636 lines
27 KiB
636 lines
27 KiB
// Written in 2014 by Andrew Poelstra <apoelstra@wpsoftware.net>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
//! Bitcoin blocks.
//! A block is a bundle of transactions with a proof-of-work attached,
//! which commits to an earlier block to form the blockchain. This
//! module describes structures and functions needed to describe
//! these blocks and the blockchain.
use crate::prelude::*;
use core::fmt;
use crate::merkle_tree;
use crate::error::Error::{self, BlockBadTarget, BlockBadProofOfWork};
use crate::hashes::{Hash, HashEngine};
use crate::hash_types::{Wtxid, TxMerkleNode, WitnessMerkleNode, WitnessCommitment};
use crate::consensus::{encode, Encodable, Decodable};
use crate::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
use crate::blockdata::script;
use crate::pow::{CompactTarget, Target, Work};
use crate::VarInt;
use crate::internal_macros::impl_consensus_encoding;
use crate::io;
use super::Weight;
pub use crate::hash_types::BlockHash;
/// Bitcoin block header.
/// Contains all the block's information except the actual transactions, but
/// including a root of a [merkle tree] commiting to all transactions in the block.
/// [merkle tree]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree
/// ### Bitcoin Core References
/// * [CBlockHeader definition](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/345457b542b6a980ccfbc868af0970a6f91d1b82/src/primitives/block.h#L20)
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(crate = "actual_serde"))]
pub struct Header {
/// Block version, now repurposed for soft fork signalling.
pub version: Version,
/// Reference to the previous block in the chain.
pub prev_blockhash: BlockHash,
/// The root hash of the merkle tree of transactions in the block.
pub merkle_root: TxMerkleNode,
/// The timestamp of the block, as claimed by the miner.
pub time: u32,
/// The target value below which the blockhash must lie.
pub bits: CompactTarget,
/// The nonce, selected to obtain a low enough blockhash.
pub nonce: u32,
impl_consensus_encoding!(Header, version, prev_blockhash, merkle_root, time, bits, nonce);
impl Header {
/// Returns the block hash.
pub fn block_hash(&self) -> BlockHash {
let mut engine = BlockHash::engine();
self.consensus_encode(&mut engine).expect("engines don't error");
/// Computes the target (range [0, T] inclusive) that a blockhash must land in to be valid.
pub fn target(&self) -> Target {
/// Computes the popular "difficulty" measure for mining.
pub fn difficulty(&self) -> u128 {
/// Checks that the proof-of-work for the block is valid, returning the block hash.
pub fn validate_pow(&self, required_target: Target) -> Result<BlockHash, Error> {
let target = self.target();
if target != required_target {
return Err(BlockBadTarget);
let block_hash = self.block_hash();
if target.is_met_by(block_hash) {
} else {
/// Returns the total work of the block.
pub fn work(&self) -> Work {
/// Bitcoin block version number.
/// Originally used as a protocol version, but repurposed for soft-fork signaling.
/// The inner value is a signed integer in Bitcoin Core for historical reasons, if version bits is
/// being used the top three bits must be 001, this gives us a useful range of [0x20000000...0x3FFFFFFF].
/// > When a block nVersion does not have top bits 001, it is treated as if all bits are 0 for the purposes of deployments.
/// ### Relevant BIPs
/// * [BIP9 - Version bits with timeout and delay](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0009.mediawiki) (current usage)
/// * [BIP34 - Block v2, Height in Coinbase](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0034.mediawiki)
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(crate = "actual_serde"))]
pub struct Version(i32);
impl Version {
/// The original Bitcoin Block v1.
pub const ONE: Self = Self(1);
/// BIP-34 Block v2.
pub const TWO: Self = Self(2);
/// BIP-9 compatible version number that does not signal for any softforks.
pub const NO_SOFT_FORK_SIGNALLING: Self = Self(Self::USE_VERSION_BITS as i32);
/// BIP-9 soft fork signal bits mask.
/// 32bit value starting with `001` to use version bits.
/// The value has the top three bits `001` which enables the use of version bits to signal for soft forks.
const USE_VERSION_BITS: u32 = 0x2000_0000;
/// Creates a [`Version`] from a signed 32 bit integer value.
/// This is the data type used in consensus code in Bitcoin Core.
pub fn from_consensus(v: i32) -> Self {
/// Returns the inner `i32` value.
/// This is the data type used in consensus code in Bitcoin Core.
pub fn to_consensus(self) -> i32 {
/// Checks whether the version number is signalling a soft fork at the given bit.
/// A block is signalling for a soft fork under BIP-9 if the first 3 bits are `001` and
/// the version bit for the specific soft fork is toggled on.
pub fn is_signalling_soft_fork(&self, bit: u8) -> bool {
// Only bits [0, 28] inclusive are used for signalling.
if bit > 28 {
return false;
// To signal using version bits, the first three bits must be `001`.
if (self.0 as u32) & !Self::VERSION_BITS_MASK != Self::USE_VERSION_BITS {
return false;
// The bit is set if signalling a soft fork.
(self.0 as u32 & Self::VERSION_BITS_MASK) & (1 << bit) > 0
impl Default for Version {
fn default() -> Version {
impl Encodable for Version {
fn consensus_encode<W: io::Write + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
impl Decodable for Version {
fn consensus_decode<R: io::Read + ?Sized>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, encode::Error> {
/// Bitcoin block.
/// A collection of transactions with an attached proof of work.
/// See [Bitcoin Wiki: Block][wiki-block] for more information.
/// [wiki-block]: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block
/// ### Bitcoin Core References
/// * [CBlock definition](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/345457b542b6a980ccfbc868af0970a6f91d1b82/src/primitives/block.h#L62)
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(crate = "actual_serde"))]
pub struct Block {
/// The block header
pub header: Header,
/// List of transactions contained in the block
pub txdata: Vec<Transaction>
impl_consensus_encoding!(Block, header, txdata);
impl Block {
/// Returns the block hash.
pub fn block_hash(&self) -> BlockHash {
/// Checks if merkle root of header matches merkle root of the transaction list.
pub fn check_merkle_root(&self) -> bool {
match self.compute_merkle_root() {
Some(merkle_root) => self.header.merkle_root == merkle_root,
None => false,
/// Checks if witness commitment in coinbase matches the transaction list.
pub fn check_witness_commitment(&self) -> bool {
const MAGIC: [u8; 6] = [0x6a, 0x24, 0xaa, 0x21, 0xa9, 0xed];
// Witness commitment is optional if there are no transactions using SegWit in the block.
if self.txdata.iter().all(|t| t.input.iter().all(|i| i.witness.is_empty())) {
return true;
if self.txdata.is_empty() {
return false;
let coinbase = &self.txdata[0];
if !coinbase.is_coin_base() {
return false;
// Commitment is in the last output that starts with magic bytes.
if let Some(pos) = coinbase.output.iter()
.rposition(|o| o.script_pubkey.len () >= 38 && o.script_pubkey.as_bytes()[0..6] == MAGIC)
let commitment = WitnessCommitment::from_slice(&coinbase.output[pos].script_pubkey.as_bytes()[6..38]).unwrap();
// Witness reserved value is in coinbase input witness.
let witness_vec: Vec<_> = coinbase.input[0].witness.iter().collect();
if witness_vec.len() == 1 && witness_vec[0].len() == 32 {
if let Some(witness_root) = self.witness_root() {
return commitment == Self::compute_witness_commitment(&witness_root, witness_vec[0]);
/// Computes the transaction merkle root.
pub fn compute_merkle_root(&self) -> Option<TxMerkleNode> {
let hashes = self.txdata.iter().map(|obj| obj.txid().as_hash());
merkle_tree::calculate_root(hashes).map(|h| h.into())
/// Computes the witness commitment for the block's transaction list.
pub fn compute_witness_commitment(witness_root: &WitnessMerkleNode, witness_reserved_value: &[u8]) -> WitnessCommitment {
let mut encoder = WitnessCommitment::engine();
witness_root.consensus_encode(&mut encoder).expect("engines don't error");
/// Computes the merkle root of transactions hashed for witness.
pub fn witness_root(&self) -> Option<WitnessMerkleNode> {
let hashes = self.txdata.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, t)| {
if i == 0 {
// Replace the first hash with zeroes.
} else {
merkle_tree::calculate_root(hashes).map(|h| h.into())
/// base_size == size of header + size of encoded transaction count.
fn base_size(&self) -> usize {
80 + VarInt(self.txdata.len() as u64).len()
/// Returns the size of the block.
/// size == size of header + size of encoded transaction count + total size of transactions.
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
let txs_size: usize = self.txdata.iter().map(Transaction::size).sum();
self.base_size() + txs_size
/// Returns the strippedsize of the block.
pub fn strippedsize(&self) -> usize {
let txs_size: usize = self.txdata.iter().map(Transaction::strippedsize).sum();
self.base_size() + txs_size
/// Returns the weight of the block.
pub fn weight(&self) -> Weight {
let base_weight = Weight::from_non_witness_data_size(self.base_size() as u64);
let txs_weight: Weight = self.txdata.iter().map(Transaction::weight).sum();
base_weight + txs_weight
/// Returns the coinbase transaction, if one is present.
pub fn coinbase(&self) -> Option<&Transaction> {
/// Returns the block height, as encoded in the coinbase transaction according to BIP34.
pub fn bip34_block_height(&self) -> Result<u64, Bip34Error> {
// Citing the spec:
// Add height as the first item in the coinbase transaction's scriptSig,
// and increase block version to 2. The format of the height is
// "minimally encoded serialized CScript"" -- first byte is number of bytes in the number
// (will be 0x03 on main net for the next 150 or so years with 2^23-1
// blocks), following bytes are little-endian representation of the
// number (including a sign bit). Height is the height of the mined
// block in the block chain, where the genesis block is height zero (0).
if self.header.version < Version::TWO {
return Err(Bip34Error::Unsupported);
let cb = self.coinbase().ok_or(Bip34Error::NotPresent)?;
let input = cb.input.first().ok_or(Bip34Error::NotPresent)?;
let push = input.script_sig.instructions_minimal().next().ok_or(Bip34Error::NotPresent)?;
match push.map_err(|_| Bip34Error::NotPresent)? {
script::Instruction::PushBytes(b) => {
// Check that the number is encoded in the minimal way.
let h = script::read_scriptint(b.as_bytes()).map_err(|_e| Bip34Error::UnexpectedPush(b.as_bytes().to_vec()))?;
if h < 0 {
} else {
Ok(h as u64)
_ => Err(Bip34Error::NotPresent),
/// An error when looking up a BIP34 block height.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Bip34Error {
/// The block does not support BIP34 yet.
/// No push was present where the BIP34 push was expected.
/// The BIP34 push was larger than 8 bytes.
/// The BIP34 push was negative.
impl fmt::Display for Bip34Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Bip34Error::Unsupported => write!(f, "block doesn't support BIP34"),
Bip34Error::NotPresent => write!(f, "BIP34 push not present in block's coinbase"),
Bip34Error::UnexpectedPush(ref p) => {
write!(f, "unexpected byte push of > 8 bytes: {:?}", p)
Bip34Error::NegativeHeight => write!(f, "negative BIP34 height"),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
impl std::error::Error for Bip34Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
use self::Bip34Error::*;
match self {
Unsupported |
NotPresent |
UnexpectedPush(_) |
NegativeHeight => None,
impl From<Header> for BlockHash {
fn from(header: Header) -> BlockHash {
impl From<&Header> for BlockHash {
fn from(header: &Header) -> BlockHash {
impl From<Block> for BlockHash {
fn from(block: Block) -> BlockHash {
impl From<&Block> for BlockHash {
fn from(block: &Block) -> BlockHash {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::hashes::hex::FromHex;
use crate::consensus::encode::{deserialize, serialize};
use crate::internal_macros::hex;
fn test_coinbase_and_bip34() {
// testnet block 100,000
const BLOCK_HEX: &str = "0200000035ab154183570282ce9afc0b494c9fc6a3cfea05aa8c1add2ecc56490000000038ba3d78e4500a5a7570dbe61960398add4410d278b21cd9708e6d9743f374d544fc055227f1001c29c1ea3b0101000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff3703a08601000427f1001c046a510100522cfabe6d6d0000000000000000000068692066726f6d20706f6f6c7365727665726aac1eeeed88ffffffff0100f2052a010000001976a914912e2b234f941f30b18afbb4fa46171214bf66c888ac00000000";
let block: Block = deserialize(&hex!(BLOCK_HEX)).unwrap();
let cb_txid = "d574f343976d8e70d91cb278d21044dd8a396019e6db70755a0a50e4783dba38";
assert_eq!(block.coinbase().unwrap().txid().to_string(), cb_txid);
assert_eq!(block.bip34_block_height(), Ok(100_000));
// block with 9-byte bip34 push
const BAD_HEX: &str = "0200000035ab154183570282ce9afc0b494c9fc6a3cfea05aa8c1add2ecc56490000000038ba3d78e4500a5a7570dbe61960398add4410d278b21cd9708e6d9743f374d544fc055227f1001c29c1ea3b0101000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff3d09a08601112233445566000427f1001c046a510100522cfabe6d6d0000000000000000000068692066726f6d20706f6f6c7365727665726aac1eeeed88ffffffff0100f2052a010000001976a914912e2b234f941f30b18afbb4fa46171214bf66c888ac00000000";
let bad: Block = deserialize(&hex!(BAD_HEX)).unwrap();
let push = Vec::<u8>::from_hex("a08601112233445566").unwrap();
assert_eq!(bad.bip34_block_height(), Err(super::Bip34Error::UnexpectedPush(push)));
fn block_test() {
// Mainnet block 00000000b0c5a240b2a61d2e75692224efd4cbecdf6eaf4cc2cf477ca7c270e7
let some_block = hex!("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");
let cutoff_block = hex!("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");
let prevhash = hex!("4ddccd549d28f385ab457e98d1b11ce80bfea2c5ab93015ade4973e400000000");
let merkle = hex!("bf4473e53794beae34e64fccc471dace6ae544180816f89591894e0f417a914c");
let work = Work::from(0x100010001_u128);
let decode: Result<Block, _> = deserialize(&some_block);
let bad_decode: Result<Block, _> = deserialize(&cutoff_block);
let real_decode = decode.unwrap();
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.version, Version(1));
assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode.header.prev_blockhash), prevhash);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.merkle_root, real_decode.compute_merkle_root().unwrap());
assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode.header.merkle_root), merkle);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.time, 1231965655);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.bits, CompactTarget::from_consensus(486604799));
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.nonce, 2067413810);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.work(), work);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.validate_pow(real_decode.header.target()).unwrap(), real_decode.block_hash());
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.difficulty(), 1);
// [test] TODO: check the transaction data
assert_eq!(real_decode.size(), some_block.len());
assert_eq!(real_decode.strippedsize(), some_block.len());
assert_eq!(real_decode.weight(), Weight::from_non_witness_data_size(some_block.len() as u64));
// should be also ok for a non-witness block as commitment is optional in that case
assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode), some_block);
// Check testnet block 000000000000045e0b1660b6445b5e5c5ab63c9a4f956be7e1e69be04fa4497b
fn segwit_block_test() {
let segwit_block = include_bytes!("../../tests/data/testnet_block_000000000000045e0b1660b6445b5e5c5ab63c9a4f956be7e1e69be04fa4497b.raw").to_vec();
let decode: Result<Block, _> = deserialize(&segwit_block);
let prevhash = hex!("2aa2f2ca794ccbd40c16e2f3333f6b8b683f9e7179b2c4d74906000000000000");
let merkle = hex!("10bc26e70a2f672ad420a6153dd0c28b40a6002c55531bfc99bf8994a8e8f67e");
let work = Work::from(0x257c3becdacc64_u64);
let real_decode = decode.unwrap();
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.version, Version(Version::USE_VERSION_BITS as i32)); // VERSIONBITS but no bits set
assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode.header.prev_blockhash), prevhash);
assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode.header.merkle_root), merkle);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.merkle_root, real_decode.compute_merkle_root().unwrap());
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.time, 1472004949);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.bits, CompactTarget::from_consensus(0x1a06d450));
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.nonce, 1879759182);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.work(), work);
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.validate_pow(real_decode.header.target()).unwrap(), real_decode.block_hash());
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.difficulty(), 2456598);
// [test] TODO: check the transaction data
assert_eq!(real_decode.size(), segwit_block.len());
assert_eq!(real_decode.strippedsize(), 4283);
assert_eq!(real_decode.weight(), Weight::from_wu(17168));
assert_eq!(serialize(&real_decode), segwit_block);
fn block_version_test() {
let block = hex!("ffffff7f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
let decode: Result<Block, _> = deserialize(&block);
let real_decode = decode.unwrap();
assert_eq!(real_decode.header.version, Version(2147483647));
let block2 = hex!("000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
let decode2: Result<Block, _> = deserialize(&block2);
let real_decode2 = decode2.unwrap();
assert_eq!(real_decode2.header.version, Version(-2147483648));
fn validate_pow_test() {
let some_header = hex!("010000004ddccd549d28f385ab457e98d1b11ce80bfea2c5ab93015ade4973e400000000bf4473e53794beae34e64fccc471dace6ae544180816f89591894e0f417a914cd74d6e49ffff001d323b3a7b");
let some_header: Header = deserialize(&some_header).expect("Can't deserialize correct block header");
assert_eq!(some_header.validate_pow(some_header.target()).unwrap(), some_header.block_hash());
// test with zero target
match some_header.validate_pow(Target::ZERO) {
Err(BlockBadTarget) => (),
_ => panic!("unexpected result from validate_pow"),
// test with modified header
let mut invalid_header: Header = some_header;
invalid_header.version.0 += 1;
match invalid_header.validate_pow(invalid_header.target()) {
Err(BlockBadProofOfWork) => (),
_ => panic!("unexpected result from validate_pow"),
fn compact_roundrtip_test() {
let some_header = hex!("010000004ddccd549d28f385ab457e98d1b11ce80bfea2c5ab93015ade4973e400000000bf4473e53794beae34e64fccc471dace6ae544180816f89591894e0f417a914cd74d6e49ffff001d323b3a7b");
let header: Header = deserialize(&some_header).expect("Can't deserialize correct block header");
assert_eq!(header.bits, header.target().to_compact_lossy());
fn soft_fork_signalling() {
for i in 0..31 {
let version_int = (0x20000000u32 ^ 1<<i) as i32;
let version = Version(version_int);
if i < 29 {
} else {
let segwit_signal = Version(0x20000000 ^ 1<<1);
mod benches {
use super::Block;
use crate::EmptyWrite;
use crate::consensus::{deserialize, Encodable, Decodable};
use test::{black_box, Bencher};
pub fn bench_stream_reader(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let big_block = include_bytes!("../../tests/data/mainnet_block_000000000000000000000c835b2adcaedc20fdf6ee440009c249452c726dafae.raw");
assert_eq!(big_block.len(), 1_381_836);
let big_block = black_box(big_block);
bh.iter(|| {
let mut reader = &big_block[..];
let block = Block::consensus_decode(&mut reader).unwrap();
pub fn bench_block_serialize(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let raw_block = include_bytes!("../../tests/data/mainnet_block_000000000000000000000c835b2adcaedc20fdf6ee440009c249452c726dafae.raw");
let block: Block = deserialize(&raw_block[..]).unwrap();
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(raw_block.len());
bh.iter(|| {
let result = block.consensus_encode(&mut data);
pub fn bench_block_serialize_logic(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let raw_block = include_bytes!("../../tests/data/mainnet_block_000000000000000000000c835b2adcaedc20fdf6ee440009c249452c726dafae.raw");
let block: Block = deserialize(&raw_block[..]).unwrap();
bh.iter(|| {
let size = block.consensus_encode(&mut EmptyWrite);
pub fn bench_block_deserialize(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let raw_block = include_bytes!("../../tests/data/mainnet_block_000000000000000000000c835b2adcaedc20fdf6ee440009c249452c726dafae.raw");
bh.iter(|| {
let block: Block = deserialize(&raw_block[..]).unwrap();