--- theme: gaia _class: lead paginate: true backgroundColor: #fff --- ![bg left:40% 80%](img/stagex-logo.png) Minimalism and security first repository of reproducible and multi-signed OCI images of common open source software toolchains full-source bootstrapped from Stage 0 to the compiler and libraries you'll use. --- # Minimalism and security first repository Approach the distribution of a toolchain by ensuring each component uses exactly what it needs to build - no more, no less. TODO: include image describing traditional package building, by installing _every_ dependency in a single OS, with a comparison of stagex only having mini Containerfiles with just what each project needs. --- # Rust "hello world" ```dockerfile FROM scratch AS build COPY --from=stagex/busybox . / COPY --from=stagex/rust . / COPY --from=stagex/gcc . / COPY --from=stagex/binutils . / COPY --from=stagex/libunwind . / ADD < **Matrix Chat**: #stagex:matrix.org **Git Repo**: https://codeberg.org/stagex/stagex Big thank you to sponsors who have supported the development of this project: **Turnkey, Distrust, Mysten Labs**