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# Cross-platform Terminal Manipulation Library
Crossterm is a pure-rust, terminal manipulation library that makes it possible to write cross-platform text-based interfaces (see [features](#features)). It supports all UNIX and Windows terminals down to Windows 7 (not all terminals are tested,
see [Tested Terminals](#tested-terminals) for more info).
## Table of Contents
- [Cross-platform Terminal Manipulation Library](#cross-platform-terminal-manipulation-library)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Features](#features)
- [Tested Terminals](#tested-terminals)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Feature Flags](#feature-flags)
- [Dependency Justification](#dependency-justification)
- [Other Resources](#other-resources)
- [Used By](#used-by)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [License](#license)
## Features
- Cross-platform
- Multi-threaded (send, sync)
- Detailed documentation
- Few dependencies
- Full control over writing and flushing output buffer
- Is tty
- Cursor
- Move the cursor N times (up, down, left, right)
- Move to previous / next line
- Move to column
- Set/get the cursor position
- Store the cursor position and restore to it later
- Hide/show the cursor
- Enable/disable cursor blinking (not all terminals do support this feature)
- Styled output
- Foreground color (16 base colors)
- Background color (16 base colors)
- 256 (ANSI) color support (Windows 10 and UNIX only)
- RGB color support (Windows 10 and UNIX only)
- Text attributes like bold, italic, underscore, crossed, etc
- Terminal
- Clear (all lines, current line, from cursor down and up, until new line)
- Scroll up, down
- Set/get the terminal size
- Exit current process
- Alternate screen
- Raw screen
- Set terminal title
- Enable/disable line wrapping
- Event
- Input Events
- Mouse Events (press, release, position, button, drag)
- Terminal Resize Events
- Advanced modifier (SHIFT | ALT | CTRL) support for both mouse and key events and
- futures Stream (feature 'event-stream')
- Poll/read API
### Tested Terminals
- Console Host
- Windows 10 (Pro)
- Windows 8.1 (N)
- Ubuntu Desktop Terminal
- Ubuntu 17.10
- Pop!_OS ( Ubuntu ) 20.04
- (Arch, Manjaro) KDE Konsole
- (Arch, NixOS) Kitty
- Linux Mint
- (OpenSuse) Alacritty
- (Chrome OS) Crostini
- Apple
- macOS Monterey 12.7.1 (Intel-Chip)
This crate supports all UNIX terminals and Windows terminals down to Windows 7; however, not all of the
terminals have been tested. If you have used this library for a terminal other than the above list without
issues, then feel free to add it to the above list - I really would appreciate it!
## Getting Started
_see the [examples directory](examples/) and [documentation](https://docs.rs/crossterm/) for more advanced examples._
Click to show Cargo.toml.
crossterm = "0.27"
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use crossterm::{
style::{Color, Print, ResetColor, SetBackgroundColor, SetForegroundColor},
ExecutableCommand, Result,
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// using the macro
Print("Styled text here."),
// or using functions
.execute(Print("Styled text here."))?
Checkout this [list](https://docs.rs/crossterm/latest/crossterm/index.html#supported-commands) with all possible commands.
### Feature Flags
version = "0.27"
features = ["event-stream"]
| Feature | Description |
| `event-stream` | `futures::Stream` producing `Result`. |
| `serde` | (De)serializing of events. |
| `events` | Reading input/system events (enabled by default) |
| `filedescriptor` | Use raw filedescriptor for all events rather then mio dependency |
To use crossterm as a very thin layer you can disable the `events` feature or use `filedescriptor` feature.
This can disable `mio` / `signal-hook` / `signal-hook-mio` dependencies.
### Dependency Justification
| Dependency | Used for | Included |
| `bitflags` | `KeyModifiers`, those are differ based on input. | always |
| `parking_lot` | locking `RwLock`s with a timeout, const mutexes. | always |
| `libc` | UNIX terminal_size/raw modes/set_title and several other low level functionality. | optional (`events` feature), UNIX only |
| `Mio` | event readiness polling, waking up poller | optional (`events` feature), UNIX only |
| `signal-hook` | signal-hook is used to handle terminal resize SIGNAL with Mio. | optional (`events` feature),UNIX only |
| `winapi` | Used for low-level windows system calls which ANSI codes can't replace | windows only |
| `futures-core` | For async stream of events | only with `event-stream` feature flag |
| `serde` | ***ser***ializing and ***de***serializing of events | only with `serde` feature flag |
### Other Resources
- [API documentation](https://docs.rs/crossterm/)
- [Deprecated examples repository](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/examples)
## Used By
- [Broot](https://dystroy.org/broot/)
- [Cursive](https://github.com/gyscos/Cursive)
- [TUI](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs)
- [Rust-sloth](https://github.com/ecumene/rust-sloth)
- [Rusty-rain](https://github.com/cowboy8625/rusty-rain)
## Contributing
We highly appreciate when anyone contributes to this crate. Before you do, please,
read the [Contributing](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) guidelines.
## Authors
* **Timon Post** - *Project Owner & creator*
## License
This project, `crossterm` and all its sub-crates: `crossterm_screen`, `crossterm_cursor`, `crossterm_style`,
`crossterm_input`, `crossterm_terminal`, `crossterm_winapi`, `crossterm_utils` are licensed under the MIT
License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.
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