pub mod operations { #![doc = r" [`When`](httpmock::When) and [`Then`](httpmock::Then)"] #![doc = r" wrappers for each operation. Each can be converted to"] #![doc = r" its inner type with a call to `into_inner()`. This can"] #![doc = r" be used to explicitly deviate from permitted values."] use sdk::*; pub struct DiskViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl DiskViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/disks/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/disks/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct DiskViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl DiskViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ImageViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl ImageViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/images/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/images/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ImageViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl ImageViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Image) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/instances/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/instances/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/network-interfaces/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/by-id/network-interfaces/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::NetworkInterface) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/projects/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ProjectViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SnapshotViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl SnapshotViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/snapshots/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/snapshots/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SnapshotViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl SnapshotViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Snapshot) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterRouteViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/vpc-router-routes/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/vpc-router-routes/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterRouteViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::RouterRoute) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/vpc-routers/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/vpc-routers/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcRouterViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcRouter) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/vpc-subnets/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/vpc-subnets/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcSubnetViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcSubnet) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/by-id/vpcs/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/by-id/vpcs/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Vpc) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DeviceAuthRequestWhen(httpmock::When); impl DeviceAuthRequestWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/device/auth$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DeviceAuthRequest) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct DeviceAuthRequestThen(httpmock::Then); impl DeviceAuthRequestThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn default_response(self, status: u16, value: serde_json::Value) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body(value), ) } } pub struct DeviceAuthConfirmWhen(httpmock::When); impl DeviceAuthConfirmWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/device/confirm$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DeviceAuthVerify) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct DeviceAuthConfirmThen(httpmock::Then); impl DeviceAuthConfirmThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DeviceAccessTokenWhen(httpmock::When); impl DeviceAccessTokenWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/device/token$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DeviceAccessTokenRequest) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct DeviceAccessTokenThen(httpmock::Then); impl DeviceAccessTokenThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn default_response(self, status: u16, value: serde_json::Value) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body(value), ) } } pub struct GroupListWhen(httpmock::When); impl GroupListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/groups$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct GroupListThen(httpmock::Then); impl GroupListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::GroupResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct LoginSpoofWhen(httpmock::When); impl LoginSpoofWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/login$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SpoofLoginBody) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct LoginSpoofThen(httpmock::Then); impl LoginSpoofThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct LoginLocalWhen(httpmock::When); impl LoginLocalWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/login/[^/]*/local$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/login/{}/local$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::UsernamePasswordCredentials) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct LoginLocalThen(httpmock::Then); impl LoginLocalThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn see_other(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(303u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn success(self, status: u16, value: serde_json::Value) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 2u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body(value), ) } } pub struct LoginSamlBeginWhen(httpmock::When); impl LoginSamlBeginWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/login/[^/]*/saml/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/login/{}/saml/.*$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn provider_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/login/.*/saml/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct LoginSamlBeginThen(httpmock::Then); impl LoginSamlBeginThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn found(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(302u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn success(self, status: u16, value: serde_json::Value) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 2u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body(value), ) } } pub struct LoginSamlWhen(httpmock::When); impl LoginSamlWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/login/[^/]*/saml/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/login/{}/saml/.*$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn provider_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/login/.*/saml/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: serde_json::Value) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body(value)) } } pub struct LoginSamlThen(httpmock::Then); impl LoginSamlThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn see_other(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(303u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn success(self, status: u16, value: serde_json::Value) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 2u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body(value), ) } } pub struct LogoutWhen(httpmock::When); impl LogoutWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/logout$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct LogoutThen(httpmock::Then); impl LogoutThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationListWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct OrganizationListThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::OrganizationResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::OrganizationCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct OrganizationCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::OrganizationUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct OrganizationUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationPolicyViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}/policy$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationPolicyViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::OrganizationRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationPolicyUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}/policy$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::OrganizationRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationPolicyUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::OrganizationRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectListWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}/projects$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct ProjectListThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ProjectResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/organizations/{}/projects$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ProjectCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ProjectCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ProjectViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ProjectUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ProjectUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ProjectDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskListWhen(httpmock::When); impl DiskListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/disks$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct DiskListThen(httpmock::Then); impl DiskListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::DiskResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl DiskCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/disks$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DiskCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct DiskCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl DiskCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl DiskViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/disks/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/disks/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/disks/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn disk_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/disks/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct DiskViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl DiskViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl DiskDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/disks/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/disks/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/disks/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn disk_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/disks/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct DiskDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl DiskDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskMetricsListWhen(httpmock::When); impl DiskMetricsListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/disks/[^/]*/metrics/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/disks/.*/metrics/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/disks/.*/metrics/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn disk_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/disks/{}/metrics/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn metric_name(self, value: types::DiskMetricName) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/disks/.*/metrics/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn end_time<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("end_time", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "end_time")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn start_time<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("start_time", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "start_time")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct DiskMetricsListThen(httpmock::Then); impl DiskMetricsListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::MeasurementResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ImageListWhen(httpmock::When); impl ImageListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/images$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/images$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/images$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct ImageListThen(httpmock::Then); impl ImageListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ImageResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ImageCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl ImageCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/images$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/images$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/images$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ImageCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ImageCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl ImageCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Image) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ImageViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl ImageViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/images/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/images/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/images/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn image_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/images/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ImageViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl ImageViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Image) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ImageDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl ImageDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/images/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/images/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/images/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn image_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/images/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ImageDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl ImageDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceListWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceListThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::InstanceResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::InstanceCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDiskListWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDiskListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/disks$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceDiskListThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDiskListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::DiskResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDiskAttachWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDiskAttachWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/disks/attach$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/disks/attach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/disks/attach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/disks/attach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DiskIdentifier) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceDiskAttachThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDiskAttachThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDiskDetachWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDiskDetachWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/disks/detach$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/disks/detach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/disks/detach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/disks/detach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DiskIdentifier) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceDiskDetachThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDiskDetachThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceExternalIpListWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceExternalIpListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/external-ips$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/external-ips$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/external-ips$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/external-ips$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceExternalIpListThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceExternalIpListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ExternalIpResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceMigrateWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceMigrateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/migrate$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/migrate$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/migrate$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/migrate$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::InstanceMigrate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceMigrateThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceMigrateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceListWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/network-interfaces$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceListThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::NetworkInterfaceResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/network-interfaces$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::NetworkInterfaceCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::NetworkInterface) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/network-interfaces/\ [^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn interface_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::NetworkInterface) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/network-interfaces/\ [^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn interface_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::NetworkInterfaceUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::NetworkInterface) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/network-interfaces/\ [^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/network-interfaces/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn interface_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/.*/network-interfaces/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceRebootWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceRebootWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/reboot$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/reboot$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/reboot$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/reboot$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceRebootThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceRebootThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceSerialConsoleWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/serial-console$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/serial-console$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/serial-console$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/serial-console$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn from_start(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("from_start", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "from_start")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn max_bytes(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("max_bytes", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "max_bytes")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn most_recent(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("most_recent", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "most_recent")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceSerialConsoleThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::InstanceSerialConsoleData) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleStreamWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceSerialConsoleStreamWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/serial-console/\ stream$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/serial-console/stream$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/serial-console/stream$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/serial-console/stream$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleStreamThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceSerialConsoleStreamThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn default_response(self, status: u16) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(status)) } pub fn switching_protocols(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(101u16)) } } pub struct InstanceStartWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceStartWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/start$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/start$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/start$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/start$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceStartThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceStartThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceStopWhen(httpmock::When); impl InstanceStopWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/instances/[^/]*/stop$") .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/instances/.*/stop$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/instances/.*/stop$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn instance_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/instances/{}/stop$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct InstanceStopThen(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceStopThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectPolicyViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/policy$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/policy$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectPolicyViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ProjectRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl ProjectPolicyUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/policy$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/policy$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ProjectRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectPolicyUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ProjectRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SnapshotListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SnapshotListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/snapshots$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/snapshots$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/snapshots$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SnapshotListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SnapshotListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SnapshotResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SnapshotCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SnapshotCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/snapshots$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/snapshots$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/snapshots$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SnapshotCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SnapshotCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SnapshotCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Snapshot) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SnapshotViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SnapshotViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/snapshots/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/snapshots/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/snapshots/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn snapshot_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/snapshots/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SnapshotViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SnapshotViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Snapshot) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SnapshotDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl SnapshotDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/snapshots/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/snapshots/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/snapshots/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn snapshot_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/snapshots/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SnapshotDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl SnapshotDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcListWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct VpcListThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Vpc) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Vpc) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Vpc) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcFirewallRulesViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcFirewallRulesViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/firewall/rules$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/firewall/rules$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/firewall/rules$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/firewall/rules$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcFirewallRulesViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcFirewallRulesViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcFirewallRules) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcFirewallRulesUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcFirewallRulesUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/firewall/rules$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/firewall/rules$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/firewall/rules$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/firewall/rules$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcFirewallRuleUpdateParams) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcFirewallRulesUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcFirewallRulesUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcFirewallRules) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterListWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers$") .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct VpcRouterListThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcRouterResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers$") .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcRouterCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcRouterCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::VpcRouter) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcRouterViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcRouter) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcRouterUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcRouterUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcRouter) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcRouterDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteListWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterRouteListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*/routes$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteListThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterRouteListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::RouterRouteResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterRouteCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*/routes$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}/routes$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::RouterRouteCreateParams) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterRouteCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::RouterRoute) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterRouteViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*/routes/[^/\ ]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn route_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterRouteViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::RouterRoute) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterRouteUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*/routes/[^/\ ]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn route_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::RouterRouteUpdateParams) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterRouteUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::RouterRoute) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcRouterRouteDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/routers/[^/]*/routes/[^/\ ]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/routers/.*/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn router_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/{}/routes/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn route_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/routers/.*/routes/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcRouterRouteDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcRouterRouteDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetListWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/subnets$") .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/subnets$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/subnets$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct VpcSubnetListThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcSubnetResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/subnets$") .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/subnets$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/subnets$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcSubnetCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcSubnetCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::VpcSubnet) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/subnets/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn subnet_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcSubnetViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcSubnet) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::PUT).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/subnets/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn subnet_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::VpcSubnetUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct VpcSubnetUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::VpcSubnet) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/subnets/[^/]*$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/subnets/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn subnet_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct VpcSubnetDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesWhen(httpmock::When); impl VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/organizations/[^/]*/projects/[^/]*/vpcs/[^/]*/subnets/[^/]*/\ network-interfaces$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/{}/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn project_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/{}/vpcs/.*/subnets/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn vpc_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/{}/subnets/.*/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn subnet_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/organizations/.*/projects/.*/vpcs/.*/subnets/{}/network-interfaces$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesThen(httpmock::Then); impl VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::NetworkInterfaceResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct PolicyViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl PolicyViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct PolicyViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl PolicyViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SiloRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct PolicyUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl PolicyUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SiloRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct PolicyUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl PolicyUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SiloRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct RoleListWhen(httpmock::When); impl RoleListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/roles$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct RoleListThen(httpmock::Then); impl RoleListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::RoleResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct RoleViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl RoleViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/roles/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn role_name(self, value: &str) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/roles/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct RoleViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl RoleViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Role) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SessionMeWhen(httpmock::When); impl SessionMeWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/session/me$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct SessionMeThen(httpmock::Then); impl SessionMeThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::User) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SessionMeGroupsWhen(httpmock::When); impl SessionMeGroupsWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/session/me/groups$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SessionMeGroupsThen(httpmock::Then); impl SessionMeGroupsThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::GroupResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SessionSshkeyListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/session/me/sshkeys$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SessionSshkeyListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SessionSshkeyListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SshKeyResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SessionSshkeyCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/session/me/sshkeys$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SshKeyCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SessionSshkeyCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::SshKey) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SessionSshkeyViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/session/me/sshkeys/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn ssh_key_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/session/me/sshkeys/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SessionSshkeyViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SshKey) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl SessionSshkeyDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/session/me/sshkeys/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn ssh_key_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/session/me/sshkeys/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SessionSshkeyDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl SessionSshkeyDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemImageViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemImageViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/by-id/images/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/by-id/images/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SystemImageViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemImageViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::GlobalImage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/by-id/ip-pools/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/by-id/ip-pools/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct IpPoolViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPool) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloViewByIdWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloViewByIdWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/by-id/silos/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/by-id/silos/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SiloViewByIdThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloViewByIdThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Silo) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct CertificateListWhen(httpmock::When); impl CertificateListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/certificates$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct CertificateListThen(httpmock::Then); impl CertificateListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::CertificateResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct CertificateCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl CertificateCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/certificates$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::CertificateCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct CertificateCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl CertificateCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Certificate) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct CertificateViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl CertificateViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/certificates/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn certificate(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/certificates/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct CertificateViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl CertificateViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Certificate) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct CertificateDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl CertificateDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/certificates/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn certificate(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/certificates/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct CertificateDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl CertificateDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct PhysicalDiskListWhen(httpmock::When); impl PhysicalDiskListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/hardware/disks$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct PhysicalDiskListThen(httpmock::Then); impl PhysicalDiskListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::PhysicalDiskResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct RackListWhen(httpmock::When); impl RackListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/hardware/racks$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct RackListThen(httpmock::Then); impl RackListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::RackResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct RackViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl RackViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/hardware/racks/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn rack_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/hardware/racks/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct RackViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl RackViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Rack) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SledListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SledListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/hardware/sleds$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SledListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SledListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SledResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SledViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SledViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/hardware/sleds/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn sled_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/hardware/sleds/{}$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SledViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SledViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Sled) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SledPhysicalDiskListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SledPhysicalDiskListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/hardware/sleds/[^/]*/disks$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn sled_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/hardware/sleds/{}/disks$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SledPhysicalDiskListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SledPhysicalDiskListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::PhysicalDiskResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemImageListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemImageListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/images$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SystemImageListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemImageListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::GlobalImageResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemImageCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemImageCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/images$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::GlobalImageCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SystemImageCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemImageCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::GlobalImage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemImageViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemImageViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/images/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn image_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/images/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SystemImageViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemImageViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::GlobalImage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemImageDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemImageDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/images/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn image_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/images/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SystemImageDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemImageDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolListWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct IpPoolListThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPoolResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::IpPoolCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct IpPoolCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::IpPool) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn pool_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/ip-pools/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct IpPoolViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPool) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn pool_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/ip-pools/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::IpPoolUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct IpPoolUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPool) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn pool_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/ip-pools/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct IpPoolDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolRangeListWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolRangeListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools/[^/]*/ranges$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn pool_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/ip-pools/{}/ranges$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct IpPoolRangeListThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolRangeListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPoolRangeResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolRangeAddWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolRangeAddWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools/[^/]*/ranges/add$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn pool_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/ip-pools/{}/ranges/add$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::IpRange) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct IpPoolRangeAddThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolRangeAddThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::IpPoolRange) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolRangeRemoveWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolRangeRemoveWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools/[^/]*/ranges/remove$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn pool_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/ip-pools/{}/ranges/remove$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::IpRange) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct IpPoolRangeRemoveThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolRangeRemoveThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolServiceViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolServiceViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools-service$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct IpPoolServiceViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolServiceViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPool) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolServiceRangeListWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolServiceRangeListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools-service/ranges$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct IpPoolServiceRangeListThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolServiceRangeListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IpPoolRangeResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolServiceRangeAddWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolServiceRangeAddWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools-service/ranges/add$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::IpRange) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct IpPoolServiceRangeAddThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolServiceRangeAddThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::IpPoolRange) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveWhen(httpmock::When); impl IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/ip-pools-service/ranges/remove$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::IpRange) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveThen(httpmock::Then); impl IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemMetricWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemMetricWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/metrics/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn metric_name(self, value: types::SystemMetricName) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/metrics/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn end_time<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("end_time", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "end_time")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { Self(self.0.query_param("id", value.to_string())) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn start_time<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("start_time", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "start_time")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SystemMetricThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemMetricThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::MeasurementResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemPolicyViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemPolicyViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct SystemPolicyViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemPolicyViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::FleetRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemPolicyUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemPolicyUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::FleetRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SystemPolicyUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemPolicyUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::FleetRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SagaListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SagaListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/sagas$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SagaListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SagaListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SagaResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SagaViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SagaViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/sagas/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn saga_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/sagas/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SagaViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SagaViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Saga) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SiloListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SiloResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SiloCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SiloCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Silo) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/silos/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SiloViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Silo) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/silos/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SiloDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloIdentityProviderListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloIdentityProviderListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/identity-providers$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/identity-providers$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SiloIdentityProviderListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloIdentityProviderListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::IdentityProviderResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct LocalIdpUserCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl LocalIdpUserCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/identity-providers/local/users$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/identity-providers/local/users$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::UserCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct LocalIdpUserCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl LocalIdpUserCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::User) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct LocalIdpUserDeleteWhen(httpmock::When); impl LocalIdpUserDeleteWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::DELETE).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/identity-providers/local/users/[^/]*$") .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/identity-providers/local/users/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn user_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/.*/identity-providers/local/users/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct LocalIdpUserDeleteThen(httpmock::Then); impl LocalIdpUserDeleteThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct LocalIdpUserSetPasswordWhen(httpmock::When); impl LocalIdpUserSetPasswordWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new( "^/system/silos/[^/]*/identity-providers/local/users/[^/]*/set-password$", ) .unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/identity-providers/local/users/.*/set-password$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn user_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/.*/identity-providers/local/users/{}/set-password$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::UserPassword) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct LocalIdpUserSetPasswordThen(httpmock::Then); impl LocalIdpUserSetPasswordThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SamlIdentityProviderCreateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SamlIdentityProviderCreateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::POST).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/identity-providers/saml$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/identity-providers/saml$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SamlIdentityProviderCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SamlIdentityProviderCreateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SamlIdentityProviderCreateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::SamlIdentityProvider) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SamlIdentityProviderViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SamlIdentityProviderViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/identity-providers/saml/[^/]*$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/identity-providers/saml/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn provider_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/.*/identity-providers/saml/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SamlIdentityProviderViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SamlIdentityProviderViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SamlIdentityProvider) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloPolicyViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloPolicyViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/silos/{}/policy$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SiloPolicyViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloPolicyViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SiloRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloPolicyUpdateWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloPolicyUpdateWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/silos/{}/policy$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SiloRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SiloPolicyUpdateThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloPolicyUpdateThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SiloRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloUsersListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloUsersListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/users/all$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/silos/{}/users/all$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SiloUsersListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloUsersListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UserResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SiloUserViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SiloUserViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/system/silos/[^/]*/users/id/[^/]*$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn silo_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/{}/users/id/.*$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn user_id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/system/silos/.*/users/id/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SiloUserViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SiloUserViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::User) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUserListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUserListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/user$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SystemUserListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUserListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UserBuiltinResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUserViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUserViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/system/user/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn user_name(self, value: &types::Name) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/system/user/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SystemUserViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUserViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UserBuiltin) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct TimeseriesSchemaGetWhen(httpmock::When); impl TimeseriesSchemaGetWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/timeseries/schema$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct TimeseriesSchemaGetThen(httpmock::Then); impl TimeseriesSchemaGetThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::TimeseriesSchemaResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct UserListWhen(httpmock::When); impl UserListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/users$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct UserListThen(httpmock::Then); impl UserListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UserResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskListV1When(httpmock::When); impl DiskListV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/disks$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct DiskListV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl DiskListV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::DiskResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskCreateV1When(httpmock::When); impl DiskCreateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/disks$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DiskCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct DiskCreateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl DiskCreateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskViewV1When(httpmock::When); impl DiskViewV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/disks/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn disk(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/disks/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct DiskViewV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl DiskViewV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct DiskDeleteV1When(httpmock::When); impl DiskDeleteV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/disks/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn disk(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/disks/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct DiskDeleteV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl DiskDeleteV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceListV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceListV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceListV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceListV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::InstanceResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceCreateV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceCreateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::InstanceCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceCreateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceCreateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceViewV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceViewV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceViewV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceViewV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDeleteV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDeleteV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceDeleteV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDeleteV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDiskListV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDiskListV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/disks$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}/disks$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceDiskListV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDiskListV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::DiskResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDiskAttachV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDiskAttachV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/disks/attach$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/instances/{}/disks/attach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DiskPath) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceDiskAttachV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDiskAttachV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceDiskDetachV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceDiskDetachV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/disks/detach$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/instances/{}/disks/detach$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn body(self, value: &types::DiskPath) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceDiskDetachV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceDiskDetachV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Disk) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceMigrateV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceMigrateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/migrate$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}/migrate$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn body(self, value: &types::InstanceMigrate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct InstanceMigrateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceMigrateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceRebootV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceRebootV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/reboot$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}/reboot$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceRebootV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceRebootV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceSerialConsoleV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/serial-console$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/instances/{}/serial-console$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn from_start(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("from_start", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "from_start")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn max_bytes(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("max_bytes", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "max_bytes")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn most_recent(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("most_recent", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "most_recent")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceSerialConsoleV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::InstanceSerialConsoleData) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/serial-console/stream$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/instances/{}/serial-console/stream$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn default_response(self, status: u16) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(status)) } pub fn switching_protocols(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(101u16)) } } pub struct InstanceStartV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceStartV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/start$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}/start$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceStartV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceStartV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct InstanceStopV1When(httpmock::When); impl InstanceStopV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/instances/[^/]*/stop$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn instance(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/instances/{}/stop$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn project<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("project", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "project")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct InstanceStopV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl InstanceStopV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::Instance) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationListV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationListV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct OrganizationListV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationListV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::OrganizationResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationCreateV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationCreateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::OrganizationCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct OrganizationCreateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationCreateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationViewV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationViewV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationViewV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationViewV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationUpdateV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationUpdateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::OrganizationUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct OrganizationUpdateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationUpdateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Organization) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationDeleteV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationDeleteV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/organizations/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationDeleteV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationDeleteV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyViewV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationPolicyViewV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/organizations/{}/policy$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyViewV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationPolicyViewV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::OrganizationRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1When(httpmock::When); impl OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/organizations/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/organizations/{}/policy$", value.to_string())) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::OrganizationRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::OrganizationRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectListV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectListV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct ProjectListV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectListV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ProjectResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectCreateV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectCreateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn organization(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ProjectCreate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ProjectCreateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectCreateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn created(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(201u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectViewV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectViewV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/projects/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct ProjectViewV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectViewV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectUpdateV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectUpdateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/projects/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ProjectUpdate) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ProjectUpdateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectUpdateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::Project) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectDeleteV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectDeleteV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::DELETE) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/projects/{}$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct ProjectDeleteV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectDeleteV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyViewV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectPolicyViewV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/projects/{}/policy$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct ProjectPolicyViewV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectPolicyViewV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ProjectRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyUpdateV1When(httpmock::When); impl ProjectPolicyUpdateV1When { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::PUT) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/projects/[^/]*/policy$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn project(self, value: &types::NameOrId) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!("^/v1/projects/{}/policy$", value.to_string())).unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } pub fn organization<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("organization", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "organization")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn body(self, value: &types::ProjectRolePolicy) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct ProjectPolicyUpdateV1Then(httpmock::Then); impl ProjectPolicyUpdateV1Then { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ProjectRolePolicy) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemComponentVersionListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemComponentVersionListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/components$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SystemComponentVersionListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemComponentVersionListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UpdateableComponentResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct UpdateDeploymentsListWhen(httpmock::When); impl UpdateDeploymentsListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/deployments$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct UpdateDeploymentsListThen(httpmock::Then); impl UpdateDeploymentsListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UpdateDeploymentResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct UpdateDeploymentViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl UpdateDeploymentViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/deployments/[^/]*$").unwrap(), ), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn id(self, value: &uuid::Uuid) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/system/update/deployments/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct UpdateDeploymentViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl UpdateDeploymentViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::UpdateDeployment) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUpdateRefreshWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUpdateRefreshWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/refresh$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct SystemUpdateRefreshThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUpdateRefreshThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUpdateStartWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUpdateStartWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/start$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn body(self, value: &types::SystemUpdateStart) -> Self { Self(self.0.json_body_obj(value)) } } pub struct SystemUpdateStartThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUpdateStartThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn accepted(self, value: &types::UpdateDeployment) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(202u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUpdateStopWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUpdateStopWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::POST) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/stop$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct SystemUpdateStopThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUpdateStopThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn no_content(self) -> Self { Self(self.0.status(204u16)) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUpdateListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUpdateListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/updates$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn limit(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("limit", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "limit")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn page_token<'a, T>(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("page_token", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "page_token")) .is_none() })) } } pub fn sort_by(self, value: T) -> Self where T: Into>, { if let Some(value) = value.into() { Self(self.0.query_param("sort_by", value.to_string())) } else { Self(self.0.matches(|req| { req.query_params .as_ref() .and_then(|qs| qs.iter().find(|(key, _)| key == "sort_by")) .is_none() })) } } } pub struct SystemUpdateListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUpdateListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SystemUpdateResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUpdateViewWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUpdateViewWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/updates/[^/]*$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn version(self, value: &types::SemverVersion) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/system/update/updates/{}$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SystemUpdateViewThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUpdateViewThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SystemUpdate) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemUpdateComponentsListWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemUpdateComponentsListWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self(inner.method(httpmock::Method::GET).path_matches( regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/updates/[^/]*/components$").unwrap(), )) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } pub fn version(self, value: &types::SemverVersion) -> Self { let re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( "^/v1/system/update/updates/{}/components$", value.to_string() )) .unwrap(); Self(self.0.path_matches(re)) } } pub struct SystemUpdateComponentsListThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemUpdateComponentsListThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::ComponentUpdateResultsPage) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } pub struct SystemVersionWhen(httpmock::When); impl SystemVersionWhen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::When) -> Self { Self( inner .method(httpmock::Method::GET) .path_matches(regex::Regex::new("^/v1/system/update/version$").unwrap()), ) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::When { self.0 } } pub struct SystemVersionThen(httpmock::Then); impl SystemVersionThen { pub fn new(inner: httpmock::Then) -> Self { Self(inner) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> httpmock::Then { self.0 } pub fn ok(self, value: &types::SystemVersion) -> Self { Self( self.0 .status(200u16) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn client_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 4u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } pub fn server_error(self, status: u16, value: &types::Error) -> Self { assert_eq!(status / 100u16, 5u16); Self( self.0 .status(status) .header("content-type", "application/json") .json_body_obj(value), ) } } } #[doc = r" An extension trait for [`MockServer`](httpmock::MockServer) that"] #[doc = r" adds a method for each operation. These are the equivalent of"] #[doc = r" type-checked [`mock()`](httpmock::MockServer::mock) calls."] pub trait MockServerExt { fn disk_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskViewByIdWhen, operations::DiskViewByIdThen); fn image_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageViewByIdWhen, operations::ImageViewByIdThen); fn instance_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceViewByIdWhen, operations::InstanceViewByIdThen); fn instance_network_interface_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdThen, ); fn organization_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationViewByIdWhen, operations::OrganizationViewByIdThen); fn project_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectViewByIdWhen, operations::ProjectViewByIdThen); fn snapshot_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotViewByIdWhen, operations::SnapshotViewByIdThen); fn vpc_router_route_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteViewByIdThen); fn vpc_router_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcRouterViewByIdThen); fn vpc_subnet_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcSubnetViewByIdThen); fn vpc_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcViewByIdThen); fn device_auth_request(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DeviceAuthRequestWhen, operations::DeviceAuthRequestThen); fn device_auth_confirm(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DeviceAuthConfirmWhen, operations::DeviceAuthConfirmThen); fn device_access_token(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DeviceAccessTokenWhen, operations::DeviceAccessTokenThen); fn group_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::GroupListWhen, operations::GroupListThen); fn login_spoof(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginSpoofWhen, operations::LoginSpoofThen); fn login_local(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginLocalWhen, operations::LoginLocalThen); fn login_saml_begin(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginSamlBeginWhen, operations::LoginSamlBeginThen); fn login_saml(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginSamlWhen, operations::LoginSamlThen); fn logout(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LogoutWhen, operations::LogoutThen); fn organization_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationListWhen, operations::OrganizationListThen); fn organization_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationCreateWhen, operations::OrganizationCreateThen); fn organization_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationViewWhen, operations::OrganizationViewThen); fn organization_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationUpdateWhen, operations::OrganizationUpdateThen); fn organization_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationDeleteWhen, operations::OrganizationDeleteThen); fn organization_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationPolicyViewWhen, operations::OrganizationPolicyViewThen); fn organization_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateThen, ); fn project_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectListWhen, operations::ProjectListThen); fn project_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectCreateWhen, operations::ProjectCreateThen); fn project_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectViewWhen, operations::ProjectViewThen); fn project_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectUpdateWhen, operations::ProjectUpdateThen); fn project_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectDeleteWhen, operations::ProjectDeleteThen); fn disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskListWhen, operations::DiskListThen); fn disk_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskCreateWhen, operations::DiskCreateThen); fn disk_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskViewWhen, operations::DiskViewThen); fn disk_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskDeleteWhen, operations::DiskDeleteThen); fn disk_metrics_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskMetricsListWhen, operations::DiskMetricsListThen); fn image_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageListWhen, operations::ImageListThen); fn image_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageCreateWhen, operations::ImageCreateThen); fn image_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageViewWhen, operations::ImageViewThen); fn image_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageDeleteWhen, operations::ImageDeleteThen); fn instance_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceListWhen, operations::InstanceListThen); fn instance_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceCreateWhen, operations::InstanceCreateThen); fn instance_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceViewWhen, operations::InstanceViewThen); fn instance_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDeleteWhen, operations::InstanceDeleteThen); fn instance_disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskListWhen, operations::InstanceDiskListThen); fn instance_disk_attach(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskAttachWhen, operations::InstanceDiskAttachThen); fn instance_disk_detach(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskDetachWhen, operations::InstanceDiskDetachThen); fn instance_external_ip_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceExternalIpListWhen, operations::InstanceExternalIpListThen); fn instance_migrate(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceMigrateWhen, operations::InstanceMigrateThen); fn instance_network_interface_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceListWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceListThen, ); fn instance_network_interface_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateThen, ); fn instance_network_interface_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewThen, ); fn instance_network_interface_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateThen, ); fn instance_network_interface_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteThen, ); fn instance_reboot(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceRebootWhen, operations::InstanceRebootThen); fn instance_serial_console(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceSerialConsoleWhen, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleThen); fn instance_serial_console_stream(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamWhen, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamThen, ); fn instance_start(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStartWhen, operations::InstanceStartThen); fn instance_stop(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStopWhen, operations::InstanceStopThen); fn project_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyViewWhen, operations::ProjectPolicyViewThen); fn project_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateThen); fn snapshot_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotListWhen, operations::SnapshotListThen); fn snapshot_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotCreateWhen, operations::SnapshotCreateThen); fn snapshot_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotViewWhen, operations::SnapshotViewThen); fn snapshot_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotDeleteWhen, operations::SnapshotDeleteThen); fn vpc_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcListWhen, operations::VpcListThen); fn vpc_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcCreateWhen, operations::VpcCreateThen); fn vpc_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcViewWhen, operations::VpcViewThen); fn vpc_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcUpdateWhen, operations::VpcUpdateThen); fn vpc_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcDeleteWhen, operations::VpcDeleteThen); fn vpc_firewall_rules_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcFirewallRulesViewWhen, operations::VpcFirewallRulesViewThen); fn vpc_firewall_rules_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcFirewallRulesUpdateWhen, operations::VpcFirewallRulesUpdateThen); fn vpc_router_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterListWhen, operations::VpcRouterListThen); fn vpc_router_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterCreateWhen, operations::VpcRouterCreateThen); fn vpc_router_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterViewWhen, operations::VpcRouterViewThen); fn vpc_router_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterUpdateWhen, operations::VpcRouterUpdateThen); fn vpc_router_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterDeleteWhen, operations::VpcRouterDeleteThen); fn vpc_router_route_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteListWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteListThen); fn vpc_router_route_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteCreateWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteCreateThen); fn vpc_router_route_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteViewWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteViewThen); fn vpc_router_route_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteUpdateWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteUpdateThen); fn vpc_router_route_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteDeleteWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteDeleteThen); fn vpc_subnet_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetListWhen, operations::VpcSubnetListThen); fn vpc_subnet_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetCreateWhen, operations::VpcSubnetCreateThen); fn vpc_subnet_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetViewWhen, operations::VpcSubnetViewThen); fn vpc_subnet_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetUpdateWhen, operations::VpcSubnetUpdateThen); fn vpc_subnet_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetDeleteWhen, operations::VpcSubnetDeleteThen); fn vpc_subnet_list_network_interfaces(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesWhen, operations::VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesThen, ); fn policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::PolicyViewWhen, operations::PolicyViewThen); fn policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::PolicyUpdateWhen, operations::PolicyUpdateThen); fn role_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RoleListWhen, operations::RoleListThen); fn role_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RoleViewWhen, operations::RoleViewThen); fn session_me(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionMeWhen, operations::SessionMeThen); fn session_me_groups(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionMeGroupsWhen, operations::SessionMeGroupsThen); fn session_sshkey_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyListWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyListThen); fn session_sshkey_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyCreateWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyCreateThen); fn session_sshkey_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyViewWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyViewThen); fn session_sshkey_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyDeleteWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyDeleteThen); fn system_image_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageViewByIdWhen, operations::SystemImageViewByIdThen); fn ip_pool_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolViewByIdWhen, operations::IpPoolViewByIdThen); fn silo_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloViewByIdWhen, operations::SiloViewByIdThen); fn certificate_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateListWhen, operations::CertificateListThen); fn certificate_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateCreateWhen, operations::CertificateCreateThen); fn certificate_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateViewWhen, operations::CertificateViewThen); fn certificate_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateDeleteWhen, operations::CertificateDeleteThen); fn physical_disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::PhysicalDiskListWhen, operations::PhysicalDiskListThen); fn rack_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RackListWhen, operations::RackListThen); fn rack_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RackViewWhen, operations::RackViewThen); fn sled_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SledListWhen, operations::SledListThen); fn sled_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SledViewWhen, operations::SledViewThen); fn sled_physical_disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SledPhysicalDiskListWhen, operations::SledPhysicalDiskListThen); fn system_image_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageListWhen, operations::SystemImageListThen); fn system_image_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageCreateWhen, operations::SystemImageCreateThen); fn system_image_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageViewWhen, operations::SystemImageViewThen); fn system_image_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageDeleteWhen, operations::SystemImageDeleteThen); fn ip_pool_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolListWhen, operations::IpPoolListThen); fn ip_pool_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolCreateWhen, operations::IpPoolCreateThen); fn ip_pool_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolViewWhen, operations::IpPoolViewThen); fn ip_pool_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolUpdateWhen, operations::IpPoolUpdateThen); fn ip_pool_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolDeleteWhen, operations::IpPoolDeleteThen); fn ip_pool_range_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolRangeListWhen, operations::IpPoolRangeListThen); fn ip_pool_range_add(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolRangeAddWhen, operations::IpPoolRangeAddThen); fn ip_pool_range_remove(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolRangeRemoveWhen, operations::IpPoolRangeRemoveThen); fn ip_pool_service_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolServiceViewWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceViewThen); fn ip_pool_service_range_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolServiceRangeListWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceRangeListThen); fn ip_pool_service_range_add(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolServiceRangeAddWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceRangeAddThen); fn ip_pool_service_range_remove(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveThen, ); fn system_metric(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemMetricWhen, operations::SystemMetricThen); fn system_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemPolicyViewWhen, operations::SystemPolicyViewThen); fn system_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::SystemPolicyUpdateThen); fn saga_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SagaListWhen, operations::SagaListThen); fn saga_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SagaViewWhen, operations::SagaViewThen); fn silo_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloListWhen, operations::SiloListThen); fn silo_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloCreateWhen, operations::SiloCreateThen); fn silo_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloViewWhen, operations::SiloViewThen); fn silo_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloDeleteWhen, operations::SiloDeleteThen); fn silo_identity_provider_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SiloIdentityProviderListWhen, operations::SiloIdentityProviderListThen, ); fn local_idp_user_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LocalIdpUserCreateWhen, operations::LocalIdpUserCreateThen); fn local_idp_user_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LocalIdpUserDeleteWhen, operations::LocalIdpUserDeleteThen); fn local_idp_user_set_password(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LocalIdpUserSetPasswordWhen, operations::LocalIdpUserSetPasswordThen); fn saml_identity_provider_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SamlIdentityProviderCreateWhen, operations::SamlIdentityProviderCreateThen, ); fn saml_identity_provider_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SamlIdentityProviderViewWhen, operations::SamlIdentityProviderViewThen, ); fn silo_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloPolicyViewWhen, operations::SiloPolicyViewThen); fn silo_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::SiloPolicyUpdateThen); fn silo_users_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloUsersListWhen, operations::SiloUsersListThen); fn silo_user_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloUserViewWhen, operations::SiloUserViewThen); fn system_user_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUserListWhen, operations::SystemUserListThen); fn system_user_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUserViewWhen, operations::SystemUserViewThen); fn timeseries_schema_get(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::TimeseriesSchemaGetWhen, operations::TimeseriesSchemaGetThen); fn user_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::UserListWhen, operations::UserListThen); fn disk_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskListV1When, operations::DiskListV1Then); fn disk_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskCreateV1When, operations::DiskCreateV1Then); fn disk_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskViewV1When, operations::DiskViewV1Then); fn disk_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskDeleteV1When, operations::DiskDeleteV1Then); fn instance_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceListV1When, operations::InstanceListV1Then); fn instance_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceCreateV1When, operations::InstanceCreateV1Then); fn instance_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceViewV1When, operations::InstanceViewV1Then); fn instance_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDeleteV1When, operations::InstanceDeleteV1Then); fn instance_disk_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskListV1When, operations::InstanceDiskListV1Then); fn instance_disk_attach_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskAttachV1When, operations::InstanceDiskAttachV1Then); fn instance_disk_detach_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskDetachV1When, operations::InstanceDiskDetachV1Then); fn instance_migrate_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceMigrateV1When, operations::InstanceMigrateV1Then); fn instance_reboot_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceRebootV1When, operations::InstanceRebootV1Then); fn instance_serial_console_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceSerialConsoleV1When, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleV1Then); fn instance_serial_console_stream_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1When, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1Then, ); fn instance_start_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStartV1When, operations::InstanceStartV1Then); fn instance_stop_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStopV1When, operations::InstanceStopV1Then); fn organization_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationListV1When, operations::OrganizationListV1Then); fn organization_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationCreateV1When, operations::OrganizationCreateV1Then); fn organization_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationViewV1When, operations::OrganizationViewV1Then); fn organization_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationUpdateV1When, operations::OrganizationUpdateV1Then); fn organization_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationDeleteV1When, operations::OrganizationDeleteV1Then); fn organization_policy_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::OrganizationPolicyViewV1When, operations::OrganizationPolicyViewV1Then, ); fn organization_policy_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1When, operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1Then, ); fn project_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectListV1When, operations::ProjectListV1Then); fn project_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectCreateV1When, operations::ProjectCreateV1Then); fn project_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectViewV1When, operations::ProjectViewV1Then); fn project_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectUpdateV1When, operations::ProjectUpdateV1Then); fn project_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectDeleteV1When, operations::ProjectDeleteV1Then); fn project_policy_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyViewV1When, operations::ProjectPolicyViewV1Then); fn project_policy_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateV1When, operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateV1Then); fn system_component_version_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SystemComponentVersionListWhen, operations::SystemComponentVersionListThen, ); fn update_deployments_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::UpdateDeploymentsListWhen, operations::UpdateDeploymentsListThen); fn update_deployment_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::UpdateDeploymentViewWhen, operations::UpdateDeploymentViewThen); fn system_update_refresh(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateRefreshWhen, operations::SystemUpdateRefreshThen); fn system_update_start(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateStartWhen, operations::SystemUpdateStartThen); fn system_update_stop(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateStopWhen, operations::SystemUpdateStopThen); fn system_update_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateListWhen, operations::SystemUpdateListThen); fn system_update_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateViewWhen, operations::SystemUpdateViewThen); fn system_update_components_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SystemUpdateComponentsListWhen, operations::SystemUpdateComponentsListThen, ); fn system_version(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemVersionWhen, operations::SystemVersionThen); } impl MockServerExt for httpmock::MockServer { fn disk_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskViewByIdWhen, operations::DiskViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::DiskViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn image_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageViewByIdWhen, operations::ImageViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ImageViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::ImageViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceViewByIdWhen, operations::InstanceViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_network_interface_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationViewByIdWhen, operations::OrganizationViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectViewByIdWhen, operations::ProjectViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn snapshot_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotViewByIdWhen, operations::SnapshotViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SnapshotViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::SnapshotViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_route_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterRouteViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterRouteViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcRouterViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcSubnetViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcViewByIdWhen, operations::VpcViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::VpcViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn device_auth_request(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DeviceAuthRequestWhen, operations::DeviceAuthRequestThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DeviceAuthRequestWhen::new(when), operations::DeviceAuthRequestThen::new(then), ) }) } fn device_auth_confirm(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DeviceAuthConfirmWhen, operations::DeviceAuthConfirmThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DeviceAuthConfirmWhen::new(when), operations::DeviceAuthConfirmThen::new(then), ) }) } fn device_access_token(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DeviceAccessTokenWhen, operations::DeviceAccessTokenThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DeviceAccessTokenWhen::new(when), operations::DeviceAccessTokenThen::new(then), ) }) } fn group_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::GroupListWhen, operations::GroupListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::GroupListWhen::new(when), operations::GroupListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn login_spoof(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginSpoofWhen, operations::LoginSpoofThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LoginSpoofWhen::new(when), operations::LoginSpoofThen::new(then), ) }) } fn login_local(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginLocalWhen, operations::LoginLocalThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LoginLocalWhen::new(when), operations::LoginLocalThen::new(then), ) }) } fn login_saml_begin(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginSamlBeginWhen, operations::LoginSamlBeginThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LoginSamlBeginWhen::new(when), operations::LoginSamlBeginThen::new(then), ) }) } fn login_saml(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LoginSamlWhen, operations::LoginSamlThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LoginSamlWhen::new(when), operations::LoginSamlThen::new(then), ) }) } fn logout(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LogoutWhen, operations::LogoutThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LogoutWhen::new(when), operations::LogoutThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationListWhen, operations::OrganizationListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationListWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationCreateWhen, operations::OrganizationCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationCreateWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationViewWhen, operations::OrganizationViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationViewWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationUpdateWhen, operations::OrganizationUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationDeleteWhen, operations::OrganizationDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationPolicyViewWhen, operations::OrganizationPolicyViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationPolicyViewWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationPolicyViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectListWhen, operations::ProjectListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectListWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectCreateWhen, operations::ProjectCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectCreateWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectViewWhen, operations::ProjectViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectViewWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectUpdateWhen, operations::ProjectUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectDeleteWhen, operations::ProjectDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskListWhen, operations::DiskListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskListWhen::new(when), operations::DiskListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskCreateWhen, operations::DiskCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskCreateWhen::new(when), operations::DiskCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskViewWhen, operations::DiskViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskViewWhen::new(when), operations::DiskViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskDeleteWhen, operations::DiskDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::DiskDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_metrics_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskMetricsListWhen, operations::DiskMetricsListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskMetricsListWhen::new(when), operations::DiskMetricsListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn image_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageListWhen, operations::ImageListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ImageListWhen::new(when), operations::ImageListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn image_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageCreateWhen, operations::ImageCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ImageCreateWhen::new(when), operations::ImageCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn image_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageViewWhen, operations::ImageViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ImageViewWhen::new(when), operations::ImageViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn image_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ImageDeleteWhen, operations::ImageDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ImageDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::ImageDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceListWhen, operations::InstanceListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceListWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceCreateWhen, operations::InstanceCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceCreateWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceViewWhen, operations::InstanceViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceViewWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDeleteWhen, operations::InstanceDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskListWhen, operations::InstanceDiskListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDiskListWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceDiskListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_disk_attach(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskAttachWhen, operations::InstanceDiskAttachThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDiskAttachWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceDiskAttachThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_disk_detach(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskDetachWhen, operations::InstanceDiskDetachThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDiskDetachWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceDiskDetachThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_external_ip_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceExternalIpListWhen, operations::InstanceExternalIpListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceExternalIpListWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceExternalIpListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_migrate(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceMigrateWhen, operations::InstanceMigrateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceMigrateWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceMigrateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_network_interface_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceListWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceListThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceListWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_network_interface_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_network_interface_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_network_interface_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_network_interface_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteWhen, operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceNetworkInterfaceDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_reboot(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceRebootWhen, operations::InstanceRebootThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceRebootWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceRebootThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_serial_console(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceSerialConsoleWhen, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceSerialConsoleThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_serial_console_stream(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamWhen, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_start(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStartWhen, operations::InstanceStartThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceStartWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceStartThen::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_stop(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStopWhen, operations::InstanceStopThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceStopWhen::new(when), operations::InstanceStopThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyViewWhen, operations::ProjectPolicyViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectPolicyViewWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectPolicyViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn project_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn snapshot_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotListWhen, operations::SnapshotListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SnapshotListWhen::new(when), operations::SnapshotListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn snapshot_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotCreateWhen, operations::SnapshotCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SnapshotCreateWhen::new(when), operations::SnapshotCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn snapshot_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotViewWhen, operations::SnapshotViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SnapshotViewWhen::new(when), operations::SnapshotViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn snapshot_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SnapshotDeleteWhen, operations::SnapshotDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SnapshotDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::SnapshotDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcListWhen, operations::VpcListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcListWhen::new(when), operations::VpcListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcCreateWhen, operations::VpcCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcCreateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcViewWhen, operations::VpcViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcViewWhen::new(when), operations::VpcViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcUpdateWhen, operations::VpcUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcDeleteWhen, operations::VpcDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::VpcDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_firewall_rules_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcFirewallRulesViewWhen, operations::VpcFirewallRulesViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcFirewallRulesViewWhen::new(when), operations::VpcFirewallRulesViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_firewall_rules_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcFirewallRulesUpdateWhen, operations::VpcFirewallRulesUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcFirewallRulesUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcFirewallRulesUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterListWhen, operations::VpcRouterListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterListWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterCreateWhen, operations::VpcRouterCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterCreateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterViewWhen, operations::VpcRouterViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterViewWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterUpdateWhen, operations::VpcRouterUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterDeleteWhen, operations::VpcRouterDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_route_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteListWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterRouteListWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterRouteListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_route_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteCreateWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterRouteCreateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterRouteCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_route_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteViewWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterRouteViewWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterRouteViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_route_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteUpdateWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterRouteUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterRouteUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_router_route_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcRouterRouteDeleteWhen, operations::VpcRouterRouteDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcRouterRouteDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::VpcRouterRouteDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetListWhen, operations::VpcSubnetListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetListWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetCreateWhen, operations::VpcSubnetCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetCreateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetViewWhen, operations::VpcSubnetViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetViewWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetUpdateWhen, operations::VpcSubnetUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::VpcSubnetDeleteWhen, operations::VpcSubnetDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn vpc_subnet_list_network_interfaces(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesWhen, operations::VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesWhen::new(when), operations::VpcSubnetListNetworkInterfacesThen::new(then), ) }) } fn policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::PolicyViewWhen, operations::PolicyViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::PolicyViewWhen::new(when), operations::PolicyViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::PolicyUpdateWhen, operations::PolicyUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::PolicyUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::PolicyUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn role_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RoleListWhen, operations::RoleListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::RoleListWhen::new(when), operations::RoleListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn role_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RoleViewWhen, operations::RoleViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::RoleViewWhen::new(when), operations::RoleViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn session_me(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionMeWhen, operations::SessionMeThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SessionMeWhen::new(when), operations::SessionMeThen::new(then), ) }) } fn session_me_groups(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionMeGroupsWhen, operations::SessionMeGroupsThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SessionMeGroupsWhen::new(when), operations::SessionMeGroupsThen::new(then), ) }) } fn session_sshkey_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyListWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SessionSshkeyListWhen::new(when), operations::SessionSshkeyListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn session_sshkey_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyCreateWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SessionSshkeyCreateWhen::new(when), operations::SessionSshkeyCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn session_sshkey_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyViewWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SessionSshkeyViewWhen::new(when), operations::SessionSshkeyViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn session_sshkey_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SessionSshkeyDeleteWhen, operations::SessionSshkeyDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SessionSshkeyDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::SessionSshkeyDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_image_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageViewByIdWhen, operations::SystemImageViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemImageViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::SystemImageViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolViewByIdWhen, operations::IpPoolViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_view_by_id(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloViewByIdWhen, operations::SiloViewByIdThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloViewByIdWhen::new(when), operations::SiloViewByIdThen::new(then), ) }) } fn certificate_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateListWhen, operations::CertificateListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::CertificateListWhen::new(when), operations::CertificateListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn certificate_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateCreateWhen, operations::CertificateCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::CertificateCreateWhen::new(when), operations::CertificateCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn certificate_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateViewWhen, operations::CertificateViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::CertificateViewWhen::new(when), operations::CertificateViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn certificate_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::CertificateDeleteWhen, operations::CertificateDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::CertificateDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::CertificateDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn physical_disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::PhysicalDiskListWhen, operations::PhysicalDiskListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::PhysicalDiskListWhen::new(when), operations::PhysicalDiskListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn rack_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RackListWhen, operations::RackListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::RackListWhen::new(when), operations::RackListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn rack_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::RackViewWhen, operations::RackViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::RackViewWhen::new(when), operations::RackViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn sled_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SledListWhen, operations::SledListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SledListWhen::new(when), operations::SledListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn sled_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SledViewWhen, operations::SledViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SledViewWhen::new(when), operations::SledViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn sled_physical_disk_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SledPhysicalDiskListWhen, operations::SledPhysicalDiskListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SledPhysicalDiskListWhen::new(when), operations::SledPhysicalDiskListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_image_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageListWhen, operations::SystemImageListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemImageListWhen::new(when), operations::SystemImageListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_image_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageCreateWhen, operations::SystemImageCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemImageCreateWhen::new(when), operations::SystemImageCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_image_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageViewWhen, operations::SystemImageViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemImageViewWhen::new(when), operations::SystemImageViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_image_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemImageDeleteWhen, operations::SystemImageDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemImageDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::SystemImageDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolListWhen, operations::IpPoolListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolListWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolCreateWhen, operations::IpPoolCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolCreateWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolViewWhen, operations::IpPoolViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolViewWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolUpdateWhen, operations::IpPoolUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolDeleteWhen, operations::IpPoolDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_range_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolRangeListWhen, operations::IpPoolRangeListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolRangeListWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolRangeListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_range_add(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolRangeAddWhen, operations::IpPoolRangeAddThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolRangeAddWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolRangeAddThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_range_remove(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolRangeRemoveWhen, operations::IpPoolRangeRemoveThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolRangeRemoveWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolRangeRemoveThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_service_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolServiceViewWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolServiceViewWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolServiceViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_service_range_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolServiceRangeListWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceRangeListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolServiceRangeListWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolServiceRangeListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_service_range_add(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::IpPoolServiceRangeAddWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceRangeAddThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolServiceRangeAddWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolServiceRangeAddThen::new(then), ) }) } fn ip_pool_service_range_remove(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveWhen, operations::IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveWhen::new(when), operations::IpPoolServiceRangeRemoveThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_metric(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemMetricWhen, operations::SystemMetricThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemMetricWhen::new(when), operations::SystemMetricThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemPolicyViewWhen, operations::SystemPolicyViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemPolicyViewWhen::new(when), operations::SystemPolicyViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::SystemPolicyUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemPolicyUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::SystemPolicyUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn saga_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SagaListWhen, operations::SagaListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SagaListWhen::new(when), operations::SagaListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn saga_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SagaViewWhen, operations::SagaViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SagaViewWhen::new(when), operations::SagaViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloListWhen, operations::SiloListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloListWhen::new(when), operations::SiloListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloCreateWhen, operations::SiloCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloCreateWhen::new(when), operations::SiloCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloViewWhen, operations::SiloViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloViewWhen::new(when), operations::SiloViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloDeleteWhen, operations::SiloDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::SiloDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_identity_provider_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SiloIdentityProviderListWhen, operations::SiloIdentityProviderListThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloIdentityProviderListWhen::new(when), operations::SiloIdentityProviderListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn local_idp_user_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LocalIdpUserCreateWhen, operations::LocalIdpUserCreateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LocalIdpUserCreateWhen::new(when), operations::LocalIdpUserCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn local_idp_user_delete(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LocalIdpUserDeleteWhen, operations::LocalIdpUserDeleteThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LocalIdpUserDeleteWhen::new(when), operations::LocalIdpUserDeleteThen::new(then), ) }) } fn local_idp_user_set_password(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::LocalIdpUserSetPasswordWhen, operations::LocalIdpUserSetPasswordThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::LocalIdpUserSetPasswordWhen::new(when), operations::LocalIdpUserSetPasswordThen::new(then), ) }) } fn saml_identity_provider_create(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SamlIdentityProviderCreateWhen, operations::SamlIdentityProviderCreateThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SamlIdentityProviderCreateWhen::new(when), operations::SamlIdentityProviderCreateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn saml_identity_provider_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SamlIdentityProviderViewWhen, operations::SamlIdentityProviderViewThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SamlIdentityProviderViewWhen::new(when), operations::SamlIdentityProviderViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_policy_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloPolicyViewWhen, operations::SiloPolicyViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloPolicyViewWhen::new(when), operations::SiloPolicyViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_policy_update(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloPolicyUpdateWhen, operations::SiloPolicyUpdateThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloPolicyUpdateWhen::new(when), operations::SiloPolicyUpdateThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_users_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloUsersListWhen, operations::SiloUsersListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloUsersListWhen::new(when), operations::SiloUsersListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn silo_user_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SiloUserViewWhen, operations::SiloUserViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SiloUserViewWhen::new(when), operations::SiloUserViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_user_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUserListWhen, operations::SystemUserListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUserListWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUserListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_user_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUserViewWhen, operations::SystemUserViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUserViewWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUserViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn timeseries_schema_get(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::TimeseriesSchemaGetWhen, operations::TimeseriesSchemaGetThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::TimeseriesSchemaGetWhen::new(when), operations::TimeseriesSchemaGetThen::new(then), ) }) } fn user_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::UserListWhen, operations::UserListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::UserListWhen::new(when), operations::UserListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskListV1When, operations::DiskListV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskListV1When::new(when), operations::DiskListV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskCreateV1When, operations::DiskCreateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskCreateV1When::new(when), operations::DiskCreateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskViewV1When, operations::DiskViewV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskViewV1When::new(when), operations::DiskViewV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn disk_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::DiskDeleteV1When, operations::DiskDeleteV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::DiskDeleteV1When::new(when), operations::DiskDeleteV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceListV1When, operations::InstanceListV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceListV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceListV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceCreateV1When, operations::InstanceCreateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceCreateV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceCreateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceViewV1When, operations::InstanceViewV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceViewV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceViewV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDeleteV1When, operations::InstanceDeleteV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDeleteV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceDeleteV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_disk_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskListV1When, operations::InstanceDiskListV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDiskListV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceDiskListV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_disk_attach_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskAttachV1When, operations::InstanceDiskAttachV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDiskAttachV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceDiskAttachV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_disk_detach_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceDiskDetachV1When, operations::InstanceDiskDetachV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceDiskDetachV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceDiskDetachV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_migrate_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceMigrateV1When, operations::InstanceMigrateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceMigrateV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceMigrateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_reboot_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceRebootV1When, operations::InstanceRebootV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceRebootV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceRebootV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_serial_console_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceSerialConsoleV1When, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceSerialConsoleV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_serial_console_stream_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1When, operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1Then, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceSerialConsoleStreamV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_start_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStartV1When, operations::InstanceStartV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceStartV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceStartV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn instance_stop_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::InstanceStopV1When, operations::InstanceStopV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::InstanceStopV1When::new(when), operations::InstanceStopV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationListV1When, operations::OrganizationListV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationListV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationListV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationCreateV1When, operations::OrganizationCreateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationCreateV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationCreateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationViewV1When, operations::OrganizationViewV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationViewV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationViewV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationUpdateV1When, operations::OrganizationUpdateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationUpdateV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationUpdateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::OrganizationDeleteV1When, operations::OrganizationDeleteV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationDeleteV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationDeleteV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_policy_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::OrganizationPolicyViewV1When, operations::OrganizationPolicyViewV1Then, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationPolicyViewV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationPolicyViewV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn organization_policy_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1When, operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1Then, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1When::new(when), operations::OrganizationPolicyUpdateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_list_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectListV1When, operations::ProjectListV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectListV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectListV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_create_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectCreateV1When, operations::ProjectCreateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectCreateV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectCreateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectViewV1When, operations::ProjectViewV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectViewV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectViewV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectUpdateV1When, operations::ProjectUpdateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectUpdateV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectUpdateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_delete_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectDeleteV1When, operations::ProjectDeleteV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectDeleteV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectDeleteV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_policy_view_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyViewV1When, operations::ProjectPolicyViewV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectPolicyViewV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectPolicyViewV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn project_policy_update_v1(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateV1When, operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateV1Then), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateV1When::new(when), operations::ProjectPolicyUpdateV1Then::new(then), ) }) } fn system_component_version_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SystemComponentVersionListWhen, operations::SystemComponentVersionListThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemComponentVersionListWhen::new(when), operations::SystemComponentVersionListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn update_deployments_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::UpdateDeploymentsListWhen, operations::UpdateDeploymentsListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::UpdateDeploymentsListWhen::new(when), operations::UpdateDeploymentsListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn update_deployment_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::UpdateDeploymentViewWhen, operations::UpdateDeploymentViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::UpdateDeploymentViewWhen::new(when), operations::UpdateDeploymentViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_update_refresh(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateRefreshWhen, operations::SystemUpdateRefreshThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUpdateRefreshWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUpdateRefreshThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_update_start(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateStartWhen, operations::SystemUpdateStartThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUpdateStartWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUpdateStartThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_update_stop(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateStopWhen, operations::SystemUpdateStopThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUpdateStopWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUpdateStopThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_update_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateListWhen, operations::SystemUpdateListThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUpdateListWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUpdateListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_update_view(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemUpdateViewWhen, operations::SystemUpdateViewThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUpdateViewWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUpdateViewThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_update_components_list(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce( operations::SystemUpdateComponentsListWhen, operations::SystemUpdateComponentsListThen, ), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemUpdateComponentsListWhen::new(when), operations::SystemUpdateComponentsListThen::new(then), ) }) } fn system_version(&self, config_fn: F) -> httpmock::Mock where F: FnOnce(operations::SystemVersionWhen, operations::SystemVersionThen), { self.mock(|when, then| { config_fn( operations::SystemVersionWhen::new(when), operations::SystemVersionThen::new(then), ) }) } }