use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display, str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; use hmac::Hmac; use pbkdf2::pbkdf2; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256, Sha512}; /// The error type representing a failure to create a [`Mnemonic`]. These errors only occur during /// [`Mnemonic`] creation. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum MnemonicGenerationError { /// The amount of bits passed to a mnemonic must be divisible by 32. InvalidByteCount(usize), /// The length of a mnemonic in bits must be within the BIP-0039 range, and supported by the /// library. Currently, only 128, 192 (for testing purposes), and 256 are supported. InvalidByteLength(usize), /// Invalid length resulting from PBKDF2. InvalidPbkdf2Length, } impl Display for MnemonicGenerationError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { MnemonicGenerationError::InvalidByteCount(count) => { write!(f, "Invalid byte count: {count}, must be divisible by 8") } MnemonicGenerationError::InvalidByteLength(count) => { write!(f, "Invalid byte length: {count}, must be 128 or 256") } MnemonicGenerationError::InvalidPbkdf2Length => { f.write_str("Invalid length from PBKDF2") } } } } impl Error for MnemonicGenerationError {} /// A BIP-0039 compatible list of words. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Wordlist(Vec); impl Default for Wordlist { /// Returns the English wordlist in the Bitcoin BIP-0039 specification. fn default() -> Self { // TODO: English is the only supported language. let wordlist_file = include_str!("data/wordlist.txt"); Wordlist( wordlist_file .lines() // skip 1: comment at top of file to point to BIP-0039 source. .skip(1) .map(|x| x.trim().to_string()) .collect(), ) } } impl Wordlist { /// Return an Arced version of the Wordlist #[allow(clippy::must_use_candidate)] pub fn arc(self) -> Arc { Arc::new(self) } /// Determine whether the Wordlist contains a given word. pub fn contains(&self, word: &str) -> bool { self.0.iter().any(|w| w.as_str() == word) } /// Given an index, get a word from the wordlist. pub fn get_word(&self, word: usize) -> Option<&String> { self.0.get(word) } /* fn inner(&self) -> &Vec { &self.0 } */ #[cfg(test)] fn into_inner(self) -> Vec { self.0 } } /// A BIP-0039 mnemonic with reference to a [`Wordlist`]. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Mnemonic { entropy: Vec, // words: Vec, wordlist: Arc, } impl Display for Mnemonic { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let bit_count = self.entropy.len() * 8; let mut bits = vec![false; bit_count + bit_count / 32]; for byte_index in 0..bit_count / 8 { for bit_index in 0..8 { bits[byte_index * 8 + bit_index] = (self.entropy[byte_index] & (1 << (7 - bit_index))) > 0; } } let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(&self.entropy); let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec(); for check_bit in 0..bit_count / 32 { bits[bit_count + check_bit] = (hash[check_bit / 8] & (1 << (7 - (check_bit % 8)))) > 0; } let mut iter = bits .chunks_exact(11) .peekable() .map(|chunk| { let mut num = 0usize; for i in 0..11 { num += usize::from(chunk[10 - i]) << i; } num }) .filter_map(|word| self.wordlist.get_word(word)) .peekable(); while let Some(word) = { f.write_str(&word)?; if iter.peek().is_some() { f.write_str(" ")?; } } Ok(()) } } /// The error type representing a failure to parse a [`Mnemonic`]. These errors only occur during /// [`Mnemonic`] creation. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum MnemonicFromStrError { /// The amount of words used to parse a mnemonic was not correct. InvalidWordCount(usize), /// One of the words used to generate the mnemonic was not found in the default wordlist. InvalidWord(usize), /// The checksum for the mnemonic did not match the given words. InvalidChecksum, } impl Display for MnemonicFromStrError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str("Mnemonic error: ")?; match self { MnemonicFromStrError::InvalidWordCount(count) => { write!(f, "Incorrect word count: {count}") } MnemonicFromStrError::InvalidWord(index) => { write!(f, "Unknown word at index: {index}") } MnemonicFromStrError::InvalidChecksum => { f.write_str("Checksum of data did not match expected value") } } } } impl Error for MnemonicFromStrError {} impl FromStr for Mnemonic { type Err = MnemonicFromStrError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let words: Vec<_> = s.split_whitespace().collect(); let mut usize_words = vec![]; let wordlist = Wordlist::default().arc(); let mut bits = vec![false; words.len() * 11]; for (index, word) in words.iter().enumerate() { let word = wordlist .0 .iter() .position(|w| &w == word) .ok_or(MnemonicFromStrError::InvalidWord(index))?; usize_words.push(word); for bit in 0..11 { bits[index * 11 + bit] = (word & (1 << (10 - bit))) > 0; } } let mut checksum_bits = vec![false; bits.len() - (bits.len() * 32 / 33)]; checksum_bits.copy_from_slice(&bits[bits.len() * 32 / 33..]); // remove checksum bits bits.truncate(bits.len() * 32 / 33); // bits.truncate(bits.len() - bits.len() % 32); let entropy: Vec = bits .chunks_exact(8) .map(|chunk| { let mut num = 0u8; for i in 0..8 { num += u8::from(chunk[7 - i]) << i; } num }) .collect(); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(&entropy); let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec(); for (i, bit) in checksum_bits.iter().enumerate() { if !hash[i / 8] & (1 << (7 - (i % 8))) == *bit as u8 { return Err(MnemonicFromStrError::InvalidChecksum); } } Ok(Mnemonic { entropy, // words: usize_words, wordlist, }) } } impl Mnemonic { /// Generate a [`Mnemonic`] from the provided entropy and [`Wordlist`]. /// /// # Errors /// An error may be returned if the entropy is not within the acceptable lengths. pub fn from_entropy( bytes: &[u8], wordlist: Arc, ) -> Result { let bit_count = bytes.len() * 8; if bit_count % 32 != 0 { return Err(MnemonicGenerationError::InvalidByteCount(bit_count)); } // 192 supported for test suite if ![128, 192, 256].contains(&bit_count) { return Err(MnemonicGenerationError::InvalidByteLength(bit_count)); } Ok(unsafe { Self::from_raw_entropy(bytes, wordlist) }) } pub unsafe fn from_raw_entropy(bytes: &[u8], wordlist: Arc) -> Mnemonic { Mnemonic { entropy: bytes.to_vec(), wordlist, } } pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.entropy } pub fn to_bytes(self) -> Vec { self.entropy } pub fn entropy(&self) -> Vec { self.entropy.clone() } pub fn seed<'a>( &self, passphrase: impl Into>, ) -> Result, MnemonicGenerationError> { let passphrase = passphrase.into(); let mut seed = [0u8; 64]; let mnemonic = self.to_string(); let salt = ["mnemonic", passphrase.unwrap_or("")].join(""); pbkdf2::>(mnemonic.as_bytes(), salt.as_bytes(), 2048, &mut seed) .map_err(|_| MnemonicGenerationError::InvalidPbkdf2Length)?; Ok(seed.to_vec()) } pub fn words(self) -> (Vec, Arc) { let bit_count = self.entropy.len() * 8; let mut bits = vec![false; bit_count + bit_count / 32]; for byte_index in 0..bit_count / 8 { for bit_index in 0..8 { bits[byte_index * 8 + bit_index] = (self.entropy[byte_index] & (1 << (7 - bit_index))) > 0; } } let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(&self.entropy); let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec(); for check_bit in 0..bit_count / 32 { bits[bit_count + check_bit] = (hash[check_bit / 8] & (1 << (7 - (check_bit % 8)))) > 0; } let words = bits.chunks_exact(11).peekable().map(|chunk| { let mut num = 0usize; for i in 0..11 { num += usize::from(chunk[10 - i]) << i; } num }); (words.collect(), self.wordlist.clone()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::{collections::HashSet, fs::File, io::Read}; use super::*; #[test] fn wordlist_word_count_correct() { let wordlist = Wordlist::default().into_inner(); assert_eq!( wordlist.len(), 2usize.pow(11), "Wordlist did not include correct word count" ); } #[test] fn reproduces_its_own_seed() { let mut random_handle = File::open("/dev/random").unwrap(); let entropy = &mut [0u8; 256 / 8]; random_handle.read_exact(&mut entropy[..]).unwrap(); let wordlist = Wordlist::default().arc(); let mnemonic = super::Mnemonic::from_entropy(&entropy[..256 / 8], wordlist).unwrap(); let new_entropy = mnemonic.entropy(); assert_eq!(&new_entropy, entropy); } #[test] fn conforms_to_trezor_tests() { let content = include_str!("data/vectors.json"); let jsonobj: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(content).unwrap(); let wordlist = Wordlist::default().arc(); for test in jsonobj["english"].as_array().unwrap() { let [ref hex_, ref seed, ..] = test.as_array().unwrap()[..] else { panic!("bad test: {test}"); }; let hex = hex::decode(hex_.as_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_entropy(&hex, wordlist.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(mnemonic.to_string(), seed.as_str().unwrap()); } } #[test] fn matches_bip39_crate() { let mut random_handle = File::open("/dev/random").unwrap(); let entropy = &mut [0u8; 256 / 8]; random_handle.read_exact(&mut entropy[..]).unwrap(); let wordlist = Wordlist::default().arc(); let my_mnemonic = super::Mnemonic::from_entropy(&entropy[..256 / 8], wordlist).unwrap(); let their_mnemonic = bip39::Mnemonic::from_entropy(&entropy[..256 / 8]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(my_mnemonic.to_string(), their_mnemonic.to_string()); assert_eq!(my_mnemonic.seed(None).unwrap(), their_mnemonic.to_seed("")); assert_eq!( my_mnemonic.seed("testing").unwrap(), their_mnemonic.to_seed("testing") ); assert_ne!( my_mnemonic.seed("test1").unwrap(), their_mnemonic.to_seed("test2") ); } #[test] fn count_rate_of_duplicate_words() { let tests = 100_000; let mut count = 0.; let entropy = &mut [0u8; 256 / 8]; let wordlist = Wordlist::default().arc(); let mut random = std::fs::File::open("/dev/urandom").unwrap(); let mut hs = HashSet::::with_capacity(24); for _ in 0..tests { random.read_exact(&mut entropy[..]).unwrap(); let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_entropy(&entropy[..256 / 8], wordlist.clone()).unwrap(); let (words, _) = mnemonic.words(); hs.clear(); hs.extend(words); if hs.len() != 24 { count += 1.; } } // NOTE: Birthday problem math is: 0.126532 // Set values to (about) 1 below, 1 above // Source: let min = 11.5; let max = 13.5; assert!( count > f64::from(tests) * min / 100., "{count} probability should be more than {min}%: {}", count / f64::from(tests) ); assert!( count < f64::from(tests) * max / 100., "{count} probability should be more than {max}%: {}", count / f64::from(tests) ); } #[test] fn can_do_up_to_1024_bits() { let entropy = &mut [0u8; 128]; let wordlist = Wordlist::default().arc(); let mut random = std::fs::File::open("/dev/urandom").unwrap(); random.read_exact(&mut entropy[..]).unwrap(); let mnemonic = unsafe { Mnemonic::from_raw_entropy(&entropy[..], wordlist.clone()) }; let (words, _) = mnemonic.words(); assert!(words.len() == 96); } }