variable "talos_cluster_name" { type = string description = "Name of the Talos cluster" } variable "talos_image" { type = string description = "Talos image to load to cluster" } variable "talos_config_directory" { type = string default = "talosconfig" description = "Directory name in the root Terraform directory to place Talos configuration" } variable "digitalocean_region" { type = string description = "Human-readable slug of the DigitalOcean region" } variable "control_plane_pool" { type = object({ count = optional(number, 1), size = optional(string, "s-2vcpu-4gb"), }) default = {} } variable "worker_pools" { type = list(object({ name = string, count = optional(number, 1), size = optional(string, "s-2vcpu-4gb"), })) }