FROM imgrep/busybox:latest as busybox FROM imgrep/gcc:latest as gcc FROM imgrep/binutils:latest as binutils FROM imgrep/musl:latest as musl FROM imgrep/make:latest as make FROM imgrep/openssl:latest as openssl FROM imgrep/python:latest as python FROM busybox as build ENV SRC_SITE= ENV SRC_VERSION=1.9.0 ENV SRC_HASH=5d7ec75828f8d3fd1a0c2f31b5b0cea780cdfe1031359228c428c1a48bfcd5b9 RUN wget ${SRC_SITE}/v${SRC_VERSION}.tar.gz RUN echo "${SRC_HASH} v${SRC_VERSION}.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c RUN tar -xf v${SRC_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ninja-${SRC_VERSION} ADD fix-musl.patch . RUN patch -p1 < fix-musl.patch COPY --from=binutils . / COPY --from=make . / COPY --from=python . / COPY --from=musl . / COPY --from=gcc . / # HACK: figure out why gcc package puts these in the wrong path at install time COPY --from=gcc /usr/lib64/* /usr/lib/ RUN set -eux; \ python3 ./ --bootstrap; \ mkdir -p /home/user/rootfs/usr/bin/; \ cp ninja /home/user/rootfs/usr/bin/ # HACK: figure out why gcc package puts these in the wrong path at install time COPY --from=gcc /usr/lib64/* /home/user/rootfs/usr/lib/ COPY --from=musl . /home/user/rootfs/ FROM scratch COPY --from=build /home/user/rootfs / USER 100:100 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/ninja"] CMD ["--version"]