
1.9 KiB

Mersenne Twister 32 bit seeding => bx consumption pattern => BIP39

Example private keys without victim funds

128 bit = 12 Word Mnemonic

PRNG seed id Mnemonic
0x8ec170a8 = 2395041960 local chef load churn future essence type leave program weird ancient owner

256 bit = 24 Word Mnemonic

PRNG seed id Mnemonic
0 milk sad wage cup reward umbrella raven visa give list decorate bulb gold raise twenty fly manual stand float super gentle climb fold park
1 helmet worry describe able age zebra neutral load gown kitchen stomach fine galaxy shaft giant head question coyote broccoli scatter parrot session quick check
4294967294 lunar stage lake brick endless quit dignity odor disagree jaguar step scan announce glide slow way response upon divorce wave amazing tonight giggle love

Private keys with deliberately placed funds

Early in our research into the libbitcoin-explorer issues, we deliberately placed some small amounts of Bitcoin onto known-weak wallets to see if and when they would get detected and stolen.

See for more details.

We are certain that these wallets do not belong to victims, and that any outgoing transfers were thefts. Aside from their original function, these wallets are also useful for testing.

PRNG seed id Mnemonic
500 rain observe thumb favorite rib wonder fiber uncle cube wife fetch erosion input conduct shuffle cancel indicate clever income retreat transfer planet portion motion
4294967295 blossom trap goddess narrow hockey tip bachelor business light rural maximum guitar live short paper olympic hello crater own frame moment cousin enemy retire

We excluded relevant addresses of these intentionally generated weak wallets from the victim_* lists and have a separate canary_* list for them.