# This file is used by cargo-release. # Update the change log to reflect the new release and set us up for the next release. pre-release-replacements = [ # First, replace the current "Unreleased changes" header with one reflecting the new release version and date. {file="../CHANGELOG.adoc", search="Unreleased changes \\(release date TBD\\)", replace="{{version}} (released {{date}})", exactly=1}, # Update the link to the list of raw commits in the formerly "Unreleased changes" section. It should end at the tag for the newly-released version. {file="../CHANGELOG.adoc", search="\\\\.\\.\\.HEAD", replace="\\...{{tag_name}}", exactly=1}, # Next, append a new "Unreleased changes" header beneath the sentinel line. {file="../CHANGELOG.adoc", search="// cargo-release: next header goes here \\(do not change this line\\)", replace="// cargo-release: next header goes here (do not change this line)\n\n== Unreleased changes (release date TBD)\n\nhttps://github.com/oxidecomputer/progenitor/compare/{{tag_name}}\\...HEAD[Full list of commits]", exactly=1}, ] pre-release-commit-message = "release progenitor {{version}}" tag-message = "release {{crate_name}} {{version}}" tag-prefix = "" consolidate-commits = true push = false shared-version = true dependent-version = "upgrade"