Restructure keyfork mnemonic generate --encrypt-to-self to name the encrypted file, automagically default name certificate based on fp #77

opened 2025-02-11 23:52:32 +00:00 by lrvick · 3 comments

Offer to export automatically to detected mounted media in /media/

Offer to export automatically to detected mounted media in /media/

This is automatic when doing --encrypt-to-self. We can have --provision have a mandatory output option for public keys that implies encrypt-to-self.

This is automatic when doing `--encrypt-to-self`. We can have `--provision` have a mandatory output option for public keys that implies encrypt-to-self.

I assume this actually means having the default certificate name for --encrypt-to-self to be the fingerprint instead of whatever it currently is. Currently, the certificate is the default option. This would change the other output= option to be the filename to place the certificate. If not provided, the name will be the OpenPGP fingerprint, with .asc on the end.

I assume this actually means having the default certificate name for `--encrypt-to-self` to be the fingerprint instead of whatever it currently is. Currently, the certificate is the default option. This would change the other `output=` option to be the filename to place the certificate. If not provided, the name will be the OpenPGP fingerprint, with `.asc` on the end.
ryan changed title from Ask user if they want to export to: keyfork mnemonic generate --provision openpgp-card to Restructure `keyfork mnemonic generate --encrypt-to-self` to list the encrypted, automagically name certificate based on fp 2025-02-14 04:02:12 +00:00
ryan changed title from Restructure `keyfork mnemonic generate --encrypt-to-self` to list the encrypted, automagically name certificate based on fp to Restructure `keyfork mnemonic generate --encrypt-to-self` to name the encrypted file, automagically default name certificate based on fp 2025-02-14 04:07:42 +00:00
anton added this to the Custody Framework project 2025-02-17 06:10:33 +00:00
ryan self-assigned this 2025-02-17 08:43:50 +00:00


ryan closed this issue 2025-02-20 02:08:01 +00:00
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Reference: public/keyfork#77
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