| reviewer | RFC5322 name-addr format (eg. John Doe <johndoe@example.com>) | yes |
| treehash | sha256sum of treehashes | yes |
| paths | a list of filepaths reviewed or reproduced, can include globs | yes |
| artifcts | a list of built artificats with hashes if relevant | no |
| vcs-ref | VCS ref | yes |
| type | The type of review. Allowed values are: function, security, readability, reproducibility | yes |
| confidence | How confident are you in the type of review you did: `low,medium,high` | yes |
| system.platform | The platform used to build `amd64,arm64,etc` | yes |
| system.cpu | Information about the CPU used | no |
| system.cores | Number of cores in CPU | no |
| system.location | location of machine(mostly for reproducibility, if in 'the cloud' include the region e.g AWS:us-east-1, could also be ISO 3166-2) | no |