encrypted messages
messages.retain(|k, _v| !decrypted_messages.contains_key(k));
let left_from_threshold = threshold as usize - decrypted_messages.len();
if left_from_threshold > 0 {
let new_messages = decrypt_with_manager(
left_from_threshold as u8,
&mut messages,
&mut manager,
let shares = decrypted_messages
.map(|message| Share::try_from(message.as_slice()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, &str>>()
.map_err(|e| SharksError::Share(e.to_string()))?;
Ok((shares, threshold))
fn decrypt_one_shard(
private_keys: Option<Self::PrivateKeyData>,
encrypted_data: &[Self::EncryptedData],
) -> std::result::Result<(Share, u8), Self::Error> {
let policy = NullPolicy::new();
let mut keyring = Keyring::new(private_keys.unwrap_or_default())?;
let mut manager = SmartcardManager::new()?;
let mut encrypted_messages = encrypted_data.iter();
let metadata ="metadata");
let metadata_content = decrypt_metadata(metadata, &policy, &mut keyring, &mut manager)?;
let (threshold, root_cert, certs) = decode_metadata_v1(&metadata_content)?;
let mut messages: HashMap<KeyID, EncryptedMessage> = certs
let decrypted_messages =
decrypt_with_keyring(&mut messages, &certs, &policy, &mut keyring)?;
if let Some(message) = decrypted_messages.into_values().next() {
let share = Share::try_from(message.as_slice())
.map_err(|e| SharksError::Share(e.to_string()))?;
return Ok((share, threshold));
let decrypted_messages =
decrypt_with_manager(1, &mut messages, &certs, &policy, &mut manager)?;
if let Some(message) = decrypted_messages.into_values().next() {
let share = Share::try_from(message.as_slice())
.map_err(|e| SharksError::Share(e.to_string()))?;
return Ok((share, threshold));
panic!("unable to decrypt shard");
impl KeyDiscovery<OpenPGP> for &Path {
fn discover_public_keys(&self) -> Result<Vec<<OpenPGP as Format>::PublicKey>> {
fn discover_private_keys(&self) -> Result<<OpenPGP as Format>::PrivateKeyData> {
impl KeyDiscovery<OpenPGP> for &[Cert] {
fn discover_public_keys(&self) -> Result<Vec<<OpenPGP as Format>::PublicKey>> {
fn discover_private_keys(&self) -> Result<<OpenPGP as Format>::PrivateKeyData> {
fn get_encryption_keys<'a>(
@ -415,378 +667,3 @@ fn decrypt_metadata(
message.decrypt_with(policy, keyring)?
fn decrypt_one(
messages: Vec<EncryptedMessage>,
certs: &[Cert],
metadata: &EncryptedMessage,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, u8, Cert)> {
let policy = NullPolicy::new();
let mut keyring = Keyring::new(certs)?;
let mut manager = SmartcardManager::new()?;
let content = decrypt_metadata(metadata, &policy, &mut keyring, &mut manager)?;
let (threshold, root_cert, certs) = decode_metadata_v1(&content)?;
let mut messages: HashMap<KeyID, EncryptedMessage> =
let decrypted_messages = decrypt_with_keyring(&mut messages, &certs, &policy, &mut keyring)?;
if let Some(message) = decrypted_messages.into_values().next() {
return Ok((message, threshold, root_cert));
let decrypted_messages = decrypt_with_manager(1, &mut messages, &certs, &policy, &mut manager)?;
if let Some(message) = decrypted_messages.into_values().next() {
return Ok((message, threshold, root_cert));
unreachable!("smartcard manager should always decrypt")
/// Decrypt a single shard, encrypt to a remote operator, and present the transport shard as a QR
/// code and mnemonic to be sent to the remote operator.
/// # Errors
/// The function may error if an error occurs while displaying a prompt or while decrypting the
/// shard. An error will not be returned if the camera has a hardware error while scanning a QR
/// code; instead, a mnemonic prompt will be used.
/// # Panics
/// The function may panic if a share is decrypted but has a length larger than 256 bits. This is
/// atypical usage and should not be encountered in normal usage, unless something that is not a
/// Keyfork seed has been fed into [`split`].
pub fn decrypt(
certs: &[Cert],
metadata: &EncryptedMessage,
encrypted_messages: &[EncryptedMessage],
) -> Result<()> {
let mut pm = Terminal::new(stdin(), stdout())?;
let mut nonce_data: Option<[u8; 12]> = None;
let mut pubkey_data: Option<[u8; 32]> = None;
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
if let Ok(Some(hex)) =
keyfork_qrcode::scan_camera(std::time::Duration::from_secs(QRCODE_TIMEOUT), 0)
let decoded_data = smex::decode(&hex)?;
let _ = nonce_data.insert(decoded_data[..12].try_into().map_err(|_| InvalidData)?);
let _ = pubkey_data.insert(decoded_data[12..].try_into().map_err(|_| InvalidData)?);
} else {
let (nonce, pubkey) = match (nonce_data, pubkey_data) {
(Some(nonce), Some(pubkey)) => (nonce, pubkey),
_ => {
let validator = MnemonicSetValidator {
word_lengths: [9, 24],
let [nonce_mnemonic, pubkey_mnemonic] = pm.prompt_validated_wordlist::<English, _>(
let nonce = nonce_mnemonic
.map_err(|_| InvalidData)?;
let pubkey = pubkey_mnemonic
.map_err(|_| InvalidData)?;
(nonce, pubkey)
let nonce = Nonce::<U12>::from_slice(&nonce);
let our_key = EphemeralSecret::random();
let our_pubkey_mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_bytes(PublicKey::from(&our_key).as_bytes())?;
let shared_secret = our_key.diffie_hellman(&PublicKey::from(pubkey)).to_bytes();
let (mut share, threshold, ..) = decrypt_one(encrypted_messages.to_vec(), certs, metadata)?;
share.insert(0, HUNK_VERSION);
share.insert(1, threshold);
share.len() <= ENC_LEN as usize,
"invalid share length (too long, max {ENC_LEN} bytes)"
let hkdf = Hkdf::<Sha256>::new(None, &shared_secret);
let mut hkdf_output = [0u8; 256 / 8];
hkdf.expand(&[], &mut hkdf_output)?;
let shared_key = Aes256Gcm::new_from_slice(&hkdf_output)?;
let bytes = shared_key.encrypt(nonce, share.as_slice())?;
shared_key.decrypt(nonce, &bytes[..])?;
// NOTE: Padding length is less than u8::MAX because ENC_LEN < u8::MAX
// NOTE: This previously used a single value as the padding byte, but resulted in
// difficulty when entering in prompts manually, as one's place could be lost due to repeated
// keywords. This is done below by having sequentially increasing numbers up to but not
// including the last byte.
assert!(ENC_LEN < u8::MAX, "padding byte can be u8");
let mut out_bytes = [bytes.len() as u8; ENC_LEN as usize];
bytes.len() < out_bytes.len(),
"encrypted payload larger than acceptable limit"
for (i, byte) in (out_bytes[bytes.len()..(ENC_LEN as usize - 1)])
*byte = (i % u8::MAX as usize) as u8;
// safety: size of out_bytes is constant and always % 4 == 0
let payload_mnemonic = unsafe { Mnemonic::from_raw_bytes(&out_bytes) };
#[cfg(feature = "qrcode")]
use keyfork_qrcode::{qrencode, ErrorCorrection};
let mut qrcode_data = our_pubkey_mnemonic.to_bytes();
if let Ok(qrcode) = qrencode(&smex::encode(&qrcode_data), ErrorCorrection::Highest) {
"A QR code will be displayed after this prompt. ",
"Send the QR code back to the operator combining the shards. ",
"Nobody else should scan this QR code."
"Upon request, these words should be sent: {our_pubkey_mnemonic} {payload_mnemonic}"
/// Combine mulitple shards into a secret.
/// # Errors
/// The function may return an error if an error occurs while decrypting shards, parsing shards, or
/// combining the shards into a secret.
pub fn combine(
certs: Vec<Cert>,
metadata: &EncryptedMessage,
messages: Vec<EncryptedMessage>,
mut output: impl Write,
) -> Result<()> {
// Be as liberal as possible when decrypting.
// We don't want to invalidate someone's keys just because the old sig expired.
let policy = NullPolicy::new();
let mut keyring = Keyring::new(certs)?;
let mut manager = SmartcardManager::new()?;
let content = decrypt_metadata(metadata, &policy, &mut keyring, &mut manager)?;
let (threshold, root_cert, certs) = decode_metadata_v1(&content)?;
// Generate a controlled binding from certificates to encrypted messages. This is stable
// because we control the order packets are encrypted and certificates are stored.
let mut messages: HashMap<KeyID, EncryptedMessage> =
let mut decrypted_messages =
decrypt_with_keyring(&mut messages, &certs, &policy, &mut keyring)?;
// clean decrypted messages from encrypted messages
messages.retain(|k, _v| !decrypted_messages.contains_key(k));
let left_from_threshold = threshold as usize - decrypted_messages.len();
if left_from_threshold > 0 {
let new_messages = decrypt_with_manager(
left_from_threshold as u8,
&mut messages,
&mut manager,
let shares = decrypted_messages
.map(|message| Share::try_from(message.as_slice()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, &str>>()
.map_err(|e| SharksError::Share(e.to_string()))?;
let secret = Sharks(threshold)
.map_err(|e| SharksError::CombineShare(e.to_string()))?;
// TODO: extract as function
let userid = UserID::from("keyfork-sss");
let path = DerivationPath::from_str("m/7366512'/0'")?;
let seed = VariableLengthSeed::new(&secret);
let xprv = XPrv::new(seed).derive_path(&path)?;
let derived_cert = keyfork_derive_openpgp::derive(
// NOTE: Signatures on certs will be different. Compare fingerprints instead.
let derived_fp = derived_cert.fingerprint();
let expected_fp = root_cert.fingerprint();
if derived_fp != expected_fp {
return Err(Error::InvalidSecret(derived_fp, expected_fp));
/// Split a secret into an OpenPGP formatted Shard file.
/// # Errors
/// The function may return an error if the shards can't be encrypted to the provided OpenPGP
/// certs or if an error happens while writing the Shard file.
/// # Panics
/// The function may panic if the metadata can't properly store the certificates used to generate
/// the encrypted shares.
pub fn split(threshold: u8, certs: Vec<Cert>, secret: &[u8], output: impl Write) -> Result<()> {
let seed = VariableLengthSeed::new(secret);
// build cert to sign encrypted shares
let userid = UserID::from("keyfork-sss");
let path = DerivationPath::from_str("m/7366512'/0'")?;
let xprv = XPrv::new(seed).derive_path(&path)?;
let derived_cert = keyfork_derive_openpgp::derive(
let signing_key = derived_cert
let sharks = Sharks(threshold);
let dealer =;
let generated_shares =|s| Vec::from(&s)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let policy = StandardPolicy::new();
let mut writer = Writer::new(output, Kind::Message).map_err(Error::SequoiaIo)?;
let mut total_recipients = vec![];
let mut messages = vec![];
for (share, cert) in generated_shares.iter().zip(certs) {
let valid_cert = cert.with_policy(&policy, None).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
let encryption_keys = get_encryption_keys(&valid_cert).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut message_output = vec![];
let message = Message::new(&mut message_output);
let message = Encryptor2::for_recipients(
.map(|k| Recipient::new(KeyID::wildcard(), k.key())),
let message = Signer::new(message, signing_key.clone())
let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
let mut pp = vec![SHARD_METADATA_VERSION, threshold];
// store derived cert to verify provided shares
derived_cert.serialize(&mut pp).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
for recipient in &total_recipients {
recipient.serialize(&mut pp).map_err(Error::Sequoia)?;
// verify packet pile
for (packet_cert, cert) in openpgp::cert::CertParser::from_bytes(&pp[2..])
"packet pile could not recreate cert: {}",
let valid_certs = total_recipients
.map(|c| c.with_policy(&policy, None))
let total_recipients = valid_certs.iter().flat_map(|vc| {
get_encryption_keys(vc).map(|key| Recipient::new(KeyID::wildcard(), key.key()))
// metadata
let mut message_output = vec![];
let message = Message::new(&mut message_output);
let message = Encryptor2::for_recipients(message, total_recipients)
let mut message = LiteralWriter::new(message)
for message in messages {
@ -111,12 +111,10 @@ impl DecryptionHelper for &mut Keyring {
|| cert.keys().any(|k| &k.keyid() == pkesk.recipient())
}) {
#[allow(deprecated, clippy::map_flatten)]
let name = cert
.map(|userid| userid.userid().name().transpose())
.and_then(|userid| userid.userid().name2().transpose())
@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use keyfork_mnemonic_util::{English, Mnemonic};
use keyfork_shard::{
openpgp::{combine, discover_certs, parse_messages},
use keyfork_shard::{remote_decrypt, Format};
type Result<T, E = Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
@ -37,15 +34,10 @@ impl RecoverSubcommands {
} => {
let content = std::fs::read_to_string(shard_file)?;
if content.contains("BEGIN PGP MESSAGE") {
let certs = key_discovery
let mut messages = parse_messages(content.as_bytes())?;
let metadata = messages.pop_front().expect("any pgp encrypted message");
let mut seed = vec![];
combine(certs, &metadata, messages.into(), &mut seed)?;
let openpgp = keyfork_shard::openpgp::OpenPGP;
// TODO: remove .clone() by making handle() consume self
let seed = openpgp
.decrypt_all_shards_to_secret(key_discovery.as_deref(), content.as_bytes())?;
} else {
panic!("unknown format of shard file");
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use super::Keyfork;
use clap::{builder::PossibleValue, Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum};
use keyfork_shard::Format as _;
use std::{
io::{stdin, stdout, Read, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
@ -31,27 +32,23 @@ trait ShardExec {
threshold: u8,
max: u8,
key_discovery: impl AsRef<Path>,
key_discovery: &Path,
secret: &[u8],
output: &mut (impl Write + Send + Sync),
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
fn combine(
key_discovery: Option<&Path>,
input: impl Read + Send + Sync,
output: &mut impl Write,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
fn combine<T>(
fn decrypt(
key_discovery: Option<T>,
key_discovery: Option<&Path>,
input: impl Read + Send + Sync,
output: &mut impl Write,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
T: AsRef<Path>;
fn decrypt<T>(
key_discovery: Option<T>,
input: impl Read + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
T: AsRef<Path>;
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
@ -62,77 +59,36 @@ impl ShardExec for OpenPGP {
threshold: u8,
max: u8,
key_discovery: impl AsRef<Path>,
key_discovery: &Path,
secret: &[u8],
output: &mut impl Write,
output: &mut (impl Write + Send + Sync),
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Get certs and input
let certs = keyfork_shard::openpgp::discover_certs(key_discovery.as_ref())?;
"cert count {} != max {max}",
keyfork_shard::openpgp::split(threshold, certs, secret, output).map_err(Into::into)
let opgp = keyfork_shard::openpgp::OpenPGP;
opgp.shard_and_encrypt(threshold, max, secret, key_discovery, output)
fn combine<T>(
fn combine(
key_discovery: Option<T>,
key_discovery: Option<&Path>,
input: impl Read + Send + Sync,
output: &mut impl Write,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
T: AsRef<Path>,
let certs = key_discovery
.map(|kd| keyfork_shard::openpgp::discover_certs(kd.as_ref()))
let mut encrypted_messages = keyfork_shard::openpgp::parse_messages(input)?;
let encrypted_metadata = encrypted_messages
.expect("any pgp encrypted message");
let mut bytes = vec![];
&mut bytes,
write!(output, "{}", smex::encode(&bytes))?;
let openpgp = keyfork_shard::openpgp::OpenPGP;
let bytes = openpgp.decrypt_all_shards_to_secret(key_discovery, input)?;
write!(output, "{}", smex::encode(bytes))?;
fn decrypt<T>(
fn decrypt(
key_discovery: Option<T>,
key_discovery: Option<&Path>,
input: impl Read + Send + Sync,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
T: AsRef<Path>,
let certs = key_discovery
.map(|kd| keyfork_shard::openpgp::discover_certs(kd.as_ref()))
let mut encrypted_messages = keyfork_shard::openpgp::parse_messages(input)?;
let encrypted_metadata = encrypted_messages
.expect("any pgp encrypted message");
let openpgp = keyfork_shard::openpgp::OpenPGP;
openpgp.decrypt_one_shard_for_transport(key_discovery, input)?;
@ -225,7 +181,7 @@ impl ShardSubcommands {
match format {
Some(Format::OpenPGP(o)) => {
o.decrypt(key_discovery.as_ref(), shard_content.as_bytes())
o.decrypt(key_discovery.as_deref(), shard_content.as_bytes())
Some(Format::P256(_p)) => todo!(),
@ -242,7 +198,7 @@ impl ShardSubcommands {
match format {
Some(Format::OpenPGP(o)) => o.combine(
&mut stdout,
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ use keyfork_prompt::{
Message, PromptHandler, Terminal,
use keyfork_shard::{Format, openpgp::OpenPGP};
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("Invalid PIN length: {0}")]
pub struct PinLength(usize);
@ -163,11 +165,13 @@ fn generate_shard_secret(
let opgp = OpenPGP;
if let Some(output_file) = output_file {
let output = File::create(output_file)?;
keyfork_shard::openpgp::split(threshold, certs, &seed, output)?;
opgp.shard_and_encrypt(threshold, certs.len() as u8, &seed, &certs[..], output)?;
} else {
keyfork_shard::openpgp::split(threshold, certs, &seed, std::io::stdout())?;
opgp.shard_and_encrypt(threshold, certs.len() as u8, &seed, &certs[..], std::io::stdout())?;
Reference in New Issue