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# Implementing the client
Once you have generated your client, you'll notice there are two methods to create a new client; `Client::new()` and `Client::new_with_client()`.
The first method will create a basic client without any headers or customisations that aren't already in your OpenAPI specification file:
let client = Client::new("https://foo/bar");
Should you need to set custom headers or other reqwest::ClientBuilder methods, you can use `Client::new_with_client()` as shown below.
let mut val = reqwest::header::HeaderValue::from_static("super-secret");
let mut headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert(reqwest::header::AUTHORIZATION, val);
// Insert more headers if necessary
let client_builder = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new()
// Set custom timeout
.connect_timeout(Duration::new(60, 0))
// Set custom headers
let client Client::new_with_client("https://foo/bar", client_builder);
For more information on available methods, see the [reqwest]( documentation.