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Minimalism and security first repository of reproducible and multi-signed OCI images of common open source software packages full-source bootsrapped from Stage 0 all the way up.
We built to support very high risk threat models where trusting any single system or maintainer in our software supply chain cannot be tolerated. That said, we should also function as a drop-in replacement for musl-based linux distributions for virtually any threat model.
Our aim is to provide a reasonably secure set of toolchains for every major programming language to be the basis of your containers, build systems, firmware, secure enclaves, or hosting infrastructure.
We have learned a lot of lessons about supply chain integrity over the years, and the greatest of them may be that any system that is complex to review and assigns trust of significant components to single human points of failure, is doomed to have failure.
Most Linux distributions rely on complex package management systems for which only a single implementation exists. They assign package signing privileges to individual maintainers at best. Modern popular distros often fail to even do this, having a central machine somewhere blindly signing all unsigned contributions from the public.
We will cover an exhaustive comparison of the supply chain strategies of other package management solutions elsewhere, but suffice to say while many are pursuing reproducible builds, minimalism, or signing... any one solution delivering on all of these does not seem in the cards any time soon.
This is generally a human problem. Most solutions end up generating a lot of custom tooling for package management, which in turn rapidly grows in complexity to meet demands ranging from hobby desktop systems production servers.
This complexity demands a lot of cycles to maintain, and this means in practice lowering the barrier to entry to allow any hobbyist to contribute and maintain packages with minimal friction and rarely a requirement of signing keys or mandatory reproducible builds, let alone multiple signed reproduction proofs.
Suffice to say, we feel every current Linux package management solution and container supply chain has single points of human failure, or review complexity, that makes it undesirable for threat models that assume any single human can be hacked or coerced.
Not all of these goals are realized yet, but should at least help you decide if this project is something you want to contribute to or keep an eye on for the future.
- Anyone can reproduce the entire tree with tools from their current distro
- Hosted CI servers auto-sign confirmed deterministic builds
- Like NixOS
- Maintainers sign all package additions/changes
- Like Gentoo, Debian, Fedora, Guix
- Reviewers/Reproducers locally build and counter-sign all new binary packages
- No one does this, as far as we can tell.
The only way to produce trustworthy packages is to make sure no single system or human is every trusted in the process of compiling them. Everything we release must be built deterministically. Further to avoid trusting any specific distro or platform, we must be able to reproduce even from wildly different toolchains, architectures, kernels, etc.
Using OCI container images as our base packaging system helps a lot here by making it easy to throw away non-deterministic build stages and control many aspects of the build environment. Also, as a well documented spec, it allows our packages to (ideally) be built with totally different OCI toolchains such as Docker, Podman, Kaniko, or Buildah.
This is only part of the story though, because being able to build deterministically means the compilers that compiler our code themselves must be bootstapped all the way from source code in a deterministic way.
- Final distributable packages are always OCI container images
- OCI allows reproduction by totally different toolchains E.g: Docker, Podman, Kaniko, or Buildah.
- OCI allows unlimited signatures on builds as part of the spec
- E.g: each party that chooses to reproduce adds their own signature
- We always "Full Source Bootstrap" everything from 0
- Stage0: 387 bytes of x86 assembly built by 3 distros with the same hash
- Also the same hash many others get from wildly different toolchains
- Relevant: Guix: Building From Source All The Way Down
- Stage1: A full x86 toolchain built from stage0 via live-bootstrap
- Stage2: Cross toolchain bridging us to modern 64 bit architectures
- Stage3: Native toolchain in native 64 bit architecture
- Stage(x): Later stages build the distributed packages in this repo
- Stage0: 387 bytes of x86 assembly built by 3 distros with the same hash
For further reading see the Bootstrappable Builds Project.
- Based on musl libc
- Basis of successful minimal distros like Alpine, Adelie, Talos, Void
- Implemented with about 1/4 the code of glibc
- Required to produce portable static binaries in some languages
- Less prone to buffer overflows
- Puts being light, fast, and correct before compatibility
- Package using tools you already have
- OCI build tool of choice (Docker, Buildah, Podman)
- Make (for dependency management)
- Prove hashes of bootstrap layer builds match before proceeding
- Keep package definitions lean and readable with simple CLI and no magic
- An OCI building runtime
- Currently Docker supported, but will support buildah and podman
- Gnu Make
Compile all packages
Compile specific package
make out/rust.tgz
Reproduce all changed packages
make reproduce
Reproduce all packages without cache
make clean reproduce
Sign current manifest of package hashes
make sign
Every package should have a minimum of 5 stages as follows
- base
- based on busybox or bootstrap
- Runs as unprivileged user 1000 (user)
- Sets environment to be shared with fetch, build, and install stages
- Imports dependencies for fetch, build, and install stages
- fetch
- Based on "base"
- Runs as unprivileged user 1000 (user)
- Has internet access
- Obtains any needed source files from the internet
- Verifies sources against hardcoded hashes
- build
- Based on "fetch"
- Runs as unprivileged user 1000 (user)
- Extract sources
- Apply any patches as needed
- Build any artifacts as needed
- install
- Based on "build"
- Elevates privileges to user 0:0 (root)
- Installs all files in /home/user/rootfs owned by root
- Sets all timestamps in /home/user/rootfs to @0 (Unix Epoch)
- package
- Based on scratch
- Copies /home/user/rootfs from "install" to /
- Sets runtime user/perms/env as needed
- Turnkey
- Distrust
- Mysten Labs