Have keyfork assume KEYFORK_PROMPT_TYPE=headless when receiving stdin via pipe #78

opened 2025-02-11 23:54:47 +00:00 by lrvick · 1 comment
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This removes the ability to enter PINs or other input. There's a reason this functionality accesses the raw terminal when standard input is blocked, and we only default to headless when stderr is unavailable. Headless exists for scripting purposes, and should be set during scripts.

This removes the ability to enter PINs or other input. There's a reason this functionality accesses the raw terminal when standard input is blocked, and we only default to headless when stderr is unavailable. Headless exists for scripting purposes, and should be set during scripts.
ryan closed this issue 2025-02-14 03:51:27 +00:00
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Reference: public/keyfork#78
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